
  • Recent failures in Major Orders in Helldivers 2 signal a need for change and renewed player interest.
  • A new enemy faction, such as The Illuminate, could revitalize gameplay and keep things exciting for players.
  • Rumors and leaks suggest that The Illuminate may make its debut in Helldivers 2, adding depth to the game's lore.

Helldivers 2 is one of the biggest surprise hits of the year so far, and although the game started off 2024 with a bang, it may be time for a change. Since its launch, Helldivers 2 has put players in the role of the titular Helldivers as the fight for Super Earth's liberty continues. However, a recent event in the game may be a sign that interest in the game may be waning.

Players failed the most recent Major Order to come to Helldivers 2, which continues an unfortunate streak of consecutive Order failures. In this particular Major Order, players failed to kill enough Automatons to win the Anti-Tank Mine Stratagem. This new trend of failing Major Orders could indicate that it's time for Helldivers 2 to make some changes, and a great start would be adding a new threat (such as a new enemy faction) to face in order to incentivize and rally players once more with more diverse gameplay.

Helldivers 2 Devs Need 'More Time' to Work on the Next Balance Patch

Helldivers 2's devs need more time to work on the next weapons balance patch, promising players a better update after previous controversial nerfs.

Helldivers 2 Could Benefit From a New Enemy

This failed Major Order could be the result of two issues; players losing interest and the recent controversy that hit Helldivers 2. Earlier this month, many players were upset to find out that Sony was going to begin requiring players to sign in to the PlayStation Network in order to play the game. This update would have made Helldivers 2 unplayable in many countries, which, of course, caused significant backlash from the game's community. The uproar this caused among Helldivers 2's player base could have led some players to boycott the game, but the string of consecutive failures hints at a deeper problem that a new enemy type could fix.

A Fresh Enemy Faction Could Reignite Player Interest

The delisting controversy definitely had some negative effects on Helldivers 2, but the ongoing trend of failing Major Orders shows that players haven't been showing up to get the job done even before the Sony debacle. Granted, the Major Order was huge, but it was clear that there weren't enough players taking part in destroying the Automatons.

Helldivers 2 launched in February, and since then, there have only been two enemy factions to face; Automatons and Terminids. Both enemy factions present different challenges since the former is a fierce robot society while the latter is a race of giant bug creatures. Updates have helped the two factions evolve, especially when it comes to the Automatons, but adding a third enemy type into the mix may add a little extra spice to the gameplay.

Rumors of a New Enemy Coming to Helldivers 2

There have already been rumors and leaks suggesting that a new enemy is set to be added to Helldivers 2. The rumored faction is believed to be The Illuminate, which are the advanced alien race from the first Helldivers game. The prospect of this faction coming to the game would be a thrilling change of pace, as The Illuminate feels nothing like the Automatons or the Terminids. If the leaks are to be believed, The Illuminate making their first appearance in Helldivers 2 could bring in a huge new chapter for the game that would expand even further on its fascinating lore.

In the past few days, leaks about The Illuminate have given more weight to these rumors. For the game to not even be six months old yet, it's fascinating how popular Helldivers 2 has become. The game has made a huge splash in such a short amount of time, but Helldivers 2 also has the problem of needing to keep things fresh because of its live-service model. Developer Arrowhead Game Studios has made something really special with Helldivers 2, and the small studio will hopefully be able to keep up that momentum with new enemy factions.