Devastators are completely clad in armored plating, making them hard to bring down in Helldivers 2. They also carry different weapons with unique combat mechanics depending on which variant you encounter. You need to know their weaknesses, where to attack, and with which weapon, or else be overwhelmed by an enemy type that forms the backbone of the Automatons.

Devastator can be found on any of the Automaton-controlled planets at level 4 (challenging) or higher missions. Their types are not exclusive to any specific difficulty level, but expect more Rocket Devastators to spawn once things get tough. They are incredibly deadly, and one of the main reasons why the new Exosuit Mechs do not last long against the Automatons.

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How to Beat Devastators in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 Basic Devastators

Devastators come in three types: the Devastator , Heavy Devastator , and Rocket Devastator variants in order of threat. Each type uses a unique weapon, which is also how you can identify them across the map. They do share some weak points, but it pays to know exactly how each Devastator type works to bring them down efficiently in Helldivers 2.

Standard Devastators

The basic Devastator variants have arm-mounted rifles that concentrate long-range fire on your location. Their whole bodies are protected by medium armor that can soak up a lot of damage. Their heads, however, are completely exposed, so headshots are the best way to take down the Standard Devastators in Helldivers 2.

The default AR-23 Liberator, or any other assault rifle, makes long-range headshots easy. Just remember to open your scope and fire in bursts to increase accuracy.

Devastators move slowly on the map, so you will have ample time to aim at their heads. If you are finding it difficult to land headshots, aim for their waists instead. The middle portion that connects their torso and legs has lower armor ratings than the rest of the body. You can also aim for their hands, but will eventually have to return to their waists to finish them off. Hence, stick with the waist if the head is too hard to hit.

Heavy Devastators

Helldivers 2 Shield Devastators

Compared to the standard types, Heavy Devastators are far more armored with better firepower. They noticeably carry a large ballistic shield in one hand, and a mini-gun in the other. The shield, however, does not protect their heads. Hence, headshots are still the most efficient way of killing even the Heavy Devastators in Helldivers 2.

If headshots are not your forte, you can always flank Heavy Devastators to take them down. They carry armor packs on their backs that are completely exposed. While not suitable for headshots, the Breaker shotgun is the perfect weapon in Helldivers 2 to take down a Shield Devastator from the back.

If neither option looks doable, you can destroy the mini-gun arm to leave it weaponless. Heavy Devastators that lose their weapons can only perform a shield-bash melee attack at close range. This makes them useless, at least if you keep your distance.

Something important to note here is that the ballistic shield of a Heavy Devastator is protected by heavy armor. You cannot penetrate it without a high-caliber anti-tank weapon like the Autocannon or Railgun in Helldivers 2. Even then, you will be wasting precious ammunition, so ignore the shield if possible and target the weak points.

The Scorcher plasma rifle can do explosive damage right through the Heavy Devastator's shield. This is another reason why the PLAS-1 Scorcher is a great weapon against Automatons .

Rocket Devastators

Helldivers 2 Rocket Devastators

Rocket Devastators are the most dangerous and deadly of all three types in Helldivers 2. They carry artillery pods on their shoulders that can fire up to 12 rockets with insane accuracy. You are almost guaranteed to die from a single rocket to the face unless you have the Democracy Protects armor passive. Not to forget that rockets do splash damage, so even if they explode nearby, you can still expect to take a lot of damage.

Rocket Devastators enter a firing stance before unloading their rocket salvos. If they stand still and lean forward as if to brace for recoil, find some cover immediately!

While headshots are still the way to go, Rocket Devastators always keep their distance. They will often be firing their rockets from behind groups of enemies, sometimes about 80 meters from you, making it difficult to aim for their heads. Even if you are an expert marksman, landing headshots on Rocket Devastators will not always be possible during heated skirmishes.

The safest way to deal with Rocket Devastators is to destroy their rocket pods in Helldivers 2. They are large and easy targets that do not require enhanced accuracy. Use an Autocannon or any medium armor-penetrating support weapon. Without the rocket pods, Rocket Devastators will switch to their arm-mounted rifles and close-range melee punch.

Rocket Devastators can track you behind cover as long as you are in their range. In comparison, other enemies will stop chasing the moment they lose visual sighting for a specific time.

Rocket Devastators need to be taken out as soon as possible. Consider them the top priority among all enemies in Helldivers 2. If all else fails, stagger them to prevent them from launching their rockets. Anything that can save lives.