
  • New CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios confirms no story mode for Helldivers 2 due to it being like building a new game.
  • Studio resources focused on creating regular content rather than story mode due to the game's existing complexities.

The new CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios, Shams Jorjani, has directly addressed the possibility of a story mode coming to Helldivers 2. Although Helldivers 2 is primarily a multiplayer-centric game, some players are asking for a more focused story mode to play through.

Helldivers 2 remains one of the most popular releases of 2024 so far. Arrowhead Game Studios has done a great job of keeping the game updated with fresh content to keep players engaged, and even has an ongoing Galactic War that gamers can take an active role in fighting. A big part of this ongoing success is down to the studio frequently liaising with players, and finding out directly what they want in the game. It won't just add any idea. For example, Helldivers 2's previous CEO said no to adding transmog, but if it feels right for the game, it will generally be added. Now, with some players asking for a story mode, players have a definitive answer directly from the CEO of the developer.

Helldivers 2 Donates to Charity in Honor of Its Players

In celebration of players' recent achievements, Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead Game Studios donates funds to a major charity.

Shams Jorjani, who was recently appointed as CEO of Arrowhead Game Studios, was busy replying to fans on Twitter, when one user asked about the possibility of a story mode. Jorjani didn't mince his words in his response, writing, "Not happening. Sorry bro. That's like building an entirely new game." That's as concrete an answer as anyone could ever hope to receive, crushing any hopes that Helldivers 2 will ever receive a campaign of any kind. While it would be interesting to see what Arrowhead Game Studios could create by combining Helldivers 2's chaotic sandbox with a story mode, it's simply not happening.

Helldivers 2 CEO Says No To Story Mode Possibility

While it's disappointing to hear that Helldivers 2 won't be getting a story mode, the reasoning is totally understandable. By the sounds of it, it would be an enormous undertaking with how Helldivers 2 works under the hood currently, for very little reward. Despite the enormous success of Helldivers 2, it doesn't make sense for the studio to invest resources in building a story mode, especially when Arrowhead Game Studios is doing such a good job creating frequent content for the live-service game.

Not happening. Sorry bro. That's like building an entirely new game.

Although there's no story mode in the works, there's still plenty for Helldivers 2 fans to get excited about in the future. A recent Helldivers 2 leak has given players a glimpse at a new faction, the Illuminate, returning from the original game. While plans like this can always change when it comes to leaks, this one makes a bunch of sense. While it's not clear when the Illuminate will be added to the game, it'll be a huge addition when it eventually happens.