
  • Helldivers 2 is a hit, offering satisfying gameplay and a fantastic aesthetic for those seeking galactic thrill.
  • Adding a Call of Duty Zombies-like mode could be a game-changer, offering a fresh experience for players.
  • Arrowhead could introduce a similar round-based mode that either goes on endlessly or makes new use of Helldivers 2 objectives.

It is no secret that Helldivers 2 has taken the gaming industry by storm. Millions of players have signed up to spread managed democracy throughout the galaxy, and so far, it does not seem like the game is slowing down. Not only does it have a fantastic aesthetic, but the Helldivers 2 gameplay loop has proven extremely satisfying. Now that Arrowhead can focus on delivering exciting post-launch content, there is one thing that could really shake up that experience for the better.

As of now, Helldivers 2 is focused on having players land on occupied planets, complete objectives, and take out enemies as they try to escape. It is a constant rinse-and-repeat cycle with slight variations in the mission type. While that seems like it could get boring, Arrowhead has plans to inject all sorts of life into it with new enemies, strategems, and major orders to work towards. Even though that all sounds intriguing, the studio may also want to consider adopting one of Call of Duty's fan-favorite modes sometime in the future.

Helldivers 2 Might Just Be the Next Major Trendsetter for Shooters

The video game industry goes through its fair share of trends, and the recent Helldivers 2 might just usher in a bold new age for military shooters.

Helldivers 2 Could Take Call of Duty's Best Mode for a Spin

CoD: Zombies Has Been a Fantastic Ride

The focus of Call of Duty may be on its fast-paced multiplayer, but ever since Call of Duty: World at War, its Zombies mode has become a mainstay. What started as a simple round-based mode that saw players take on zombies has evolved into a massive experience complete with countless unique items, wild mechanics, and even a narrative that ties some of them together. As of now, 11 different games have explored the concept, with each putting its own unique spin on the idea.

While there may be many unique takes on the concept, the core Zombies experience has mostly stayed the same across Call of Duty titles. Players are thrust onto a gloomy map, given a pistol, and told to survive against a zombie onslaught. With each wave, that onslaught grows stronger, but so do the players. As they beat back the hordes, they earn money that can be spent on new weapons, special perks, or as a means to expand the map further. This loop will then usually continue until players can fight on no longer. However, there are also some maps in later Call of Duty games that have various Easter Egg endings if players know what they are doing.

There is a Ton of Potential for a Helldivers 2 Zombies Mode

This mode has proven extremely popular with Call of Duty fans, and it is something that Helldivers 2 could really benefit from. The current gameplay loop is a lot of fun, with there being little reason to change it. That being said, the addition of a horde mode could liven up the experience even more while also giving players more flexibility to play the game how they want. Already, it has the elements of a Call of Duty Zombies-like game; Arrowhead just has to add rounds to the mix.

Players could get dropped onto a planet with nothing put their sidearm. They would then have to beat back hordes of Automatons or Terminids to earn better gear. They could purchase new weapons, armor perks, and even strategems. Additionally, players would be able to expand further into the planet and maybe unlock things like artillery. Just like with Zombies, this mode could go on forever with each wave getting increasingly more difficult-- or, the studio could give players an objective to strive for before they can leave the planet, like surviving a certain number of rounds.

While the focus of Helldivers 2's post-launch content should be on delivering new enemy types, strategems, and events to interact with, if Arrowhead has the time, then it should really consider adopting a round-based mode as well. This could simply be another mission type that spawns on the planets, or it could be an entirely new way to interact with the game. Whatever the case may be, its inclusion could be a fantastic addition to the formula.