Warbonds are similar to battle passes in Helldivers 2. They contain new weapons, armor, boosters, emotes, and other in-game items for players to add to their accounts. They also cost 1,000 Super Credits each, which can be either farmed for free or purchased with real-world currency. Either way, players need to know which premium Warbonds to get first in Helldivers 2 because while some of them contain the best weapons in the game, others are pretty disappointing in terms of what they offer.

There are a couple of things to note before heading further. Firstly, the premium Warbonds have been mostly ranked according to the weapons they offer. Everything else, including armor (easy to get in the game), comes down to pure esthetics. Secondly, Helldivers Mobilize is not included in the list below because it is a free Warbond players start with.

8 New Features & Improvements Helldivers 2 Could Use

Helldivers 2 has quickly become one of the best cooperative shooters in history, but that does not mean there is no room for improvement.

Polar Patriots

Released on May 9, 2024

Helldivers 2 - Polar Patriots Warbond-1

Polar Patriots is the most recent and the most underwhelming Warbond to release for Helldivers 2. Every new weapon it offers has trouble outperforming or even matching the capabilities of weapons already available in the game. There is little to no reason to buy Polar Patriots when players already have better versions of the same weapons.

Both the AR-61 Tenderizer and PLAS-101 Purifier are worse versions of the default AR-23 Liberator and PLAS-1 Scorcher respectively. The Tenderizer requires frequent reloading due to a small magazine size, leading to a loss of damage over time. The Purifier is a Sorcher with charging mechanics which not only zaps away the fun but also makes it frustrating to stand your ground against enemy hordes.

The P-113 Verdict is not the Desert Eagle many players hoped for. It does not feature medium penetration and also does less damage compared to the Senator.

The SMG-72 Pummeler, on the other hand, is an interesting pick because of its concussive rounds that stagger and stun-lock enemies. It is excellent against Stalkers and its one-hand wielding gives players another option to pair with the Ballistic Shield. While the stun-lock mechanic is good, it will not help when facing hordes of enemies. Weapons that can kill faster will always triumph in Helldivers 2.

G-13 Incendiary Impact Grenade works okay against Terminids except that the burning shrapnel on the ground does not ignite enemies. Hence, losing a bit in terms of value. Pyromaniacs interested in a Flamethrower build will perhaps find a better use for this.

Lastly, the new Motivational Shocks booster is not a necessary item to equip against the Terminids. Muscle Enhancement does the same job by reducing the amount of slows from enemies.

Democratic Detonation

Released on April 11, 2024

Helldivers 2 - Democratic Detonation Warbond

Democratic Detonation makes for an interesting study case in Helldivers 2. It is the only Warbond that was welcomed with open arms at debut. However, recent patches and nerfs have taken away a lot of power from its arsenal, dragging down the Warbond in popularity. It stands as one major buff away from becoming the best Warbond to get in Helldivers 2.

The R-36 Eruptor is the only primary weapon with the ability to close bug holes and destroy bot fabricators, similar to the Autocannon. It was a game-changing weapon that destroyed armored enemies thanks to its high-damage explosive shots. Unfortunately, the removal of its shrapnel effect struck a major blow to the overall damage potential. If buffed in the future, the Eruptor is a good enough reason alone to get the Democratic Detonation Warbond.

Helldivers 2: The Best Loadout For The SMG-72 Pummeler

The new SMG-72 Pummeler from the Polar Patriots Warbond is a strange but handy gun. Here's how to make it work on the next mission.

The BR-14 Adjudicator, as another explosive primary weapon, takes a bit of getting used to. It is not as bad as most players say. All the weapon requires is for players to manage recoil and ammo, and be able to accurately shoot enemy weak points in Helldivers 2.

The GP-31 Grenade Pistol is also a game-changing weapon, but only if the build calls for it. Being able to shoot grenades always comes in handy in higher-difficulty missions.

Lastly, the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow, which is perhaps the worst weapon to be added to the game so far. Despite receiving a little buff, the weapon refuses to budget into a favorable spot.

Cutting Edge

Released on March 14, 2024

Helldivers 2 - Cutting Edge Warbond

Cutting Edge is the only technologically-themed Warbond available right now. It revolves around energy-based weapons and lightning-resistant armor, which are thought to be highly effective against the rumored Illuminate faction in Helldivers 2.

Firstly, the LAS-16 Sickle is one reason alone to get Cutting Edge. It is an assault rifle with infinite ammo provided that players can manage its overheating mechanics. It also has a highly accurate scope that lets players target weak points, especially against armored enemies such as Devastators.

Then there is the G-23 Stun Grenade which offers excellent crowd control. It does no damage but is highly useful in temporarily pinning down large enemies, including Bile Titans. Some of the best builds in Helldivers 2 use the Sickle and Stun Grenade, so spending Super Credits on the Cutting Edge Warbond will always be worth it.

The ARC-12 Blitzer is a miniature version of the Arc Thrower which fires arcs of electrical energy to fry multiple enemies, but at the expense of range. It is a bit of a difficult weapon to use, but viable nonetheless.

Not to forget that Cutting Edge adds the Localization Confusion booster as well, which reduces enemy reinforcements.

Steeled Veterans

Released alongside Helldivers 2 on February 8, 2024

Helldivers 2 - Steeled Veterans Warbond

Steel Veterans offers some of the best primary weapons in Helldivers 2. While seen as a bit of a disappointment at launch, multiple patches and buffs since then have cemented its weapons in excellent tiers against both factions.

The SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary and JAR-5 Dominator are both loadout-defining weapons for starters. The former is an excellent pick against Terminids to ignite (and burn) swarms. The latter, on the other hand, is an explosive damage-dealing semi-automatic that easily pierces the armor of the Automatons.

Lastly, the P-4 Senator is the best sidearm to equip in Helldivers 2 and an excellent alternative to the Redeemer machine pistol. It is also the only weapon in the game that has an idle gun-spinning animation, which adds some style points.

Helldivers 2

February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios