Helldivers 2 is a PvE game that pits squads of 1–4 players against bug-like aliens called terminids, or against humanoid automatons. Players can equip up to four special abilities called strategems when starting a new mission. Players should coordinate their strategems with their squad to create a well-balanced team that is capable of taking on the variety of threats that the upcoming mission will pose.

Playing missions alone makes the game more difficult, because it takes out the teamwork and coordination. Solo players have to plan ahead to make sure that their equipped strategems and weapons can make up for the lack of strategems and overall firepower that happens automatically when playing with a squad.

Helldivers 2: How to Farm Medals

Players who want to unlock items through Helldivers 2's free and premium Warbonds can learn how to quickly earn Medals in this guide.

10 Play On A Lower Difficulty (At Least At First)

Adjusting To Playing Without Backup May Take Some Time

A player selects a Level 1 (Trivial) mission

Playing solo is generally harder than playing with a squad, and transitioning to fighting alone can be tough. Without other players providing backup, it is easy to get overwhelmed in situations that would not be as hard in multiplayer.

On lower difficulties, players will encounter easier enemies and fewer numbers of them, allowing them to adjust more easily. Lowering the difficulty, at least until figuring out the ideal single-player loadout, is a good way to bridge the gap and get used to spreading democracy alone.

9 Choose Specific Mission Types

Some Objectives Are Harder Without Teammates

helldivers 2 how to raise the flag

Many of Helldiver 2's mission objectives involve completing mini-games. Some of these can be fairly complex, especially while dealing with the pressure of incoming waves of enemies. In multiplayer, this pressure is mitigated by having one player work on the terminal while the others cover them.

With no one around to watch their back, solo players may find completing mini-games to be a struggle. Choosing missions with combat-centered objectives like "Eliminate The Brood Commander" eliminates the need to complete mini-games altogether. "Raise the flag of Super Earth" is a good objective for solo players because it only involves calling the flag down and then staying in the area for a little bit, and doesn't involve a terminal. These objectives are much easier to complete than other mission types when playing solo.

8 Use Resupply For Plenty Of Grenades And Stims

Solo Players Can Take More Supplies, So There's No Need To Be Stingy

healing helldivers 2

The Resupply strategem provides grenades in addition to ammo and stims. In multiplayer, the entire squad has to share the four sets of supplies from the strategem. However, when playing solo, the Resupply strategem provides the same amount of resources for the sole helldiver.

With so many more resources at their disposal, solo players should use them more freely than they do when playing with others. Using stims any time they are wounded, and using grenades to regularly clear groups of enemies will keep solo helldivers alive.

7 Equip Short-Range Weapons

Use Strategems To Make Up The Difference

Helldivers 2 Targeting Software Upgrade

There's a variety of standard weapons available in Helldivers 2, ranging from shotguns to machine guns. Players start with an assault rifle by default, and have to unlock other weapons as they earn more of the various currencies in the game. Players can also unlock strategems that grant support weapons like heavy machine guns and sniper rifles.

Since support weapons and strategems are designed to be used at middle or long distance, it makes sense to use a shotgun or submachine as the main equipped weapon. These short-range weapons can make quick work of enemies that get close to the player, keeping them safe in the most dire situations. Having a balanced loadout ready to take out enemies no matter how far or close they are is a good solo survival strategy.

6 Wear Heavy Or Light Armor

Take Advantage Of Extra Protection Or Stealth

The stats for the Trench Paramedic Light Armor in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 has Heavy, Medium, and Light Armor. Heavy armor offers more damage protection, at the cost of speed and stamina regeneration. Light Armor does the opposite, making the player faster but more vulnerable. Medium Armor is the balanced option, with stats falling between Light and Heavy Armors.

Specializing in certain areas based off the player's preferences and skills is a good strategy for a solo helldiver. Players who like speed and stealth should wear Light Armor, while players who tend to fill Tank roles in games should stick with Heavy Armor. In either case, having the added bonuses from Armor will help a solo player complete their mission.

5 Reinforcements Are Available

Players Don't Lose If They Die

A screen showing the "Eliminated" message from Helldivers 2. Enemy bugs are swarming the area

When a player dies in multiplayer, a squadmate has to call in reinforcements for the player to respawn. Those who are are new to playing solo, may think that respawning is not possible without other players there to do this. However, just like if all players die simultaneously in multiplayer, solo players automatically respawn from a new hellpod that drops a few seconds after their death.

Helldivers 2: How to Heal

Healing plays a key role in your survival in Helldivers 2. Here’s how you can heal yourself and your teammates in Helldivers 2.

Solo players start with five lives, so they do not have to worry about automatically failing their mission by dying once. As long as they still have reinforcements left, players will respawn automatically. By keeping an eye on the number of reinforcements they have left, players can decide if it's worth exploring and completing secondary objectives, or starting the evac process to take the victory they can get.

4 Avoid Enemy Patrols When Possible

Focus On Completing Objectives

Helldivers 2-5

Some mission objectives, like Eliminate The Brood Commander, involve helldivers purposefully going into areas with lots of enemies to take them out. In these instances, it makes sense for solo players to initiate combat with the enemy. Other times, like when encountering wandering patrols, combat should be avoided.

Patrols can call in reinforcements and cause headaches for players, especially during single-player missions. Since there is no big advantage to taking out patrols, fighting them only increases the risk of using up too many reinforcements and failing the mission. Avoid high-risk, low-reward behavior at all costs when playing solo.

3 Finish Main Objectives First

Wandering Too Far From Necessary Objectives Invites Problems

The "Objective Completed" Message during a mission from Helldivers 2

Exploring the map can yield many different benefits, like finding Samples, discovering SEAF Artillery sites, and completing secondary objectives. As a general rule, squads should explore as much of the map as they can during a mission to maximize their payout from it.

However, finishing the mission is ultimately more important than gaining extra experience. Extracting from a mission without completing secondary objectives is better than not extracting at all. When first playing solo, it is a good idea to take the opposite approach from multiplayer and make a beeline to the main objective. That way, solo players still get the rewards for the mission even if they die. Once they adjust to solo play, players can branch out and do some more exploration.

2 Use Sentries

Sentry Turrets Can Make Up For The Lack Of Firepower From Other Players

A picture of the menu for unlocking Stratagems showcasing the gatling sentry

One of the hardest parts to adjust to when playing alone is the lack of firepower. In multiplayer, groups of enemies can be handled quickly when multiple players shoot at them. The same goes for large, tanky enemies.

With only one gun firing at enemies, it is easier to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of them. Using any of the Sentry strategems helps even the odds again, especially when the Sentry is placed in an area covering the player's back. Without allies, the risk of friendly fire from Sentries is also reduced, making them safer to use.

1 Use AoE Strategems

Target Many Enemies To Make Up For The Lack Of Helldivers On The Ground

A player stands in front of a deployed mine field in Helldivers 2

Without other helldivers to watch a solo player's back, it's harder to hold ground for objectives and stay alive against waves of enemies. Using grenades and Sentries are good ways to help make up for this, but another great way to accomplish this is to use Area of Effect strategems.

Mine Field strategems are great for defending areas when enemies are continuously approaching from specific directions, as long as players avoid their own trap. Orbital strategems can kill many enemies at once, preparing the area for the player to advance or covering a tactical retreat. Using strategems like these to take out groups of enemies or areas where they spawn can turn the tide of battle in the helldiver's favor.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios