Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter game known for its exciting cooperative gameplay and fun features. In this game, players take on the role of Helldivers, a special force of elite soldiers sworn to protect the galaxy from evil Terminids and Automatons.

In Helldivers 2, the fights are tough, and the missions are challenging. If you're playing with a team, it's common to lose some members along the way. Fortunately, the game lets you bring back your fallen teammates. However, reviving a squad member in Helldivers 2 might be confusing for beginners. If you're unsure how to reinforce your teammates, this guide will walk you through the process.

Helldivers 2: How to Complete Major Orders

Victory in the galactic war of Helldivers 2 hinges on the community's ability to complete Major Orders. Here's how you can do your part.

How to Reinforce Teammates in Helldivers 2

reinforcement helldivers 2

Reinforce is one of the many deployable Stratagems in Helldivers 2. There is a total of 20 Reinforces available to a squad in Helldivers 2, which translates to five per player. Players can these steps to quickly reinforce their teammates:

  • Open the Stratagems menu in the game.
  • Enter the Reinforce Code on the D-pad. The code is: 'UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, UP.' This code should be at your fingertips to rapidly reinforce your teammates.
  • Putting in the code will activate the Stratagem Beacon. Throw it in a protected area for your teammate to land.
  • Your teammate will respawn at the location of the beacon shortly after.
reinforcement helldivers 2

It should also be noted that Helldivers 2 allows you to revive multiple teammates simultaneously, but it will also cost just as many reinforcements. If all teammates are dead, they will all be automatically reinforced by the game.

Make sure to throw the beacon at a safe location so that your teammate doesn’t land in the crossfire. If you're down and your teammates miss it, you can remind them to reinforce you by pressing the Space key.

Here are a few scenarios in which reinforcement might not work:

  • If you have used up all your reinforcements, it will no longer work.
  • If the mission timer has run out, you will not be able to resurrect any of your squad members.
  • If there’s a jammer preventing you from using Stratagems, reinforcement will not work.
  • You may also encounter an error where the game doesn't recognize when a player has died. In that case, you won’t be able to reinforce your teammate. If you find yourself in a similar situation, wait for a while and then try to reinforce your teammate. Arrowhead Game Studios is working to fix this issue.
Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios