
  • Embrace underrated stratagems like the HMG Emplacement for a blast of heavy firepower against enemies in Helldivers 2.
  • The Guard Dog drone offers a fun twist to gameplay by providing autonomous backup for players amid intense battles.
  • The Flamethrower has been redeemed in recent patches, offering players a powerful weapon to burn through enemy lines and tackle Chargers.

Helldivers 2 encourages players to make the most of their stratagems if they hope to succeed in their mission against the Terminids or the Automatons. This may cause many players to only pick the stratagems that have been deemed the most powerful at dispatching democracy.

Helldivers 2: Worst Weapons You Should Never Use

Not all weapons in Helldivers 2 are created equal. Here are some of the worst ones that players should avoid using.

However, for a player to truly enjoy their time in the multiplayer third-person shooter title, a player shouldn't be afraid to test out other stratagems that are underrated compared to others but still a lot of fun to use. Therefore, these stratagems are by far the best of the most underrated options while still being fun to use across a variety of missions.

1 E/MG-101 HMG Emplacement

Stationary Gun That Packs A Punch

HMG Emplacement in Helldivers 2

Players are likely to have plenty of Eagle stratagems on hand when dealing with the various defense missions in Helldivers 2. However, there is one Defensive Stratagem that few players remember that is still a blast to use.

The HMG Emplacement is a stationary gun with heavy firepower that rips through light-armored foes. However, it is slow to turn, so players should be careful where they place it. The HMG Emplacement is an exciting gun to use instead of the regular machine gun support weapon.

Call-in Time

3 seconds



Cool-down Time

180 seconds



2 AX/LAS-5 "Guard Dog" Rover

Who Needs Helldivers When You Have Robots?

Guard Dog Rover in Helldivers 2

While the automatons may be the friendly sort as players are encouraged to quell their numbers by spreading democracy, the autonomous robots that players can deploy are worth the backpack slot. Many players may instead opt for a shield backpack, or extra ammo for their support weapon, though with this Guard Dog, players have a drone that watches their back.

Shooting a laser is not only reckless but also hilarious, as players will find themselves dodging out the way of their drone's devastation, besides being great when dealing with Terminids.

Call-in Time

5 seconds



Cool-down Time

480 seconds


Hellpod and Backpack

3 FLAM-40 Flamethrower

Nothing Is More Fun Than Watching Things Burn

Flamethrower in Helldivers 2

Besides the power of lasers, another great yet underrated stratagem for players to use is the Flamethrower. Previously, this support weapon was looked down upon due to dealing little to no damage that left the player open to attacks.

Helldivers 2: Best Missions To Do Solo

Helldivers 2 is mainly designed to be a co-op shooter, but solo players can still tackle many of the game's missions if they're up for a challenge.

Thankfully, in recent patches, this flamethrower has been redeemed, making it a fun weapon to wield in combat. The flamethrower can now burn a hole straight through enemy lines, as well as be able to hold its own even against Chargers. Players should just mind they don't burn themselves in the process.

Call-in Time

3 seconds



Cool-down Time

480 seconds


Support Weapon, Hellpod, and Incendiary

4 EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit

Controlling A Mech Is Great

Patriot Exosuit in Helldivers 2

When the Patriot Exosuit was first teased in Helldivers 2, there was a lot of excitement around using this mech. However, once the suit was officially released, the vehicle quickly blended into the stratagems that were never used.

Once unlocked, players who are looking for a good time while fighting Automatons, or Terminids, should consider deploying their Patriot Exosuit to dish out democracy through bullets or missiles and crushing anything that gets too close under their metal feet. While there may be some situations where the Exosuit isn't useful, it is still a great piece of equipment to experience.

Call-in Time

0 seconds



Cool-down Time

600 seconds


Explosive and Vehicle

5 LIFT-850 Jump Pack

Become Boba Fett And Fly High

Jump Pack in Helldivers 2

Another great underrated backpack option that players should enjoy more is the LIFT-850 Jump Pack. As the name of this stratagem suggests, players that have this backpack equipped can jet propel themselves up into the air to avoid the scorn of enemies.

This is a perfect option that is underused when dealing with the Terminids, which tend to attack the player up close. With this backpack, which will have players jumping around like Boba Fett, the player can jump completely over a stampeding Charger or even move away from a group of smaller enemies.

Call-in Time

5 seconds



Cool-down Time

480 seconds


Hellpod and Backpack

6 Eagle Cluster Bomb

It's Raining Bombs

Eagle Cluster Bomb in Helldivers 2

Almost every player in Helldivers 2 is likely to have some sort of Eagle Stratagem equipped when going on a mission. While many players are likely to choose the large deadly bombs, there are other underrated options to choose from that can be just as fun to use. One great example of this is the Eagle Cluster Bomb.

Helldivers 2: Best Light Armor, Ranked

Light armor offers increased mobility at the cost of damage protection. For players that prefer this playstyle, choosing the right light armor is key.

With this targeted airstrike, players can take out multiple foes at once, although it can't destroy buildings. Besides its power, the Eagle Cluster Bomb is sure to make many players feel they are truly within an intense war environment out in space as they dodge not only the aliens but their own cluster bombs, too.

Call-in Time

0 seconds



Cool-down Time

8 seconds


Explosive and Eagle

7 EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank

One Use But Full Of Wonders

Expendable Anti-Tank in Helldivers 2

Players may have forgotten about the Expendable Anti-Tank in Helldivers 2 due to the plenty of other support weapons available in the game's roster. The Anti-Tank may only have one shot, but this underrated gun drops with two, so the player and possibly a friend can each have a valuable missile to shoot at the large foes they are likely to face.

With a concentrated shot at an enemy's weakest point, the Anti-Tank can even one-shot kill many of its foes. There is nothing more satisfying than stopping a Charger in its tracks with one.

Call-in Time

2 seconds



Cool-down Time

70 seconds


Support Weapon, Hellpod, and Explosive

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios