
  • Choose a loadout wisely in Helldivers 2, including grenades that complement one's strategy.
  • Impact Grenades explode on contact, dealing high damage but requiring careful aim.
  • Stun Grenades slow and incapacitate enemies, perfect for gaining the upper hand in tough situations.

Before players launch themselves onto a planet to start a mission in Helldivers 2, they must choose every aspect of their loadout. This includes a primary weapon, secondary weapon, grenade type, and up to four Strategems —special abilities with a wide range of options — in addition to their armor.

8 Funniest Ways To Die In Helldivers 2

There are a lot of ways to die in Helldivers 2. Some of them, however, are just downright hilarious.

Grenades are an integral part of a player's loadout since some of them are highly specialized tools for specific uses while others are merely an extension of a player's ability to kill lots of enemies. Choosing the right grenade to complement the rest of a player's choices is an important part of mission preparation.

7 G-123 Thermite Grenade

Damage Armored Enemies

Stats for the thermite grenade
  • Page 1 of Democratic Detonation
  • Costs 15 Medals to unlock

Rather than bouncing off the ground or an enemy's head, the G-123 Thermite Grenade sticks to the spot where it is thrown. Over the next few seconds, the sticky grenade heats up and deals damage over time before finally exploding and hurting the target it sticks to as well as those nearby.

While this damage does pierce even the thickest enemy armor, it does not deal enough damage to be a worthwhile replacement for other grenades, since it still takes multiple grenades to take out Chargers and other common heavily armored enemies. Players are better off using other equipment to deal with these enemies and use grenades that can take out groups of enemies.

6 G-6 Frag Grenade

Default Grenade That All Helldivers Can Use

frag grenade stats
  • Page 1 of original Warbond
  • Costs 2 Medals to unlock

The G-6 Frag Grenade can be unlocked very early in the game. It deals slightly less damage than the standard High Explosive Grenade but has a wider explosion radius. It is a good choice for players who want a wider impact than the standard grenade, but its differences are so slight that some players may not notice.

Like other explosive grenades, the G-6 Frag can be thrown into Bug Holes or Fabricator vents to close them, and it does a good job killing clusters of enemies. It is a solid, dependable choice that can fill the role that grenades generally have in shooter games.

5 G-3 Smoke Grenade

Decrease Enemy Accuracy And Slip Away

Helldivers 2 Smoke Grenade stats
  • Page 8 of original Warbond
  • Costs 25 Medals to unlock

The G-3 Smoke Grenade is one of two grenade types that do not deal damage to enemies within their blast radius. Instead, this grenade dispenses a cloud of smoke that blinds enemies.

Helldivers 2: Best Weapons to Deal with Automatons

Heading to fight the Automatons in Helldivers 2? Make life easier by getting the best weapons for the job.

This niche grenade can be used to cover a retreat since enemies have reduced accuracy when firing through the smokescreen. It can also be used to help players remain unseen to avoid patrols or have the upper hand by sneaking up on them. While it can't kill enemies or destroy their spawn points, a smoke grenade can be helpful in these situations.

4 G-10 Incendiary Grenade

Burn Clusters Of Enemies

stats for incendiary grenade
  • Page 2 of Steeled Veterans Warbond
  • Costs 25 Medals to unlock

The G-10 Incendiary Grenadekills with fire rather than explosive damage. Its blast radius is covered in fire for a brief time, igniting friends and foes alike. This is particularly useful against Terminids since they are vulnerable to burning, and even heavily armored enemies like Chargers take burning damage without the need to pierce through their armor.

Since Automatons don't share the Terminids' weakness for fire, they are not very effective against the bots, and they can't be used to close Bug Holes like explosive grenades. The Incendiary Grenade is mostly only a good choice for players looking to fill a specific role while fighting the bugs.

3 G-23 Stun Grenade

Stun Enemies To Make Them Easy To Attack Or Run Away From

Stun grenade stats
  • Page 2 of Cutting Edge Warbond
  • Costs 25 Medals to unlock

The G-23 Stun Grenade releases an EMS burst in its radius. Like the Orbital EMS Strike, this slows enemy movement and briefly prevents them from attacking rather than dealing them damage.

Helldivers 2: 9 Best Items From The Cutting Edge Warbond

The Cutting Edge Warbond introduced new sets of armor and unique weapons, most of which center around arc damage.

Stunning enemies is a great way to gain the upper hand when players are pinned down by overwhelming numbers because it makes bots and bugs much easier to kill. It can also be a good strategy for dealing with Hulks since players can run around behind a stunned Hulk to hit the weak spots on its back. Stunned enemies also do not pursue retreating helldivers quickly, making it easy for players to run away and regroup. These situational uses make this grenade a helpful aspect of a player's loadout.

2 G-16 Impact Grenade

Explosion On Impact Has Its Pros And Cons

Stats for impact grenade
  • Page 5 of original Warbond
  • Costs 20 Medals to unlock

Unlike other grenades, the G-16 Impact Grenade explodes the moment it touches anything. Players using this grenade don't have to time their throw based on a fuse, but they can also accidentally deal a lot of damage to themselves if they miss and hit a rock or enemy nearby. Like other explosive grenades, they are great for closing Bug Holes, although they cannot destroy Fabricators very well because their vents bend downward into the building and cause a premature explosion.

No other grenade in the game deals as much damage as the Impact Grenade does, so the negatives are outweighed for any player who wants to maximize their damage output.

1 G-12 High Explosive Grenade

Highest Damage From A Grenade

Stats for high explosive grenade
  • Not on any Warbond
  • Unlocked by default

The G-12 High Explosive Grenade is the default grenade that all players have access to after finishing the tutorial. While some players may think that the default option will always be overshadowed by grenades that can be unlocked at higher levels, that is not the case in Helldivers 2.

It has a slightly smaller explosion radius and fuse time than the G-6 Frag Grenade and does everything that players expect from a grenade. It can clear out groups of enemies, damage weak spots of armored bugs and bots, and destroy spawn points. Players who want to get the most bang for their buck can rely on this grenade and use their hard-earned Medals on any weapons or armor that they have their eye on.

Helldivers 2

PC , PS5
Arrowhead Game Studios
February 8, 2024