
  • Helldivers 2 mechs have a hefty 10-minute cooldown period.
  • Piloting a mech can lead to player death via mech explosion.
  • Mechs are powerful thanks to high-damage weapons with lots of ammo, but they're also slow.

Mechs were an awesome part of Helldivers, so it's no surprise that their return in Helldivers 2 has triggered some excitement. With their mighty weapons, they add more mayhem to the already chaotic battles. Once a player is inside one, they get to enjoy some safety and a lot of firepower.

Although mechs are cool, it's worth considering whether they are overpowered. Having the ability to blast through anything without much resistance isn't fun. Fortunately, Arrowhead has designed Helldivers 2 mechs that are powerful, but don't turn players into untouchable machines. The balance isn't perfect yet, but mechs are an exciting addition to most combat situations.

Helldivers 2 is the Perfect Multiplayer Game for Outer Worlds Fans

Helldivers 2 and The Outer Worlds may not seem similar on the surface, but they both make very poignant commentary without sacrificing their fun.

Mechs in Helldivers 2 Have a Long Cooldown Period

Sticking around in one mech suit isn't the easiest task. The exosuits in Helldivers 2 can only take so much damage from enemies, and when they reach breaking point, they explode, killing the player in it. A new mech can be called, but there's a lengthy cooldown period of 10 minutes to wait through. As a result, for most missions, it's feasible to only call one mech -- maybe two, if there's still time left and some blasting to do.

Dying isn't much of a problem in Helldivers 2, as respawns occur via Hellpods. Furthermore, the whole dying situation can be skirted around by smart players who exit the mech before it explodes. Either way, once the mech is gone, there's no calling another one until the cooldown period is over.

Where to Get Mech Suits in Helldivers 2

Mechs are stratagems deployed much like support weapons. Consequently, if a player wants to use one in battle, they'll have to purchase it, equip it in their loadout, then input the correct code during gameplay to finally have one dropped to climb into. Mech suits can also be found, and it appears that the Tien Kwan planet is a good place to start looking.

Helldivers 2 Mech Explosions Are Deadly

Helldivers 2 Exosuit Beginner Guide

This is a point that needs stressing. Mechs are as dangerous to the player as they are to others. It can be a bit difficult to control their walking, and once they attract attacks from enemies, it's not long before they crumble under the stress and explode. Losing a mech in this way can be a setback if the player is out of ammo for their other weapons.

These machines are hardy, but battles can get tough, so mechs usually can't be used for long until they're at exploding point. This is something that some Helldivers 2 players are currently upset with, leading to suggestions of the inclusion of an upgrade system that includes explosion resistance.

What Mech Suits are Available?

It's still early days for mechs, and at the moment, only one is available, which is the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit. Anyone who wants it has to have a rank of 25 or higher, and although it is described as "heavily armored", nobody should be fooled into thinking it can withstand Automaton bullets infinitely.

Helldivers 2 Mechs are Powerful but Slow

Helldivers 2 Exosuits Worth or Not

Once the player has a mech, any Automatons or Terminids around are in trouble. It comes equipped with a machine gun on its left arm which is perfect for mowing down hordes of Automatons, and on its right arm there's a rocket pod that'll destroy any Terminid nest. There's no denying that this is a machine that'll bring anyone standing in its path to its demise.

However, with great power comes low speed; mechs aren't swift machines. They trudge along slowly, moving only as fast as their heavy legs can carry them. They're also frequently thwarted by the environment, whether it's a big rock in the way or uneven terrain. This is a massive downside, as it gives enemies the chance to start surrounding the player, which usually doesn't end well, no matter how many rounds the machine gun has.

There's no dishonor in running away. Sometimes there are too many enemies, and some time is needed to reload weapons. Other times, a player can be so flooded by foes that they can't even see past them. In Helldivers 2, running away may very well be a life-saving move.

Unfortunately, that's impossible with a mech, which is something to keep in mind when strategizing. This is a stratagem for going all-in. Anyone wanting to use a mech will have to consider the terrain and their distance from enemies. An undetected player standing far from their opponent is probably the best candidate for a mech drop, simply because they won't need to run away anytime soon, giving them the chance to mow down foes before they get close.

Are More Mechs Coming to Helldivers 2?

There has been no official word from Arrowhead, but it's likely that the catalog of mechs will expand as Helldivers 2 is updated. It is also possible that fan requests, such as the ability to customize mechs, will also make it into the game eventually. The Swedish studio has a lot on its plate as it attempts to continue updating the game while continuing to address server issues and bugs. There is progress being made, however, as both major and patches are being released to fix these problems.