Track 8 is the first Mimosa stage in Hi-Fi Rush. To get to the Vandelay marketing manager, Chai needs to cross a park and infiltrate a museum, and like any good museum this stage is full of history and backstory.

Something else this museum has is a lot of reading material. Track 8 has the most vlog entries to collect by far, and as a big stage it also has plenty of other collectibles. It's easy to miss one or two in all the corners and side rooms of the museum, which is why this Hi-Fi Rush guide will point out every collectible this level has to offer.

RELATED: Hi-Fi Rush: All Collectibles in Track 5

A Night in the Park

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 1

The Vlog collecting starts immediately after Track 8 begins. Jump down from the ticket booth Chai starts on and check the counter for the first entry.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 1

On the far side of the park is a bathroom where a robot is having a hard time. Jump on top to find the first Armstrong Circuit.

hi fi rush track 8 graffiti 1

Chai can't go straight through the big gate because an old robot is busy polishing it. Look to the left of this robot to spot some Graffiti Art.

hi fi rush track 8 trash mission

Close to the gate is a round path. A SCR-UB will ask Chai to find a golden can in a trash can.

hi fi rush track 8 trash

The trash bin in question is back towards the entrance, just beneath the big globe sculpture. Hit the bin to make the golden can come out, and Chai will automatically bring it back to the SCR-UB and get a Health Gauge piece as a reward. Completing this sub-mission also contributes to the "I am a good person who likes to help" achievement.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 2

The golden can isn't the only thing Chai can find in the trash. Check the bin to the right of the fenced-off area to find a discarded Vlog.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 2

After getting past the first fire door, jump down off the broken catwalk and turn around. There's an Armstrong Circuit next to the debris.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 3

Close to the circuit is another Vlog. Apparently this robot wants to make it clear he's only recharging.

hi fi rush track 8 tank 1

On the far side of the service tunnel two SCR-UBs are talking about the concert. Behind them is a set of boxes, and behind the boxes is a Health Tank piece.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 4

After climbing out of the service tunnel, there's a broken wall that leads to the museum grounds. Before jumping over, check behind the fence to find a Vlog.

A Clockwork Museum

hi fi rush track 8 reverb 1

After the big fight in the middle of the museum grounds, turn left and go through a gate. Turn left again and follow the path around to find a Reverb piece.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 3

To get this Armstrong Circuit, do the same thing in reverse: from the central grounds, go right through a gate and then right again.

hi fi rush track 8 graffiti 2

This Graffiti Art is on the wall immediately right of the museum's entrance. The easiest way to find it is to go through the right gate and then turn left.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 5-10

The museum lobby is packed with collectibles. Each of the six displays has a description, and every description counts as a Vlog entry.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 11

The main desk in the lobby also has a Vlog entry. Check the big blue screen on the right side.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 12-13

Up the stairs from the lobby are two large displays. Read the brass plaques to get two more Vlogs.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 14

After the first Vandelay exhibit (the one with the truck), the next room has a cordoned display. The plaque below is a Vlog.

The Back Rooms

hi fi rush track 8 graffiti 3

After entering the "Staff Only" area of the museum, there's a breakable door that needs to go. Look left of the door to find the third Graffiti Art.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 4

Just past the graffiti is a metal divider, and hidden behind the divider is an Armstrong Circuit.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 5

Later on in the back rooms, Chai has to jump onto some pipes to keep moving forward. Head straight down the hallway instead to grab this Armstrong Circuit.

hi fi rush track 8 health 1

After using the pipes to go over the large divider, go back to it to find a Health Gauge piece.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 15

Not far from the health gauge is another Vlog sitting on a shelf.

hi fi rush track 8 tank 2

After the first timed generator sequence, turn around to spot some green pipes in front of side room. Jump across to get a Health Tank piece. Players will need to reactivate the generator sequence to reach it. However, the button in this room turns on a magnet hook that makes getting back much easier.

Shocking Developments

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 16

During the museum power supply sequence, look for this Vlog on the floor next to a Korsica generator.

hi fi rush track 8 reverb 2

After the first fight with electrified floors, cross the first set of shocking floors but turn right instead of continuing forward. Go across the pipes to reach a side passage and pick up the Reverb piece sitting at the far end.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 6

After crossing the shocking floors, look to the right of the fire door to find a side room. An Armstrong Circuit is in a corner of this room.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 17

When entering the room full of suspended robots and catwalks, look to the right. There's a Vlog sitting on a crate.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 7

After the fight on the suspended catwalk, the path splits. Go right to the catwalk covered in containers to get an Armstrong Circuit.

hi fi rush track 8 graffiti 4

A second fight on the catwalks ends up crashing down to the ground. Check to the right of the staircase to find this Graffiti Art.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 18-19

After the crash is a third Vandelay exhibit, and past the exhibit are two new displays with two new Vlog entries.

hi fi rush track 8 health 2

At this point, the path goes back into the back rooms. After jumping down a level, check the side room to find a robot chest with a Health Gauge piece inside.

hi fi rush track 8 armstrong 8

In these back rooms is a new timed generator sequence. Instead of breaking open the door, turn around and jump onto the pipes to find an Armstrong Circuit.

hi fi rush track 8 vlog 20

The last Vlog of the stage is in the same area. Continue across the pipes to a new platform and find the vlog sitting on a computer.

hi fi rush door 7

This is also the location of the seventh Challenge Room. There are no other post-game collectibles in this or later tracks since players now have every ability they can get, but the challenge doors still won't open until after the game ends. Either way, the challenge room is the last collectible on the map.

Hi-Fi Rush is available now on PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Hi-Fi Rush: All Collectibles in Track 9