Black Mirror and Black Panther actress Letitia Wright has landed herself in controversy by sharing an anti-vaccine YouTube video on her Twitter account. The hour long video by the founder of a Christian missionary organisation which has since been deleted from YouTube alleges that one of the ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccine Luciferease was named after Lucifer and that anyone taking the vaccine should "hope it doesn't make extra limbs grow". The video also claimed that respecting transgendered people pronouns was an attack on free speech.

When challenged Wright defended sharing the video tweeting "if you don’t conform to popular opinions. but ask questions and think for get cancelled 😂". However Wright has since deleted her tweet sharing the video and tweeted "my intention was not to hurt anyone, my ONLY intention of posting the video was it raised my concerns with what the vaccine contains and what we are putting in our bodies. Nothing else."

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MCU colleague Don Cheadle stepped in initially defending Wright being labelled transphobic but walked it back after seeing the video and tweeting his response "jesus... just scrolled through. hot garbage. every time i stopped and listened, he and everything he said sounded crazy and fkkkd up. i would never defend anybody posting this. but i still won't throw [Wright] away over it. the rest i'll take off twitter. had no idea." Cheadle then deleted his tweet defending Wright.

Vaccines have been the subject of many a conspiracy theory, the most famous example being Andrew Wakefield fraudulently claiming a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Since then Wakefield has been struck off the medical register and his paper fully retracted but his work continues to be cited by anti-vaccine campaigners as evidence to support their claims.

The U.K. has approved the first COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer and BioNTech for regular use and is expected to roll out to the general population through the next year. Other countries are assessing the safety of this and other vaccines.

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Source: BBC News