The Hellraiser franchise has gotten a fresh revival thanks to Hellraiser (2022). The Cenobites have been around for a long time, and are some of the most grisly beings in horror movies. They love to watch their victims experience pleasure and pain. They take sadomasochism to the extreme, and their victims often get more than what they bargained for.

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There are plenty of Cenobites in the franchise, with some being just as iconic as Pinhead among Hellraiser fans. Some have appeared once and others have appeared in multiple movies one way or another. These not only look cool but are some of the strongest Cenobites.

Updated on November 2, 2023, by Sarah Prado: The Hellraiser series has been around for decades and their terrifying villains, the Cenobites, have certainly made their mark in the horror world. Their dark and twisted aesthetic is eye-catching and viewers won’t forget what they see. The Cenobites might not be seen fighting, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t powerful. They’ll do just about anything to get more souls to their realm. Pinhead/The Hell Priest is well-known for leading them and being very powerful, but there are other Cenobites who are just as powerful or close to it. If Pinhead appears, there’s a good chance one of these Cenobites is with him or nearby and waiting to take their victims away.

12 Torso

Torso (Hellraiser Inferno) Cenobite
  • Appears in:Hellraiser: Inferno

This unique Cenobite looks like long-known Cenobite Chatterer. The Torso was created by Chatterer who considers him his master. After Chatterer’s death in Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Torso searched for his missing master in the Labyrinth. He eventually joined Pinhead’s group and helped torture Joseph Thorone, a soul trapped between Earth and Hell.

Though missing the entirety of his lower body, Torso has no problems getting around on his hands. Considering that Chatterer created him, it wouldn't be too surprising if Torso was just as physically strong as him.

11 Wire Twins

Cenobite Wire Twins (Hellraiser Inferno)
  • Appears in:Hellraiser: Inferno

As the name suggests, Wire Twins consists of female twins. This Cenobite doesn’t focus much on the pain that most Cenobites like to do, but focuses more on the pleasure aspect. However, this doesn’t mean these twins won’t cause pain to their victims. They’re just a little better at hiding it. Their preferred method of torture is sticking their hands inside their victim and massaging their muscles, causing them an equal amount of pain and pleasure.

The two of them torment their victims together and are never seen without one another. Despite their grisly appearance, the Wire Twins are able to seduce their victims without much problem.

10 The Surgeon

The Surgeon Hellraiser Hellseeker Cenobite
  • Appears in:Hellraiser: Hellseeker

A Cenobite that’s a pretty terrifying addition to Pinhead’s group. In his human life, the Surgeon was a surgeon with a great reputation. However, after his wife during a procedure he was performing, he lost his sanity. He joined the Cenobites after solving the Lament Configuration and accepted Pinhead’s offer without hesitation.

When Kirsty opened the Configuration, the Surgeon was one of the Cenobites who accepted her trade of five souls to spare her own. He and Bound captured the first victim and was successful in killing her and taking her soul back to their realm.

9 Siamese Twins

Siamese Twins Hellraiser Bloodline Cenobite
  • Appears in:Hellraiser: Bloodline

A Cenobite that’s a two-in-one package. Twin brothers Michael and Mark found themselves as unfortunate targets of Pinhead when they stumbled upon him and Angelique talking. Sensing that the two of them are afraid to be separated, Pinhead opts to make them into a Cenobite and attach them to the face.

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As a Cenobite, the Siamese Twins are part of Pinhead’s group and join him in preventing Merchant’s plans of killing them. They along with Chatterer Beast and Angelique kill off various members of the security team. Normally, they’re attached together, but they can detach whenever they want.

8 Butterball

Cenobite Butterball (Hellraiser 1987 And Hellbound Hellraiser II)
  • Appears in:Hellraiser (1987) & Hellbound: Hellraiser 2

An original member of Pinhead’s group, Butterball didn’t have a big role in the movies he appeared in. However, his background was extended in the comics and his personality was further developed. Though considered a low rank, Butterball is actually quite intelligent and is considered the smartest Cenobite in the group.

While not as strong as the others, Butterball stood with them as they faced off against Dr. Channard to defend Kirsty and Tiffany. He was the second Cenobite to die from this standoff and wasn’t revived later on, unlike Chatterer and the Female Cenobite.

7 Chatterer Beast

Cenobite Chatterer Beast (Hellraiser Bloodline)
  • Appears in:Hellraiser: Bloodline

This Cenobite looks more beast than man. Despite its bestial appearance, the Chatterer Beast is actually made entirely of tortured human flesh and created in Chatterer’s image. He is considered Pinhead’s pet and always follows his orders. Similar to Chatterer, the Chatterer Beast acts as the muscle of the group and can devour just about any living creature.

