Helldivers 2 features an impressive collection of weaponry, including assault rifles, grenades, pistols, and stratagems. While all these weapons cause devastating damage to enemies, some are more powerful and versatile than others, making it crucial to choose the right loadout for hard missions.

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Choosing the best Helldivers 2 weapons can help players complete the most brutal and difficult levels - Suicide, Impossible, and Helldive. These missions require players to be equipped with quite a varied selection of weapons that can destroy gunships, take down enemies, clear waves of Automatons, and eliminate pesky bugs and Shriekers. Here’s the best meta build for surviving hard missions in Helldivers 2.

Best Meta Build for Hard Missions in Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 sentry Stratagem Weapon Tier List CUSTOM IMAGE-1

The best weapon loadout for surviving Suicide, Impossible and Helldive in Helldivers 2 is as follows:

PrimarySG-225 Breaker
SecondaryP-19 Redeemer
GrenadeG-12 High Explosive
StratagemSH-32 Shield Generator Pack, LAS-99 Quasar Cannon, Eagle Cluster Bomb, Orbital Railcannon Strike
ArmorEngineering Kit Perk
BoostersVitality Enhancement

This loadout includes weapons that deal devastating damage to ensure you can one-shot enemies in hard missions and complete objectives. The SG-225 Breaker is a reliable, low-maintenance, automatic shotgun ideal for circling the map and taking out light and medium-armored enemies. Pair this with the P-19 Redeemer, a fully automatic pistol designed for crowd control. Boasting an extremely high fire rate, the P-19 Redeemer ensures you can tear through opponents when circling the map.

As for grenades, the G-12 High Explosive is your best choice. It deals 400 damage and has a wide outer radius, ensuring you can take out waves of Automatons and bugs within seconds. The G-12 High Explosives is one of the best grenades to clear nests and outposts in Helldivers 2, making it a go-to choice for brutal missions.

When it comes to the best Helldivers 2 stratagems for hard missions, we recommend equipping the Shield Generator Pack to protect you from enemy attacks and the LAS-99 Quasar Cannon to kill automatons with a single shot. The LAS-99 Quasar Cannon is the best weapon to destroy Automaton Fabricators in Helldivers 2, ensuring more enemies don’t spawn when completing objectives.

The Eagle Cluster Bomb does a good job at destroying buildings and clearing hordes of terminids and automatons. Call in this airstrike when enemies swarm and attack you and your teammates. It will kill or severely damage them, allowing you to escape.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios