The Cutting Edge Premium Warbond in Helldivers 2 introduced a number of electrifying weapons to the game. Sitting at the end of the catalog as the most expensive piece is the ARC-12 Blitzer , a pump-action variant of the Arc Thrower that shoots out tongues of lightning to zap anything within close quarters.

Helldivers 2: How to Farm Medals

Players who want to unlock items through Helldivers 2's free and premium Warbonds can learn how to quickly earn Medals in this guide.

Despite being the costliest gun in Helldivers 2's Cutting Edge Warbond, the ARC-12's reception has been more or less lukewarm. Some players swear by it, while others would rather club their enemies to death with it. Here's a brief rundown of what the ARC-12 Blitzer has to offer, so you can decide if it's something that's worth your Medals and Super Credits.

Updated May 1, 2024 by Marc Santos: The ARC-12 Blitzer in Helldivers 2 saw a massive improvement in the 1.000.300 patch released in late April. While it still suffers from its inconsistent damage output and wonky auto-targeting mechanic, it is now a reliable tool for holding back large enemies like Stalkers and Brood Commanders thanks to its improved rate of fire. Players can expect the ARC-12 to still play the same way it used to before, but now that it can shoot faster, this lightning shotgun is now much more viable in higher difficulties than it was before.

Is The ARC 12 Blitzer Good?



  • High damage per shot
  • Strong stagger
  • Infinite ammo
  • Doesn't need reloading
  • No aiming required
  • Inconsistent damage output
  • Very slow rate of fire
  • Weak against armor
  • Low range

This version of the original Arc Shotgun from the first game used to be a tough sell, but after one significant change from the late April patch, it has become more reliable. While it still doesn't match up to many of the other guns in the Helldivers 2 arsenal like the JAR-5 or the Scorcher in terms of raw lethality, the ARC-12 Blitzer is one of the best choices available for crowd control thanks to its strong stagger strength.

This weapon hits extremely hard for a primary weapon. It's one of the very few guns that can one-shot tough bugs like Stalkers and Brood Commanders. However, the ARC-12 Blitzer is inconsistent with its damage output. While it can kill high-health enemies with one blast, it can't do so regularly. It's unclear why this is the case, though it may be related to how each lightning tendril deals damage.

Shooting the Blitzer Arc Shotgun at bugs in Helldivers 2

The release of the 1.000.300 update for Helldivers 2 saw a single, massive improvement to the ARC-12 Blitzer. The patch increased the gun's fire rate by 50%, making it go from 30 RPM to 45. It may seem small on paper, but it is definitely noticeable in-game. The Blitzer can now deal with hordes more effectively, especially swarms of smaller targets like Hunters and Scavengers.

The ARC-12 doesn't need to be aimed like a traditional gun. Just point it at the enemy and pull the trigger. As long as your target isn't too close, the gun should automatically hit things in the head. The high damage, strong stagger, slow rate of fire, and auto-aiming properties of the Arc Shotgun make the weapon an effective choice for a run-and-gun playstyle, one that works exceptionally well in Helldive difficulty where players shouldn't be staying in one spot for too long.

Should You Get The ARC-12 Blitzer?

The ARC-12 Blitzer's stats in Helldivers 2
  • Damage: 250
  • Capacity: Infinite
  • Recoil: Negligible
  • Rate of Fire: 45 RPM
  • Maximum Effective Range: ~30m

Despite its reliability issues, the ARC-12 Blitzer is still worth getting for players who can appreciate its use in a run-and-gun scenario. It may not always kill targets instantly, but it will almost always stun small-medium-sized enemies when its lightning does make contact with them. The weapon still struggles to clear large swarms of bugs, and it's impractical to use against bots due to its limited range.

Those who expect this weapon to function like the Breaker, Punisher, or Arc Thrower will be severely disappointed. On the flip side, if you can adapt your playstyle to match the ARC-12 Blitzer's strengths, you can find it to be a useful tool even in the game's hardest difficulties.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios