The new Premium Warbond, called Polar Patriots, has delivered a new SMG in Helldivers 2, called the SMG-72 Pummeler. While this is already exciting due to the overwhelming lack of SMG options in the game prior to this, the additional stagger feature of the weapon is what has earned this Primary Weapon a spot in the META.

That being said, players are scrambling to decide what the best loadouts to pair with the Pummeler are. Which Stratagems and Secondary Weapons accentuate its strengths while covering its' weaknesses? Is the Pummeler better suited to some missions than others? Keep reading for answers to all that and more.

Helldivers 2: Best Quasar Cannon Loadouts

The Quasar Cannon is one of the best Support Weapons you can wield in Helldivers 2. This guide details the best loadouts that complement it.

Where To Get The SMG-72 Pummeler

the pummerler SMG on a black background in helldivers 2

Players can unlock the SMG-72 Pummeler on the second page of the Polar Patriot Warbond. This is a Premium Warbond, so they'll need to use 1000 Super Credits to first unlock the Warbond and then use Medals to progress up to the Pummeler.

Strengths & Weaknesses of the SMG-72 Pummeler


The SMG-72 Pummeler excels in crowd control and utility roles. The stagger attached to each shot can effectively stunlock dangerous and/or fast-moving targets, making them easier to burst down. The high rate of fire is also effective at clearing groups of weaker enemies.

However, this gun will struggle with stopping power against larger enemies, especially at difficulty level five and above. This is because of its lower damage per shot and its lack of Medium Armor Penetration. As a result, Helldivers need to rely on their squadmates to follow up on staggered enemies.

Best Missions For Using The SMG-72 Pummeler

This gun excels against Terminids of all levels, but especially those likely to spawn in difficulties one through seven. This is where Lightly Armored enemies such as Hunters and Stalkers are most plentiful before being crowded out by Bile Titans and Chargers at higher levels. There is no innate advantage to using the Pummeler in specific mission objectives, as it performs well in mobile operations and defense missions.

Helldivers 2: Best Autocannon Loadouts

Helldivers 2's Autocannon is one of the most versatile weapons in the game. This guide details the best AC loadouts and how to use it well.

The Best Pummeler Loadout Against Automatons

Helldivers 2 Automatons Swords

Automatons are not the ideal situation in which to use the SMG-72 Pummeler, as they tend to reward precision, which is difficult to achieve with an SMG. However, the utility can still be valuable in coordinated squads. To offset the downsides of the Pummeler against these enemies, this loadout takes a more controlled secondary weapon and the Ballistic Shield, so players can easily get in range of enemies.

At this time, it is unclear whether the stagger of the Pummeler is as effective on Automaton Elites as it is against Terminids. However, it is very successful against smaller, melee-oriented enemies like Berserkers and Commissars.

Which Stratagems To Take

  • Ballistic Shield - Like all SMGs, the Pummeler is a one-handed weapon. This allows players to use the Ballistic Shield without penalty. Use the shield to move between cover while under fire, fighting at medium and short range whenever possible.
  • EMP Mortar - This is a useful sentry if the mission requires defending a point. It is long-lasting and will stun enemies at long range while the squad picks them off.
  • EMP Airstrike - Like the mortar, the EMP Airstrike is capable of stunning groups of enemies to be shot at the players' leisure. It can be used outside the Pummeler's effective radius.

The Best Boosters To Bring

The Hellpod Space Optimization Booster is a must-have with such an ammo-hungry primary weapon. Deploying with full ammo can make the difference between surviving a hot drop and the mission going sideways before it has started. However, if another squad mate is already bringing this Booster, a good alternative is the Expert Extraction Booster.

The Best Secondary Weapon

The best Secondary Weapon to pair with the SMG-72 Pummeler against Automatons is one that can hit the Automaton enemies' small weak spots. This includes the P-4 Senator and the LAS-7 Dagger. Each comes with its own benefits, namely that the Dagger has unlimited ammo and that the Senator has very high damage.

How To Use This Loadout Effectively

Ideally, players should use the Pummeler to stunlock Berserkers and Automatons with Rocket Weapons. Then, switch to the secondary weapon to target weak spots and clear stronger enemies. Keep the Ballistic Shield out whenever taking direct fire, because it allows you to remain much more exposed than usual against Automatons, potentially even drawing fire away from squadmates. When attempting to control large groups, use the EMP Stratagems in addition to the stagger on the Pummeler.

Helldivers 2: 5 Most Underrated Loadouts

Helldivers 2 features an impressive collection of weapons with meta builds, but some loadouts are more underrated than others.

The Best Pummeler Loadout Against Terminids

helldivers 2 squad fighting terminids

Missions against Terminids are where the SMG-72 Pummeler really shines. The hordes of fragile Scavengers are easily cleared by the Pummeler, and the variety of easily telegraphed deadly attacks the faction employs can be interrupted by the weapon's stagger. Some of the attacks you can interrupt include:

The only downside to the gun in this instance is the lack of Medium Armor Penetration, which can make actually killing the more powerful enemies difficult. To shore up this weakness, this loadout brings extra firepower in the form of Stratagems and a Secondary Weapon.

Which Stratagems To Take

  • Autocannon Sentry - The terrible mobility of this powerful sentry is a problem when the enemy is motionless. As a result, dropping the Autocannon and then staggering its target is an effective strategy.
  • Orbital Laser - The Orbital Laser is widely regarded as an amazing Stratagem for dealing with Tank class enemies and structures. Throw it in when the Pummeler's firepower isn't suspicious.
  • Supply Backpack - Because stunlocking enemies rely on constant fire, players will chew through ammo on their Pummeler. The Supply Backpack acts as an additional supply when in world stashes or Resupplies are unavailable.

The Best Boosters To Bring

The Hellpod Space Optimization Booster is a must-have with such an ammo-hungry primary weapon. Deploying with full ammo saves players the initial Resupply on dropping so that it can be used later. However, if another squad mate is already bringing this Booster, a good alternative is the Expert Extraction Booster.

The Best Secondary Weapon

Because the Pummeler struggles past medium range, and is fairly low damage, players should bring a secondary weapon that packs a punch at a variety of distances. The P-113 Verdict and the P-4 Senator both accomplish this goal well. However, players might also consider bringing the GP-31 Grenade Pistol due to the Explosive damage, which can provide additional utility by closing enemy spawn points as well as bypassing armor levels they normally couldn't penetrate.

How To Use This Loadout Effectively

Players running this loadout will be packing insane utility and damage. To further fill the support role, use the Supply Backpack to refill your teammate's ammo or offer to carry the ammo backpack for someone using a Recoilless Rifle or Autocannon. In combat, prioritize stunlocking dangerous targets while calling them out so that the squad can follow up.

If you need to kill a tanky enemy without assistance, call down an Orbital Laser on them or use the Autocannon Sentry while staggering the enemy to keep it still.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios