
  • Helldivers 2 is missing features from the original game, but fans can expect more content in future updates for a fuller experience.
  • The variety of armor options in Helldivers 2 may not provide the best utility or survivability for players.
  • Observant players have noticed broken-down vehicles and exosuits in Helldivers 2, indicating possible additions to the game.

It remains to be seen whether certain features from the original Helldivers aren’t present in Helldivers 2, or if they just haven’t been discovered yet. Specifically, there are numerous weapons, Stratagems, enemy types, and even an entire faction of enemies, the Illuminate, that players have yet to encounter in Helldivers 2.

While Helldivers 2 is ultimately missing a significant amount of features from the original game at the moment, longtime fans of the franchise already expect to see more returning content coming in future updates for Helldivers 2. As it currently stands though, Helldivers 2 seemingly has a lot of catching up to do compared to what the first game offered throughout its base game content and all of the free post-launch expansions that the game received.

Are Light and Heavy Armors Worth It in Helldivers 2?

While there are already plenty of armor options in Helldivers 2, some of them provide underwhelming utilities and survivability potential.

Original Helldivers Features That Helldivers 2 Should Revive

Different Game Modes

The Proving Grounds game mode introduced in a free expansion for the original game tasked players with completing some of the standard mission objectives in Helldivers for increased rewards, however, players also faced loadout restrictions and gameplay modifiers in this mode. The gameplay modifiers in the Proving Grounds included things like shared friendly fire damage among all teammates and random incoming aerial strikes that provided fresh experiences to each mission.

More Difficulty Settings, Enemies, and Factions

There’s no shortage of difficulty levels in Helldivers 2, but the original game still has Helldivers 2 beat in this aspect. Helldivers 2 currently offers nine difficulty settings, whereas, between the base game and all of the free expansions for the original Helldivers game, players can have access to up to 15 difficulties that add increased amounts of unique enemies to fight. Additionally, players have yet to see the Illuminate enemy faction in Helldivers 2, which may very well only make an appearance in the late stages of Helldivers 2’s ongoing war.

Weapon Types

  • Arc Weapons
  • Medic Gun
  • Melee Weapons/Bayonets
  • Metal Detector
  • Plasma Weapons
  • Poison Weapons
  • Satchel Charges
  • Silenced Weapons

One of the main criticisms of the two Battle Passes in Helldivers 2 that are currently available is that their rewards are rather lacking in variety, especially regarding weaponry. In total, there are only nine primary weapons and three secondary weapons in Helldivers 2 for now. Not to mention, some of the primary weapons are only slight variations of the same base weapons. Considering how many primary and secondary weapons the original Helldivers game offered in comparison to Helldivers 2, it’s quite a shocking difference.

Ultimately, the weapons in Helldivers 2 that players have access to are missing out on a lot of interesting utilities and status effects that the weapons from the first game offered. There was also a distinct melee weapon in the original Helldivers that surprisingly didn’t make the cut for the second game. Even with this in mind though, the case can be made Helldivers 2 doesn’t necessarily need to bring back every weapon from the original game, whereas new, original weapons could also solve the lack of weapon variety that the game currently suffers from.

Vehicle Stratagems

  • AD-289 Avenger support drone
  • EXO-44 Walker Exosuit minigun/rocket mech
  • EXO-48 Obsidian Exosuit autocannon mech
  • EXO-51 Lumberer Exosuit cannon/flamethrower mech
  • MC-109 Hammer Motorcycle 2-person vehicle including passenger minigun
  • M5 APC 4-person all-terrain vehicle outfitted with two light auto-cannon and two machine guns
  • M5-32 HAV 4-person armored all-terrain vehicle outfitted with a 90mm cannon and two machine guns
  • TD-110 Bastion 2-person armored tank with primary cannon and secondary minigun

Observant fans have already pointed out that players can encounter broken-down vehicles and exosuits while exploring in Helldivers 2, which seemingly suggests that some of these vehicles are already planned to be added to the game. There’s already a satisfying variety of Stratagems in Helldivers 2, but vehicles and mech suits could be game-changers.