
  • A recent patch for Helldivers 2 fixes bugs and network issues, and also rebalances aspects of the game.
  • The rebalancing includes changes to environmental hazards like meteors and volcanoes.
  • The reaction to the rebalancing has been mixed, with some players praising the changes while others disagree.

The intergalactic battle for freedom and managed democracy continues in Helldivers2. The game was a veritable hit at launch, but the Terminids weren't the only bugs present. Since then, Arrowhead Game Studios has been hard at work attempting to patch things up and ensure that there's no limit to how many Helldivers can join the war.

The latest patch, released on March 20, comes with a host of fixes that should be a boon to fans. However, some aspects of Helldivers 2 have also been rebalanced, and this has the chance to stir up controversy. Thus far, reactions to the balancing have been mixed.

Helldivers 2 Fixes Issue That’s Plagued Over a Million Players

Arrowhead Game Studios is currently addressing a long-standing issue that affects a staggering 1.3 million Helldivers 2 players.

The Fixes of Helldivers 2 Patch 1.000.103

The fixes in the latest patch are mostly minor, but they do provide some well-needed quality-of-life improvements. The patch also squashes some bugs that interfere with normal gameplay against Terminids and Automatons. The list of fixes is as follows:

  • Reduced incidents of patrols spawning on players.
  • Exosuit no longer destroys itself when firing a missile while turning.
  • Exosuit retains its melee functionality, even when damaged.
  • Fixed network desync issue with downed Automaton dropships.
  • Fixed Elgato Stream Deck Foot Pedal support.

Some scenarios have been reported to cause the game to suddenly crash. The following have been mended:

  • When ALT+Tabbing in fullscreen mode
  • After changing voice over language
  • PS5 boot issue
  • Using a stim inside an Exosuit while wielding a grenade
  • When joining an ongoing mission
  • When idling on the title screen

Is Helldivers 2 Free of Bugs Now?

Not quite. There are still Helldivers 2 server issues that remain. Furthermore, the patch ironically introduces a few new problems. The studio is aware of these issues and it's still hard at work polishing its unexpectedly popular PvE shooter.

Helldivers 2 Gets Balanced

In addition to the fixes, a few changes have been made. For example, shots fired from arc-based weapons such as the Blitzer shotgun now count toward "Shots fired" and "Shots hit" stats, which should be good news for most players.

The environmental changes may be a little contentious. There will now be fewer hazards in Helldivers 2 spawning during missions. This includes tremors, meteor showers, volcanic activity, fire tornadoes, and ion storms. The color of meteors has been slightly changed to make them easier to identify, but that isn't the only change made to them. Players can also expect the following:

  • Reduced explosion radius
  • Slightly reduced meteor damage
  • Slightly reduced meteor velocity

Changes have been made to volcanoes as well:

  • Reduced explosion radius
  • Reduced rock velocity slightly

What's the Reaction to the Rebalancing?

On Reddit, reception has been mixed, with some commenters praising the nerfing of environmental hazards. The problem, the argument goes, is that they get in the way of gameplay too much. Others aren't so happy about it, as they enjoy the difficulty the environmental hazards bring.

With a long list of known issues remaining, Arrowhead still has heaps of work ahead. As the fixes roll in, new features are also being introduced, with mechs being one of the bigger inclusions. However, they too come with their own bugs and issues.