What was once considered one of the best support weapon Stratagems in Helldivers 2 when the game first launched has had a rough reputation ever since. Such is the case for the Railgun, considering that it’s been rebalanced multiple times throughout recent balancing updates for Helldivers 2, which have ultimately lowered the weapon’s overall damage and armor penetration capabilities. Many weapons in Helldivers 2 have met this unfortunate fate, although the Railgun in particular has a unique trait that sets it apart from any other support weapon in the game.

The Railgun may not be as strong as it once was pre-nerf, but even though it isn’t considered one of the meta support weapons in Helldivers 2 anymore, it’s still a powerful support weapon when used in its alternate ‘Unsafe’ firing mode. In general, Helldivers 2 has plenty of room to grow when it comes to weapon customization and mods. Consequently, Helldivers 2 should consider experimenting with new and creative firing modes for support weapons inspired by the Railgun’s Unsafe mode for the existing support weapons, as well as any new ones that get added in future updates.

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The Railgun’s Unsafe Firing Mode is Peak Helldivers 2 Weapon Design

In Safe mode, the RS-422 Railgun is arguably a mid-tier Stratagem in Helldivers 2. However, the Railgun’s Unsafe firing mode takes this weapon to the next level. In Unsafe mode, the Railgun’s damage and armor penetration capabilities get significantly buffed, allowing this weapon to take on tougher enemies more efficiently. However, as the name of the firing mode suggests, there’s a catch to using the Railgun in Unsafe mode that makes it a risky tactic despite otherwise being the optimal way to use the weapon.

Players can access the RS-422 Railgun’s Unsafe firing mode by holding the reload button with the weapon equipped, and then interacting with the weapon modification menu. By default, the Railgun will be set to Safe firing mode.

When using the Railgun in Unsafe mode, players will need to pay close attention to the weapon’s charge level when priming a shot, or else the weapon will explode when it reaches the full charge. This will destroy the weapon, but more importantly, it will also kill the player wielding the gun and any nearby friends or enemies. This kind of spontaneous combustion and unintentional friendly fire in Helldivers 2 is one of the game’s most classic shenanigans, hence why more support weapons should experiment with creative firing modes like the Railgun’s Unsafe mode, despite it not being a meta weapon.

Helldivers 2 Should Experiment With More Weapon Modifications, Firing Modes, and Upgrades

The RS-442 Railgun isn’t the only support weapon in Helldivers 2 that features different firing modes, although this weapon’s Unsafe firing mode sets it apart from any other weapon in the game so far. Considering that most support weapons can only change between RPM speeds and varying zoom levels, Helldivers 2 has plenty of room to experiment with new weapon mods and firing modes.

While such a change could help distinguish new weapons added in future updates for Helldivers 2, plenty of the existing weapons could also stand to benefit from having more weapon mods and/or alternate firing modes. Consequently, Helldivers 2 seemingly has the perfect blueprint for a new weapon progression system, where players can unlock unique weapon upgrades for completing certain challenges or earning experience with individual weapons.

A weapon progression system could be a win-win opportunity, considering it could give players an incentive to try out off-meta loadouts in Helldivers 2, while potentially giving some of the most underutilized weapons a well-needed buff. Overall, the sky is the limit for Helldivers 2’s weaponry, and while new weapon types could be a meaningful addition to the game, there’s still plenty of room to explore new mods, upgrades, and firing modes for existing weapons.