
  • Helldivers 2 offers extensive customization and diverse loadouts for players.
  • A medic class could be a valuable addition, focusing on keeping the team alive.
  • New equipment and Stratagems would be needed to fully immerse players in the medic role, but it would surely fit the game well. Ranged healing like Overwatch's Ana or a healing-focused Guard Dog are potential approaches Arrowhead can take.

One of the biggest strengths of Helldivers 2 is its extensive customization system. Though players can customize their Helldiver with a range of cool Sci-Fi cosmetics, it's the substantial loadout customization system that's the real meat and potatoes of Helldivers 2. Before a mission, players are asked to choose a primary weapon, a secondary, a piece of equipment, four unique Stratagems, and one Booster that helps the entire team. Finding the ideal mix of all these components is a major highlight of Helldivers 2's gameplay loop.

Often, the most efficient Helldivers 2 squads are those who have chosen a diverse set of equipment, with each member focusing on one specific area of expertise. In doing this, players end up falling into a staple shooter class archetype, such as a demolitions expert whose primary goal is to destroy bug nests and buildings, or a sniper who takes out deadly targets at long-range. It would be great to see Helldivers 2 lean even further into these makeshift classes in the future, adding new equipment that lets players assume a new role. And one role already feels like a must-have addition: a medic.

Helldivers 2: Why July Would Be a Perfect Time to Release the Rumored Illuminate Faction

It's been rumored for months now that Helldivers 2 will receive a faction called the Illuminate, and there's no better time than July for a reveal.

Helldivers 2 Should Introduce a Medic Class

Helldivers 2's Gameplay And World Lends Itself Well to a Medic Class

Despite all of Arrowhead's post-launch patches that nerf enemies and buff the player, Helldivers 2 is still a very difficult game. Even on its lowest difficulty settings, the weakest enemies can wipe the player out with just one or two hits. Health and any healing consumables, therefore, become an invaluable part of Helldivers 2's gameplay loop, with players only starting each mission with a handful of stims. Since health plays such a pivotal role in Helldivers 2, it seems only natural that something akin to a medic class would come to the game.

Much like a demolitions expert who focuses on using as much explosive equipment as possible, or a scout who uses lighter armor and weapons to sprint around the map faster, a medic class in Helldivers 2 would prioritize keeping the team alive during their arduous mission. With Helldivers 2 already embracing its Sci-Fi military aesthetic firmly, it would make complete sense for a medic class to be present in the Helldivers universe.

How Helldivers 2's Medic Class Could Work

Of course, if Helldivers 2 was going to add a new pseudo-class to the game, then it would need to first add a wealth of new equipment that would allow players to fully immerse themselves in this role. Some experimental new weapons would be great to see in Helldivers 2, such as a stim pistol that allows players to heal their allies at range, or maybe even a stim sniper that would allow the medic to stay far away from the danger and heal their allies from even further away, much like Overwatch's Ana. New equipment would also be needed to make players truly feel like medics, such as an impact grenade that heals players in an area.

When it comes to support-type Stratagems, there's no shortage of ideas that Helldivers 2 could implement. A new sentry tower could heal any players surrounding it, while a new type of support mortar could launch healing grenades into the air and slam them down upon low-health allies. A new support-type Guard Dog would also be a great addition, healing allies gradually over time or resurrecting them from the dead once per use.