Thanks to its long limbs, the Chatterer Beast can run really fast and cover a long distance in a short amount of time. It doesn’t appear to have the same abilities as most of the other Cenobites, but it’s still a strong beast, and not one to mess with if it shows up.

6 The Gasp

Cenobite The Gasp (Hellraiser 2022)
  • Appears in:Hellraiser (2022)

One Cenobite to keep an eye on, this one is new to the franchise. The Gasp is just as ruthless and cold as the new Pinhead. Watching her in Hellraiser (2022), The Gasp appears to be the second-in-command similar to other female Cenobites like The Female and Angelique. She will willingly torture any soul that is marked by the Lament Configuration and takes joy in her victims' suffering.

Even though she’s utterly sadistic, The Gasp will obey Pinhead's orders and is willing to bargain so long as she gets a fair trade. She’s a terrifying addition to the franchise and one that fans won’t be able to take their eyes off whenever she appears.

5 Female Cenobite

Cenobite Female Cenobite Hellraiser II
  • Appears in:Hellraiser (1987) & Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Often appearing as Pinhead’s right hand, the Female Cenobite is a pretty grim figure. She is usually seen as the next big threat after Pinhead and Chatterer. The Female Cenobite is just as sadistic as Pinhead and takes an interest in Kirsty Cotton, even asking the young woman if she’s teasing them in the second movie.

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Though powerful in her own right, the Female Cenobite will follow Pinhead’s orders as shown when he told her to stop before she attacked Kirsty and Tiffany. She was the first one to be killed by Dr. Channard (in his Cenobite form) but was revived later on in the comics.

4 Angelique

Cenobite Angelique (Hellraiser Bloodline)
  • Appears in:Hellraiser: Bloodline

The daughter of Leviathan, the God of Flesh, Hunger, and Desire and creator of the Cenobites, Angelique is actually the Demon Princess of Hell and has been around for a long time. Though she was under the control of Jacques for 200 years, Angelique showed that she could’ve ended his life any time she wanted. She eventually did this when he refused to take her to New York to investigate the descendant of the creator of the Lament Configuration.

After she failed to seduce the descendant, she was sent back to Hell along with Pinhead. She was turned into a Cenobite and became Pinhead’s second-in-command.

3 Chatterer

Hellraiser Cenobite Chatterer Hellraiser 1987 2022
  • Appears in:Hellraiser (1987), Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Hellraiser: Deader, Hellraiser: Hellword, Hellraiser: Revelations (as Female Chatterer), & Hellraiser (2022)

One Cenobite that appears a lot alongside Pinhead. This Cenobite usually acts as the muscle of the group and is usually the one that will hold down victims. Though the original Chatterer was killed by Dr. Channard in Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, he was brought back to life by Leviathan in comics. However, there are other versions of Chatterer that appear like Chatterer III, the female Chatterer, and the Chatterer Beast, showing that the original was favored by Leviathan.

Chatterer was actually the one who created the Torso Cenobite and made him in his own image. No matter which version appears, fans know that things won’t bode well for his targets. Even if he dies, a new Chatterer will inevitably rise in his place and keep the legacy alive.

2 Dr. Channard, AKA The Doctor

Cenobite Dr. Channard, AKA The Doctor (Hellbound Hellraiser II)
  • Appears in:Hellbound: Hellraiser 2

Though he only appeared once, it cannot be denied that The Doctor did a lot of damage in the short time he was around. It seems Leviathan showed some favor towards him as it connected to Dr. Channard shortly after his Cenobite transformation. When Hell and Earth began merging together, Channard killed many of his patients at the institute where he worked.

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Because Leviathan was acting through him, Channard had no problem cutting through the chains of Pinhead and his group when they tried to protect Kirsty and Tiffany. He was able to kill all four Cenobites quickly and even reverted them back to their human forms. The only thing that was able to kill was Tiffany solving the puzzle box which weakened Leviathan, causing him to kill Channard when he retracted the cord that was connected to him.

1 Pinhead, AKA The Hell Priest

Hellraiser Pinhead 1987 2022 female Pinhead
  • Appears in: all Hellraiser movies

Even now, Pinhead is undoubtedly the strongest Cenobite. Even after being killed by Dr. Channard/The Doctor in Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Pinhead comes back to life and is still in control of the Cenobites. He can make mortals or demons into Cenobites thus having a hand in putting together his own group. Pinhead has plenty of supernatural abilities at his disposal and is nearly unstoppable.

The Pinhead in Hellraiser (2022) appears to have the same abilities as the original. The only thing that can hurt her aside from stronger supernatural beings are the blades in the Lament Configuration box. Pinhead showed that she also has the power to kill other Cenobites as shown when Chatterer was stabbed with the box, and she ripped him apart.

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