
  • The lore of Helldivers 2 is complex, hinting at a future where the UK and other parts of the world have been destroyed in war.
  • The game takes place in a far future with humanity united under one government on Super Earth, facing threats from various factions.
  • The game's success is evident in the passion fans have for exploring and uncovering new pieces of lore.

In the violent future of Helldivers 2, the United Kingdom no longer exists on Super Earth, it would seem. The co-op shooter from Arrowhead Game Studios has become a smash hit thanks to its gameplay and sci-fi story that blends classic tropes and dark, cynical humor. Lots of gamers love Helldivers 2 and are always eager to learn more about its world and backstory.

The lore of Helldivers 2 is complex, and many of its elements are only hinted at during gameplay. It is clear that the game takes place in the far future, with humanity united under a single government on Super Earth. Super Earth is at war with several different factions that threaten humanity and its way of life, requiring the titular Helldivers to fight across the galaxy. Now, one more piece of information about this world has been uncovered, thanks to a map shared by the developer.

Helldivers 2 Update Adds New Enemy Not Mentioned in Patch Notes

Helldivers 2 players discover a new, powerful enemy type in the game, one that is still undocumented in any recent patch notes.

A map of Super Earth, shared on Discord by Arrowhead Game Studios CEO Johan Pilestedt, reveals that in the future of Helldivers 2, the United Kingdom does not exist on Super Earth. The map, which was shared with a wider audience on Twitter by user thinkiamsad, shows that the continents of Super Earth still resemble those of classic Earth, but many areas are now decimated, marked as "Wasteland Zones" destroyed in a previous war. These wastelands can be seen across the planet, but perhaps most notably, one such zone encompasses the entirety of the UK and Ireland.

The UK Was Destroyed in a Past War in Helldivers 2

In addition to the UK being wiped out, it appears that part of Canada and Alaska, a good part of Russia, much of Eastern Europe, and the north of Greenland have also been destroyed on Super Earth. Further, other parts of the world are listed as "restricted areas," leaving in question just what of these regions is left. The Helldivers 2 dev recently offered disturbing information about Terminids in the game, but revealing that entire civilizations have been wiped out may just top these past details in terms of creepiness.

There's currently no information about just what happened to Ireland and the UK or what happened to the people living there. Given that the Helldivers 2 team likes to keep some things secret and obscure some revelations behind the words of unreliable narrators, fans probably shouldn't expect to get the full story any time soon. Helldivers 2 draws inspiration from Starship Troopers and, like the cult-classic film, it seems to enjoy hinting at a dark past for Earth and the human race.

Helldivers 2 could represent the future of shooters, given the success it's seen so far and the passion it's generated among fans. The eagerness with which these players seek out and absorb new pieces of lore like this speaks to just how much of a hit the game has become.

Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 is a third-person cooperative shooter developed by Arrowhead Games Studios for the PC and PlayStation 5 where players take control of a Helldiver set to protect the citizens of Super Earth by traveling to hostile alien worlds and destroying threats. Players undergo missions, defeat enemies, and use special items called Stratagems to help turn the tide of battle in this punishing release.

PC , PS5
Arrowhead Game Studios