
  • A Helldivers 2 fan shared their idea for radar tower adjustments that would make the objective less of a hassle for solo players.
  • While solo play is possible in Helldivers 2, the game's emphasis on teamwork can make things challenging for those playing by themselves.
  • The proposed changes would see lights added to radar towers to indicate whether they are in position or not.

A Helldivers 2 fan shared their design that would make the game more welcoming to solo players. The concept tweaks Helldivers 2's radar tower objective, which can sometimes be frustrating for those playing by themselves.

Few titles have made a name for themselves quite like Arrowhead's Helldivers 2. Acting as a sequel to the studio's original top-down shooter from 2015, Helldivers 2 places players on breathtaking alien planets, propelling them into a fast and chaotic third-person shooter experience. Helldivers 2 features a wide variety of missions to complete, but players will be spending most of their time fighting either Automatons or Terminids. However, part of Helldivers 2's challenge stems from the necessity for players to work together. Communication is key to success in Helldivers 2, putting solo players at a disadvantage. However, one player created their own concept for how Helldivers 2 could be more welcoming for solo players.

What New Enemy Faction Would You Like To See In Helldivers 2?

It's no secret that Helldivers 2 draws inspiration from Warhammer 40,000, and I think a new enemy faction based on the many races of Games Workshop's venerable grimdark sci-fi franchise might not be such a bad thing. Hordes of interdimensional demons with an emphasis on specialized monster units could be an interesting enemy to fight against.

Helldivers 2 is a team-based game, but solo play is still offered. As a result, some objectives, like Helldivers 2's radar tower, can be tricky for solo players. Recently, Reddit user nacostaart hatched an idea of how Arrowhead could enhance this feature for those playing by themselves, making adjustments to how the tower looks and reacts.

Helldivers 2 Player Shares Concept to Make Solo Play Better

To activate the radar tower, players must use a terminal to raise it to the correct height. Once this is done, players need to manually turn the radar to the correct position. This is easy if one player monitors the terminal and the other turns the radar. However, for solo Helldivers 2 players, this can be quite tricky. With nacostaart's idea, a series of lights could be added to the radar, illuminating red when the tower is not in position. The lights could then switch to green once everything is lined up correctly. This quality of life improvement would undoubtedly go a long way for players, making Helldivers 2 more accessible to all.

Helldivers 2 has faced a whirlwind of changes over the last few months, with Arrowhead and the game's publisher, Sony, facing backlash over the decision to require users to sign into PlayStation Network. While eventually canceled, this proposed change to the game prompted a firestorm of controversy, with the game's community review-bombing Helldivers 2 on Steam as a result. Things eventually cooled off, with both Arrowhead and Sony walking back on this decision. Players are currently enjoying the game's Polar Patriots Warbond, with Helldivers 2 rumored to introduce a brand-new faction soon. Arrowhead has made it clear it plans on providing a steady stream of content updates for Helldivers 2, ensuring the game stays alive for quite a long time.