Directed by Clive Barker, the 1987 horror movie Hellraiser made an impression with its Cenobites who love pain and follow their leader, Pinhead. The iconic image of a villain with a white face and pins all over is definitely unforgettable. The movie was a box office success and has led to a franchise that includes 10 movies. A remake, which David Bruckner directed, was released in 2022 on Hulu.

As the main character, Frank Cotton (Sean Chapman), finds a puzzle box and learns about sadomasochism, audiences find out about the Cenobites and the threat that they pose. The original movie has a unique premise, although some of the sequels veer into boring territory. And many horror fans would prefer to revisit the original any day of the week rather than watch some of the lackluster movies in the franchise. What is the ending of Hellraiser like and how does the 2022 remake compare?

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What Happens At The End Of Hellraiser?Pinhead in the 1987 Hellraiser

Hellraiser creates a cast of characters whose lives intertwine, whether through family or romance, and they are all in a terrible spot when the movie begins. In the Hellraiser ending, Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurance) learns that Frank has not only murdered Larry Cotton (Andrew Robinson) but has put his skin over his own, which is definitely creepy. Hellraiser is known for having some gruesome and memorable imagery and this is just one example.

The Cenobites want to know what happened and corner Kirsty. The Cenobites then attack Frank with chains in one of the most brutal scenes from the entire movie after Frank murders Julia Cotton (Claire Higgins) instead of Kirsty. What happens next proves that the Cenobites are strong and powerful, but Kirsty is a character who can hold her own. She faces her fears head on, which makes it as compelling as other main characters in the horror genre.

Kirsty becomes a horror movie final girl at the end of Hellraiser. She takes the important puzzle box and is able to send the Cenobites back to where they came from. She runs away with Steve (Robert Hines) and while she attempts to get rid of the box altogether, a stranger takes the box from the fire. Now the man who made sure that Frank got the box is allowing another person to purchase it, which will create problems all over again.

The ending of Hellraiser also leads into the sequels, and while there are now 10 movies in the Hellraiser franchise, the first one is always going to be considered the most well-done. The ending proves that no one can ever escape this puzzle box and that it will always cause destruction, which is a powerful thought.

Pinhead is definitely the reason why Hellraiser still stands out all these years later. In an interview with Nightmare Magazine, the Hellraiser director Clive Barker talked about how Pinhead comes from his novellaThe Hellbound Heart and how fans began associating this character with the 1987 film. There are also many comic books and the director explained, "I’m really proud of the comic books in a way that I’m not really proud of any of the sequels to the movie."

How Is The Hellraiser Remake Ending Different?

Pinhead in the Hellraiser remake

The Hellraiser remake from 2022 is about Riley McKendry (Odessa A'zion) who has had some substance abuse problems. They are the character who comes across the puzzle box and learns about the Cenobites. In this movie, Jamie Clayton plays the Cenobites leader who is named the Priest.

In the Hellraiser remake ending, Riley doesn't want the Cenobites to bring her brother Matt McKendry (Brandon Flynn) back to life. She can tell that something is going to go wrong and she just wants to move on. The Cenobites say that she has "the gift of lament" and they go back to hell. In the final scene, Roland Voight (Goran Višnjić), an incredibly wealthy character, becomes a Cenobite. This ending works because there could be another Hellraiser movie in the future and perhaps Voight would become a villain.

There are many horror movies based on Clive Barker's stories, which proves his talent for crafting terrifying and unnerving tales. The ending of the Hellraiser remake is different from the ending of the original 1987 movie since it introduces a potential new Cenobite. However, the spirit of both endings remains the same. In both films, it's clear that the threat of the Cenobites is not over, which allows the horror franchise to continue.

The Hellraiser remake has its good points and flaws, which was most likely what fans were expecting since it has been so long since the original movie was released in 1987. There are some attempts to make it feel fresh and like it stands on its own. Ultimately, the Hellraiser remake ending suggests that there could be some interesting things to come if the franchise continues.

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