
  • Completing Launch ICBM alone is possible but may overwhelm players with multiple steps & side objectives.
  • Automatons make the Sabotage Air Base mission difficult solo, so team play is crucial for success.
  • Destroying eggs in Purge Hatcheries while fending off Terminids is chaotic and is much easier with team roles.

Helldivers 2 is a game that encourages players to find a group of fellow soldiers to tag along with while taking part in spreading democracy in this third-person shooter. While it is possible to take on various missions solo as long as the player has the right equipment, some of the missions available in the fight against both the Terminids and the Automatons, especially with higher difficulties, are near impossible by a single Helldiver and need a task force available.

Helldivers 2: Best Medium Armor, Ranked

Different armor sets in Helldivers 2 offer unique perks. Here are the best medium armor sets in the game, ranked.

These are by far the most crucial missions players should take part in with a team of players if they hope to successfully complete the mission. Players should take note of the list below for the missions you should only complete with a team in Helldivers 2.

7 Launch ICBM

A Lot Of Steps To Do Alone

Launch ICBM mission in Helldivers 2

Out of all the missions players can complete solo, launching an ICBM is one of the more likely players can complete alone. However, those that get easily overwhelmed by multiple steps, especially if they want to complete the side objectives as well, will want to find a team to complete the mission with.

The maps themselves of these various planets players can assault can be quite large to take on by themselves and a team doesn't only make it a fun experience, but also a far easier one to manage, especially if other players are trying different builds.

6 Sabotage Air Base

Automatons And Explosives Are Stressful

Sabotage Air Base mission in Helldiver 2

Automatons are some of the most violent enemies players are likely to fight against in Helldivers 2. Many of the missions that focus on them are incredibly difficult to complete even with a team of players. With that in mind, attempting them alone, especially with any hard difficulty, is near impossible to complete.

Sabotage Air Base is one of those missions that can only truly be completed by a team. Infiltrating these bases is one of the main challenges of the mission, especially if players are being attacked by the more difficult Automaton threats. Having a group to rely on during this mission can make it go a lot smoother.

5 Purge Hatcheries

Destroying Eggs While Keeping Terminids At Bay

Purge Hatcheries mission in Helldivers 2

Purging Hatcheries is similar to the objective against the Terminids of destroying the bug's nests, but it can be a lot more chaotic. Players will likely be attacked constantly by Terminids while attempting to destroy multiple eggs in whichever way possible gets rid of them the quickest. While alone, this mission can take longer than expected, with a single player destroying eggs while also stopping the bugs from damaging them.

Helldivers 2: Hardest Enemies, Ranked

There are a ton of different enemies to deal with in a single mission in Helldivers 2. But, these are the ones players are the most unhappy to see.

Thankfully, by recruiting three friends to spread democracy with them, purging hatcheries becomes a lot easier with the roles needing to be split between the groups. Two players focus on destroying eggs while the other two Helldivers kill the various Terminids attempting to attack them.

4 Enable E-710 Extraction

Gaining Resources Alone Is Hard

Enable E-710 Extraction in Helldivers 2

Some of the hardest missions for a player to complete by themselves are the ones that task the player with completing multiple objectives by themselves. These missions, like Enable E-710 Extraction, are therefore much better to be completed with others, so that each Helldiver can have as much control over the situation as possible.

Alongside this main goal, players are also able to explore the map for the side objectives, such as outposts, but doing these alone while also obtaining the essential amount of E-710 needed to be able to get off the planet.

3 Retrieve Valuable Data

Data Requires A Spare Hand To Hold

Retrieve Valuable Data mission in Helldivers 2

At first glance, retrieving valuable data and taking it to another point on the map sounds rather straightforward and easy. However, in this mission, players that wish to do it alone will need to make sure they choose a weapon they can use one-handed as their other hand will be occupied holding the valuable data as they take it to its next location.

By taking a team with them in this Retrieve Valuable Data mission, players are able to not only do the main objective of the mission but also easily finish various side missions, such as destroying outposts or finding escape pods.

2 Sabotage Supply Bases

Overwhelming To Infiltrate And Destroy Automaton Bases

Sabotage Supply Bases mission in Helldivers 2

As seen, Automatons are incredibly technologically advanced and have various forms of machinery which not only create more of them, but also deadly weaponry that puts a stop to the democracy spread by Helldivers.

Helldivers 2: Best Strategems For Evacuating Civilians

Rescuing civilian scientists in Helldiver 2 takes coordination and preparation. There are some Stratagems that work the best for these missions.

In Sabotage Supply Bases, players must go to different outposts to destroy the fuel and munition stockpiles which can be found there. Doing this alone can be incredibly stressful as players attempt to defeat Automatons while also completing their mission. With three other players, this is much easier to manage, as some players can focus on the objective while the others protect them.

1 Emergency Evacuation

Civilians Need The Help Of Many

Emergency Evacuation Mission in Helldivers 2

Out of all the missions available in Helldivers 2, one that players should also take part in with a group of other Helldivers is the Emergency Evacuation. Players can take part in this when defeating the Terminids or the Automatons, but the goal remains the same.

A player must press buttons to let civilians out of their bases as they make a run for it to another door where they are successfully evacuated. To complete this mission quickly, players would require more allies to not only hold off the oncoming enemies, but also press the buttons to maintain a consistent number of civilians evacuating.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios