Helldivers 2 is a popular third-person squad-based shooter game where you become a Helldiver soldier. Developed by Arrowhead Game Studios, this game takes place in Super Earth and tasks you with protecting it from hostile aliens. As a fighter, you will use powerful weapons, air strikes, and cool team-operated heavy weapons. You can team up with up to three friends to have even more fun.

In the challenging world of Super Earth, your armor is as important as your weapons. It absorbs hits and keeps you alive in the game. Without it, you'd be an easy target for the aliens' attacks. The game features a variety of armor, and each armor has its own armor rating. So, what does it mean, and how does it work? Keep reading to find out.

Helldivers 2: How to Change Primary Weapon

Changing the primary weapon in Helldivers 2 can be somewhat tricky for beginners. Here’s how you can do it.

What is Armor Rating in Helldivers 2?

armor rating helldivers 2

To perform well in the game, it’s crucial to understand its aspects, and one key element is armor rating. In Helldivers 2, armor rating is a key defense stat of your character that plays a super important role when dealing with enemy attacks. It tells you how much damage your character can endure before getting knocked out. A high armor rating means your armor can soak up more damage, keeping you in the fight for longer.

In Helldivers 2, there are three types of armor: light, medium, and heavy. Each type comes with its own unique benefits and features.

  • Light Armor is the lowest on the armor rating scale. With light armor, you get a lot of mobility, speed, and stamina regeneration. It allows for swift and easy movements, so you’ll be pretty quick on the battlefield.
  • Medium Armor gives you both mobility and defense. It’s a versatile choice as it provides a mix of protection and mobility.
  • Heavy Armor has the highest defense rating and can absorb the most damage. However, be prepared for slower movements and reduced stamina regeneration while wearing it.

What is Extra Padding in Helldivers 2?

helldivers 2 extra padding explained

Extra padding is a passive ability associated with armor pieces in Helldivers 2. While extra padding does not increase the overall armor rating, it does provide some benefits. With extra padding, your diver takes less damage from explosives, meaning weapons like grenades and Eagle bombs will inflict significantly less damage. But remember, extra padding doesn't make you invincible, and you can still die. It's a handy ability, especially for beginners, but don't over-rely on it.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios