
  • Choosing the right loadout with balanced weapons and abilities is crucial for Helldivers 2 missions.
  • The Spear backpack reloads the powerful Spear weapon faster, emphasizing teamwork in gameplay.
  • The Shield Generator Pack provides extra protection, allowing players to stay in battles longer.

Before dropping onto a planet for a mission, Helldivers 2 players equip up to four Stratagems as part of their loadout. These are their special abilities and heavy weapons that they will have access to for the upcoming mission, and it is critical that players have a balanced loadout. Having weapons and abilities that can take on armored enemies in addition to clearing the field of swarms is a key part of that.

Helldivers 2: Best Eagle Strikes, Ranked

Eagle Strikes are a type of Stratagem where a small fighter attacks an area with different weapons. These are the best options in Helldivers 2.

Another key part of a good Helldivers 2 loadout is choosing a single Stratagem to take up the player's sole backpack slot. Players have to choose which one of the eight backpack Stratagems they will use for the mission, which can set them up for either victory or failure.

11 Ballistic Shield Backpack

Protects The Player's Front But Makes Them Use One-Handed Weapons

Menu description for Ballistic Shield
  • Unlocked at Level 12
  • 6,000 Requisition Slips
  • Minimizes damage while charging forward at enemies
  • Cannot be used with any two-handed weapons

When players pick up the Ballistic Shield, they wear it on their back until they equip it. Once equipped, the player holds the shield in one hand and their one-handed sidearm in the other. They can then move forward towards enemies while mitigating damage from small arms fire.

The shield does not protect from explosions or other heavily damaging attacks, so players should not feel invincible or charge into the thickest parts of a battle. The fact that players can only wield a side arm with the shield also makes it less useful than other backpack Stratagems. There are better ways to protect helldivers without limiting the squad's firepower.

10 Spear Ammo Support Backpack

Reload A Spear Equipped By Any Player

Menu Description of Spear
  • Unlocked at Level 20
  • 9,000 Requisition Slips
  • Can be used by any player, even if they don't have a Spear
  • Reloads faster if used by players that don't have a Spear

The Spear is a powerful Support Weapon that locks onto large targets. It can be used to take down Chargers, Bile Titans, Hulks, and Tanks although it may take more than one shot to do so. Unfortunately, it cannot shoot at anything smaller than these large targets.

The Spear backpack contains Spear ammo. Using it is the only way to reload and fire it beyond the first use. Fortunately, any player in the squad can wear the backpack and reload the heavy weapon, and it is actually faster if a different player equips this backpack than the one who equipped the Spear itself. The Spear and its backpack highlight the game's emphasis on cooperation, but some players may find it too cumbersome and niche to truly be effective in the field.

9 B-1 Supply Pack

Carry Extra Ammo, Stims, And Grenades

Helldivers 2 Supply Pack Boxes
  • Unlocked at Level 3
  • 4,000 Requisition Slips
  • Players with this can give supplies to their squad
  • Helldivers don't have to wait on Ion Storms or the Resupply cooldown

While ammo, grenades, and stims can occasionally be found strewn across the map, scavenging is not as reliable as calling in a Resupply Stratagem which provides enough to restock the whole squad. The main downsides to the Resupply Stratagem are its cooldown timer and the fact that an Ion Storm can prevent players from calling one down.

The B-1 Supply Pack circumvents these downsides by allowing players to carry them on their backs. The player wearing it can give supplies to their squad mates or take some for themselves, granting flexibility that typically isn't offered for players low on ammo.

8 Recoilless Rifle Support Backpack

Backpack To Support An Anti-Vehicle Weapon

7 One player fires the Recoilless Rifle while the other reloads

  • Unlocked at Level 5
  • 6,000 Requisition Slips
  • Any player can equip this to reload the Recoilless Rifle
  • Reloading by teammates is faster

The Recoilless Rifle is a powerful Support Weapon designed to handle heavily armored enemies like Chargers and Tanks. Like the Spear, it requires a backpack to load its specialized ammo between two shots. If worn by the player wielding the Recoilless Rifle, it takes a considerable amount of time to reload.

The reload process goes by faster if a player who isn't using the Recoilless Rifle takes the backpack, though it is still slower than reloading a primary or secondary weapon. Taking the backpack to help the teammate specializing in dealing with large, armored enemies is a great way to support the squad.

6 Autocannon Ammo Support Backpack

Support The Player With The Autocannon

Autocannon in Helldivers 2
  • Unlocked at Level 10
  • 7,000 Requisition Slips
  • Any player can equip this to reload the Autocannon
  • Reloading by teammates is faster

The Autocannon is another Support Weapon that requires a specialized ammo backpack. Like the Spear and Recoilless Rifle, reloading is faster when done by a second player instead of the one using the Autocannon. What makes the Autocannon better is that it uses a clip of ammo instead of a single shot.

