
  • Hellblade 2 takes place in 9th century Iceland, a unique setting that offers opportunities for historical exploration.
  • The meeting of Celtic and Norse cultures in Iceland could create tension or new perspectives for the protagonist.
  • The inclusion of a major volcanic eruption would add both historical accuracy and potential for impactful storytelling.

Ninja Theory's upcoming Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 is a sequel to Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice. Senua's Sacrifice surprised players with its unflinching and well-researched take on the titular character and her experiences with a form of psychosis. Along with its third-person action and use of puzzles integrated into Senua's perception of the world, the tale of the Celtic warrior on a deeply personal quest to avenge her lover has captivated many fans since its original 2017 release. A followup was announced in 2019, promising another chapter in Senua's journey.

But the 2020 pandemic and ensuing years saw a period of radio silence on the progress of Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2. Earlier this year, though, Ninja Theory provided some more firm updates, specifically focusing on the location where it will take Senua next. In a series of developer diaries, it discussed its work on building the setting of 9th century Iceland for Hellblade 2. ​​​Given Senua's character and the locale, this opens up a range of possibilities to explore it in a historical context.

Senua's Sacrifice won multiple BAFTAs in 2018, notably for Game Beyond Entertainment.

Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2's 2024 Release Window Has Been a Long Time Coming

Hellblade 2 has been confirmed for a 2024 release, ending years of rumors and speculation borne from an overly quiet development cycle.

Hellblade 2's Iceland Setting Explained

Historical 9th Century Iceland

While there have been many games set in the medieval period, the large majority are usually in mainland Europe, rather than the eerily beautiful but distant landscape of Iceland. One of the main reasons is that there are comparatively fewer historical sources regarding it. It was known to be one of the last places in the area discovered during that age, and thus the details of its earlier period are less plentiful. However, this could work in Hellblade 2's favor. It would be able to integrate a few of the more well-documented facts with some creative liberties, filling in the gaps to better have its version of Iceland conform to the next part of Senua's journey.

Some more notable items about Iceland during the time for Ninja Theory to consider including are:

  • Celtic and Nordic explorers discovered and began to settle Iceland around the same time during the 9th century.
  • Both peoples encountered each other in sometimes friendly, and sometimes antagonistic circumstances.
  • There was a major volcanic eruption in Iceland late in the century.

How Hellblade 2 Could Use Its Icelandic Setting

The meeting of the above cultures in Iceland will likely play a big part in how the setting is used in Senua's second story. Senua's Sacrifice took place in a depiction of the Celtic afterlife informed by her visions and perception of mythology. A Norse tribe was responsible for setting Senua down her path of vengeance, as she imagines herself battling through hell and back during the course of the plot. If she encounters Norse peoples again, the resulting tension between the groups could be a central element. Conversely, it could provide an opportunity for her to encounter them on more peaceful terms, changing her views of and interactions with those she previously considered sworn enemies.

However, the last point holds possibly the most potential for incorporating real-world events in the sequel. The eruption happening in Hellblade 2 would make for an arresting setpiece, while being historically accurate. Hellblade's surreal elements were one of its cornerstones, with Senua seeing signs and omens within the world around her. If she witnesses a powerful natural phenomenon, how she reacts and processes it internally could be further explored. Combined with the possibilities of how Senua might respond to encountering more Norse peoples, Ninja Theory has a range of prospects for bringing 9th century Iceland to life both for players and the character in Senua's Sacrifice.