
  • Don't underestimate silly ways to die in Helldivers 2, like being crushed by a Hellpod or zapped by your own teammates' weapons.
  • Always stay vigilant during extraction to avoid getting squished by a landing ship or caught in the chaos of a misplaced stratagem.
  • Watch out for surprises like Hellbomb shrapnel, Automaton mines, and the unpredictable effects of the Stratagem Scrambler while playing Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 is a third-person shooter in which players are likely to die multiple times while playing. Part of the joy in Helldivers 2 is going up against deadly foes like the Automatons and Terminids in the hope of completing various missions.

Helldivers 2: Underrated Stratagems That Are A Lot Of Fun

Certain stratagems tend to fly under the radar in Helldivers 2. Players should give these examples a shot since they're so much fun to use!

While players are likely to die from these foes a lot, many players may be surprised to find themselves also dying from many other silly things. It may come as a shock at first to be crushed by a plummeting Hellpod. Players are sure to find themselves laughing during the chaos as they encounter the funniest ways to die in Helldivers 2.

1 Crushed During Extraction

Don't Stand Under Landing Ships

Falcon 1 in Helldivers 2 with Helldivers getting in it

While playing Helldivers 2, the excitement of making it to extraction may make players forget about their own survivability. It may sound like a great idea to stand directly where extraction was called, but forgetting to look up at the arriving ship may cause the player a great deal of pain.

Even the ship itself warns players to clear the area, so it can land, or otherwise, the player is likely to find themselves instantly killed by being crushed by the large steel object that has come to rescue them.

2 Standing In Front Of An Arc Thrower

Keep Out The Way Of Teammates

The Arc Thrower page in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 has a variety of support weapons for players to use alongside their primary and secondary weapons. Some of these options are not only deadly to the player's foes but also their friends. The Arc Thrower is a weapon that can extricate multiple foes as they arc shots from it and connect between foes.

However, this also means that players who find themselves too close to the foes another Helldiver is attacking may find themselves zapped. On some occasions, it may even feel like the Arc Thrower is out to get them when it decides to gravitate towards humans instead of the bugs.

3 Rover's Wild Lasers

The Drone Has A Mind Of Its Own

A player dead next to a Rover’s laser in Helldivers 2

Many of the players' stratagems have the chance of killing them in hilarious ways. Usually, a player can escape the danger of many of these by running out of the way. Some stratagems are harder to get away from, especially if they are attached by a backpack like the Guard Dog Rover is.

Helldivers 2: Coolest Armor, Ranked

For many Helldivers 2 players, looking the part is just as important as protection. These armor sets are some of the coolest in the game.

This is a small drone that hovers beside the player, hitting Automatons and Terminids alike with lasers. Sometimes this laser can be a little out of control and players can be unlucky to find themselves zapped in the face by their own drone buddy, leaving them bewildered at what has just happened.

4 Death By Hellpod

Step Away From Beams

Hellpod landing in Helldivers 2

Besides the stratagems themselves killing players by accident, players may even find themselves laughing at their own and others' downfall when they end up being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Summoning a support weapon or backpack will have a hellpod deployed to deliver it.

This usually puts a giant blue beam to keep people away, though it's very easy to walk back into it without noticing. When a hellpod lands on a Helldiver's head, it goes out like a light and will need to be redeployed. However, be careful, as players also tend to try and squish their teammates when they redeploy too.

5 Standing Too Close To Missiles

Become ICBM Toast

An ICBM being launched in Helldivers 2

When Helldivers 2 was first released, players during the launch of the ICBM mission were able to watch as the giant rocket left its hangar. However, through updates, players should no longer stand this close to the missile once they have pressed the launch button.

Standing a distance away will see the player pushed over, which is already very fun, but get any closer and the thruster of this massive missile will see every Helldiver close get burnt to a crisp. Players that weren't aware of this were in for quite a surprise when it happened the first time.

6 Hellbomb Shrapnel Hurts

It Explodes Like The Actual Bomb

A Hellbomb explosion in Helldivers 2

Some of the side objectives and main objectives in Helldivers 2 have players deploying Hellbombs in certain locations. While the player can control when this bomb goes off, after deploying it, or on certain maps, Hellbomb shrapnel can be found.

Helldivers 2: Best Armor Perks, Ranked

Here's a list ranking all armor perks in Helldivers 2, from the most niche to those that are generally useful regardless of what mission players do.

Players are warned to not get too close, especially when dealing with Automatons, as one stray bullet will see such shrapnel go off in a massive explosion like it was the whole Hellbomb itself. On some occasions, a player may not spot this broken piece of explosive, making the aftermath of a stray bullet even funnier.

7 Watch Out For Mines

Automaton Mines Are Instant Death

An Automaton Mine in Helldivers 2

Players that have only ever played Terminids may be unaware of the dangers of mines, as anything that looks similar to such a thing when dealing with bugs, only slows down the player. However, the Automatons have mastered explosives and therefore many of their outposts are surrounded by these evil red mines.

There is no chance of a player redeeming themselves after they touch one of these mines, as even the smallest knock will set the explosion off instantly. Running blindly into a base, or being thrown into one, has left many players shocked, with their teammates chuckling at their sudden explosive demise.

8 Stratagem Scrambler Chaos

Always Look At The Stratagem In Hand

A player’s stratagems in Helldivers 2

Depending on the planet players wish to land on, each one has its effects that make completing missions on it challenging. From deadly fire tornadoes to Ion storms, there is always some sort of danger to face. One effect that mixes up players is the Stratagem Scrambler.

With this effect on a planet, after the player has attempted to call down a stratagem, the one in their hand may become something different. This could mean that a player may have attempted to summon a resupply, but instead throw a 500mm bomb at themselves. Thankfully, a player can see what is in their hand before they throw it, but sometimes panic takes over.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios