
  • Light armor in Helldivers 2 offers extra mobility for speedy players who prefer to sprint or sneak past enemies.
  • Unique armor sets like the Prototype X provide specialized resistance to specific types of damage for strategic advantages.
  • Armor like the Legionnaire and Infiltrator allows for specialized playstyles like increased limb health or reduced enemy detection range.

Helldivers 2 has a variety of armor sets that can be unlocked by paying their assigned price in one of the game's multiple currencies. Heavy armor offers the most protection at the cost of speed and stamina, while light armor allows players to have extra mobility with reduced damage protection.

Helldivers 2: Best Eagle Strikes, Ranked

Eagle Strikes are a type of Stratagem where a small fighter attacks an area with different weapons. These are the best options in Helldivers 2.

Light armor is great for players who enjoy having the freedom to sprint as often as possible, as well as those who prefer to sneak past enemy patrols rather than fight them. With a variety of perks, light armor helps players achieve both of these playstyles and more. Keeping on the move is a great strategy for staying alive, especially on the most chaotic missions a helldiver can join.

7 EX-00 Prototype X

Armor From The Cutting Edge Warbond Offers Arc Protection

Stats for the Prototype X Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Electrical Conduit: Provides 95% resistance to arc damage
  • Cost: 294 Medals
  • Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

Tesla Towers and Arc Throwers use electricity to kill the enemies of Super Earth. Unfortunately, both can easily kill helldivers as well, which has deterred many players from using them. The Prototype X armor introduced in the Cutting Edge Warbond seeks to remedy this by giving players nearly complete resistance to arc damage.

This added protection is great but only advantageous in specific situations. Since no enemies currently deal arc damage, this armor is only used to prevent friendly fire damage from two player-related sources in the game. It will be much better if enemies are also given arc weapons in future updates.

6 SC-37 Legionnaire

Keep Limbs From Being Injured And Throw Grenades Farther

The stats for SC-37 legionnaire Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Servo-Assisted
  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

The Legionnaire armor has the Servo-Assisted passive ability, which grants 50% more limb health and 30% extra throwing range for all grenades and Strategems. The extra limb health is great for light armor builds because legs are less likely to be injured, which keeps the helldiver moving at maximum speed most of the time. The extra throwing distance is also great because the player can more easily close Bug Holes and destroy Fabricators without having to get into difficult firefights.

Helldivers 2: All Backpack Items, Ranked

Choosing the right Backpack Stratagem is essential to ensuring Democracy is spread across the conquerable planets of Helldivers 2.

The Legionnaire also boasts a unique appearance since it resembles a flight suit worn by pilots. Players who like to have a unique look will be drawn to the relatively unusual style of this armor set.

5 B-08 Light Gunner

Same Defense As Medium Armor

The stats for the Light Gunner Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Extra Padding
  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • Armor Rating: 100
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

This light armor offers the same armor rating as most medium armor thanks to the Extra Padding passive ability. Players who want all the stamina regeneration and speed of light armor but without the drawbacks of lower damage protection should unlock this armor as soon as possible.

The downside to this armor is that it does not help players specialize in anything. Since it offsets the cons of light armor instead of taking advantage of the pros that light armor offers, it makes players more of a jack-of-all-trades helldiver. However, the fact that helldivers will be able to move quickly and take more hits makes this trade-off worth it for many players.

4 FS-38 Eradicator

Perfect For Snipers

The stats for the Eradicator Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Fortified
  • Cost: 250 Super Credits
  • ​​​​​​​Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

In Helldivers 2, players who prefer to snipe from a distance need to be fast on their feet. They can usually get in a handful of shots at most before remaining enemies are alerted to their presence and start to attack. Having light armor is the best way for snipers to make a few hits and then relocate to a safe distance since they can move faster than most enemies.

Helldivers 2: Best Emplacements

Calling in an unmovable and powerful object of war, emplacement stratagems can turn the tides against the enemies of Super-Earth in Helldivers 2.

This armor is even better suited to this task thanks to the Fortified passive ability, which reduces recoil by an additional 30% when players crouch or go prone. With increased accuracy, snipers can quickly and easily kill a Hulk by shooting its red eye or take out multiple targets safely. Fortified also buffs explosives resistance, which is nearly always helpful on the battlefield.

3 CM-21 Trench Paramedic

Support The Squad As A Healer

The stats for the Trench Paramedic Light Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Med-Kit
  • Cost:250 Super Credits
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Armor Rating: 69
  • Speed: 531
  • Stamina Regeneration: 116

Because of the Med-Kit passive ability, this armor helps helldivers survive the horrors of the battlefield by giving their healing ability an edge. Players wearing it start missions with six stims instead of four, and each stim lasts two seconds longer than normal. Extra healing can keep players alive when they would have died otherwise and helps to offset the limitations of light armor.

Because players in the Trench Paramedic armor are faster than those wearing medium or heavy armor, they can also quickly maneuver the battlefield to heal players that would otherwise be out of reach by their squad. This is the perfect armor for players who want to play a support role for their squad.

2 SC-34 Infiltrator

Slip Past Enemy Patrols

The stats for the Infiltrator Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Scout
  • Cost: 150 Super Credits
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

The Infiltrator armor helps players act exactly as the name suggests. The Scout passive ability allows them to sneak past enemy patrols by reducing enemy detection range by 30%. This is especially great for solo players who want to complete objectives as quickly as possible without getting embroiled in needless fighting.

The Scout passive also generates radar scans from pins on the map, which allows players to plan out their routes around enemies that they would otherwise not know about. This stealthy armor embodies the light armor playstyle, and matches most of the default armor appearances, making it easy to customize in a pleasing way.

1 SC-30 Trailblazer Scout

The Quintessential Light Armor

The stats for the Trailblazer Armor in Helldivers 2
  • Scout
  • Cost: 480 Medals
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Armor Rating: 50
  • Speed: 550
  • Stamina Regeneration: 125

As its name suggests, the Trailblazer Scout has the Scout passive ability. It generates radar scans from pins placed on the map, allowing players to know where enemy patrols are anywhere on the map. This is great for alerting the squad of incoming danger and avoiding patrols while traveling to an objective. It also lets players get closer to enemies before being detected, which allows them to either sneak past them and avoid conflict or ambush enemies for a quick, decisive victory.

With flowing fabric that easily blends in with the many capes that players can wear, this armor also makes players look the part of a skilled scout or sniper. Players can get into the role both in appearance and through game mechanics, making this the perfect light armor for a fast, stealthy playstyle.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
February 8, 2024
Arrowhead Game Studios