Arrowhead's Helldivers 2 launched with only a few weapons, but this lineup quickly expanded. The number of Marksman Rifles, for instance, has doubled since the game's release. However, are these recent additions worth the hype, or are players better off sticking with their R-63 Diligence? After all, how much better can the precision playstyle get in a game with such defined weak spots?

To answer that question, this list ranks each of the game's marksman rifles by their damage, precision, and additional features. Players can also find suggestions for what else to pair with each Primary Weapon when creating their loadout. Keep reading to hear the verdict on which marksman rifle to take on the next mission.

Helldivers 2: 5 Most Underrated Loadouts

Helldivers 2 features an impressive collection of weapons with meta builds, but some loadouts are more underrated than others.

4 R-63 Diligence

A Beginner's First Marksman Rifle

  • Easy & cheap to unlock
  • Very precise shots
  • Largest capacity in the Marksman Rifle category

This R-63 Diligence is pretty easy to get early on, and is the go-to marksman rifle for players until they unlock something better (similar to the Liberator being the basic assault rifle). This gun is serviceable, with higher stopping power than other early weapons and exceptional long-range effectiveness.

Additionally, some players might enjoy the not-so extreme recoil and magazine size, which make it the best option in the marksman rifle category for close quarters. However, this half-hearted commitment to the marksman rifle's playstyle won't benefit players on higher difficulties, where they'll need more damage than the Diligence can provide. Instead, the ideal course of action is to choose a different marksman's rifle and bring a high-tier sidearm (such as the P-19 Redeemer) for close-quarters fights.







Fire Rate


Other Features

  • Light Armor Penetration
  • Scope

3 R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper

Higher Firepower & Lower Magazine Capacity

  • Direct upgrade to the Standard Diligence
  • Smaller Magazine Capacity
  • Medium Armor Penetration

The R-63CS Diligence is an upgrade from the standard Diligence in almost every way. It maintains the all-important scope function, while getting a significant damage buff, and medium armor penetrating rounds. The only spots where the Counter Sniper struggles are its slightly reduced magazine capacity and larger recoil. However, stopping power and amor penetration are so much more important in a marksman rifle than its recoil, that this is barely worth mentioning.

Helldivers 2: Every Assault Rifle, Ranked

Wondering what Primary Weapons are best in Helldivers 2? This list ranks all Assault Rifles on damage, handling, and armor penetration.

That being said, it is necessary to compensate for the R-63CS Diligence's poor handling at close range with a nimble alternative weapon. One option is the P-19, but this gun also fits wonderfully into a Flamethrower Build, or with the Stalwart. In addition, optimal play with the Diligence Counter Sniper includes maintaining significant distance from enemies when possible, so plan to bring Stratagems for making space. Common options for this purpose in Helldivers 2 include the EMS Mortar, EMS Strike, or the Eagle Smoke Bomb.







Fire Rate


Other Features

  • Medium Armor Penetration
  • Scope

2 JAR-5 Dominator

The Honorary Marksman Rifle

  • Reload animation shortcut
  • Higher Damage than Diligence rifles
  • Slow Response Time

While the JAR-5 Dominator isn't technically tagged as a marksman rifle, the similarities in playstyle between it and the other weapons on this list have earned it a spot. This gun can be fired in either semi-automatic or burst fire mode, and is precise enough to hit targets at medium to long range. Likewise, it can stagger enemies and features heavy damage and a small magazine capacity, rewarding precision over quantity.

Additionally, while it is tagged as having explosive rounds, this isn't an AoE weapon. That means players can benefit from the extra damage without the typical friendly fire risk — it can even be used safely at close quarters. Unfortunately, it does suffer from a slow response time and long reload animation. Practiced players can shorten their reload time by reloading with one bullet still in the chamber, which skips one segment of the animation.







Fire Rate


Other Features

  • Medium Armor Penetration
  • Explosive

1 R-36 Eruptor

A Marksman Rifle With Explosive Rounds

  • Explosive AoE rounds destroy enemy spawn points
  • Highest Damage in the Marksman Rifle category
  • Great Stagger and Armor Penetration

The R-36 Eruptor from the Democratic Detonation Warbond is the marksman rifle that has it all: medium armor penetration, explosive AoE bullets, incredible damage, and a scope. These features make it the best marksman rifle at taking out patrols or deadly enemies from a distance, and one of the best weapons in Helldivers 2. It will kill most things in a single shot, but if it doesn't, rest assured that the enemy will be staggered long enough to hit it again.

In addition to shredding Chargers and Devastators, the R-36 Eruptor also blows up spawners and containers. This, combined with the weapon's scope, means users can take out Bot Factories and Bug Nests at impressive distances. The downside is the risk of the AoE damage backfiring. Many a Helldiver has perished from this gun's friendly fire. Additionally, it has one of the smallest capacities in the game, meaning reloads are a frequent occurrence. Bringing a backup gun for crowd control, such as the P-19 or Stalwart, is a must.







Fire Rate


Other Features

  • Medium Armor Penetration
  • Explosive
  • Scope

Because players don't need their grenades to close spawn points while running the R-36 Eruptor, they are free to take Smoke Grenades instead. This is especially helpful against bots, whose ranged attacks lose their supernatural accuracy in the presence of smoke.