Helldivers 2: The Best Orbital Barrages

Orbital Strategems call on the player's ship to strike the planet's surface with a variety of weapons. However, each barrage has its pros and cons.

The Autocannon can hold ten bullets at a time and each clip of ammo used from the backpack reloads half of this capacity. By reloading multiple bullets at a time, the player with the backpack does not need to always stay by the player shooting the Autocannon so there is more freedom and flexibility with this gun and backpack combo than with others.

5 AX/AR-23 "Guard Dog"

Rover That Fires A Liberator Assault Rifle

Menu Description for Mahine Gun Rover
  • Unlock at Level 10
  • 7,500 Requisition Slips
  • Passively fires at enemies near the player
  • Needs to land on the backpack to reload

The AX/AR-23 Guard Dog Rover carries a Liberator Assault Rifle, which is the standard-issue primary weapon given to players at the beginning of the game. It can easily watch the player's back while he or she is at a terminal, or prevent them from getting surrounded and overwhelmed by enemies. Having a second gun passively firing at any nearby threats is a great strategy for surviving a mission.

Helldivers 2: How to Check Planet Status

Planet status highlights how much a planet has been liberated in Helldivers 2. Here’s how players can check it.

Since the Liberator does not penetrate armor, this Rover's bullets will ricochet off of armored enemies if it starts to target them. Since there is no way to choose which targets the Rover will hit, this can be problematic on higher-level missions. The other downside to this Stratagem is that the Rover has to dock with the backpack to reload fairly frequently, reducing the time that players have a second weapon firing with them.

4 AX/LAS-5 "Guard Dog" Rover

Passively Shoots Lasers At Nearby Enemies

3 helldivers 2 guard dog vs rover

  • Unlock at Level 10
  • 7,500 Requisition Slips
  • Rover targets any enemy near the player
  • Cannot pierce heavily armored enemies

When a player puts on a AX/LAS-5 Guard Dog backpack, the rover launches and then hovers around them. It passively fires at nearby enemies and is capable of killing many enemies with its laser beam before needing to land back on the player's back to cool down.

Since lasers do not ricochet off armor, this Guard Dog is not at risk for inadvertently hurting allies by shooting at Chargers or other heavy foes. However, the laser does often hit players, especially the one with its backpack, because the rover does not take friendly fire into consideration. The benefits of having a second gun firing at nearby threats offset the risk of friendly fire for most players.

2 LIFT-850 Jump Pack

Boost Movement Speed And Dodge Enemies

A player uses a Jump Pack to fly through the air in Helldivers 2
  • Unlock at Level 8
  • 6,000 Requisition Slips
  • Use Jump Pack to dodge Chargers and gain distance from melee enemies
  • Offset the slower movement of Heavy Armor or be even faster in Light Armor

When activated, the Jump Pack launches the player into the air in the direction they were just moving in. It is a sudden burst rather than a controlled, slow burn. Players who want to use the Jump Pack have to learn to judge the height and distance so that they can use it effectively to climb up rock faces, jump over fences and obstacles, or infiltrate places like Heavy Fabricators.

The Jump Pack can also be used as an effective dodge. Jumping over Chargers makes it easier to hit their weak spot on the back, and using a Jump Pack to get away from a pack of Hunters is a good way to avoid being slowed down and killed. Because the Jump Pack is faster than sprinting, it can also offset the slow speed of Heavy Armor or augment the agility of players using Light Armor. Players who want mobility should strongly consider bringing a Jump Pack planet-side.

1 SH-32 Shield Generator Pack

Extra Protection Can Keep Helldivers Alive

A Devastator fires at a player protected by a shield
  • Unlock at Level 20
  • 10,000 Requisition Slips
  • Projects a shield in a bubble around the player
  • Comes back online after a short delay

The Shield Generator Pack is the best backpack Stratagem for players who want extra protection. By wearing it, players can take a direct hit from an Automaton rocket or be hit head-on by a Charger without taking any damage. While it does go offline after taking sufficient damage, it will always come back as long as the player is still alive and wearing the backpack.

On missions where players know that they will encounter many enemies like "Eradicate Enemy Forces", using this backpack allows them to stay in the fight longer before needing to run away or find cover. By standing their ground longer, players will eliminate more enemies and be that much closer to victory. Any helldiver looking for ways to stay alive longer needs a Shield Generator Pack.

Helldivers 2

Arrowhead Game Studios
PC , PS5
February 8, 2024