When it comes to selecting a weapon, Hell Let Loose players are spoiled for choice. Each faction has fourteen unique roles, and each role has 2-4 different loadouts. The game’s impressive arsenal boasts a variety of historically accurate firearms in these loadouts that allow players to decide exactly how they want to play this tactical World War II FPS.

Because of Hell Let Loose's variety, it can be a little hard to decide which option to pick. The default Rifleman is reliable, but most players will want to try out other roles too. Knowing which loadouts are the best will help players hone their playstyle and win more matches.

12 Grenadier Assault

hell let loose squad
  • Faction: United States
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 6

The Grenadier Assault is perfect for aggressive players who want to be in the thick of the action. Equipped with a fully automatic M1A1 Thompson, the Grenadier is most effective at close range, charging into combat to personally clear out enemy positions and secure objectives. Though it can be tough to control at longer ranges, the Thompson makes the Grenadier one of the most lethal loadouts in close-quarters combat.

True to its name, the Grenadier also comes with 6 frag and 4 smoke grenades. The smokes are vital in supporting coordinated pushes, and the frags will help clear even the most well-fortified strongholds of enemy defenders.

11 Standard Issue Anti-Tank

hell let loose anti tank
  • Faction: United States
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 1

The Anti-Tank kit is one of the most essential roles in Hell Let Loose, giving infantry an answer to enemy vehicles. The default American loadout is fairly simple: it comes with an M1 Garand and Bazooka with two shots, which allows players to destroy any vehicle besides heavy tanks (which require three). Though some players might prefer the satchel Anti-Tank loadouts, the Bazooka is generally the safest and most reliable option for taking out enemy vehicles.

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Being able to hit enemy tanks from a relatively far distance makes this loadout very versatile. Though the German Panzerschreck does slightly more damage, the American version is narrowly edges out its counterpart due to its superior primary weapon and more forgiving projectile drop.

10 Ammo Carrier Support

Hell Let Loose Support Soldiers Running
  • Faction: United States
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

The support is a truly vital role for any squad, and perhaps underrated by many players. This role carries a box of 50 supplies that allows Squad Leaders to build Garrison spawn points in friendly territory (100 required for enemy territory), or for engineers to build fortifications.

Additionally, the Ammo Carrier loadout comes with a box of regular and explosive ammo. This is especially important when working in tandem with Anti-Tank teammates, giving even a single Anti-Tank infantryman the ability to destroy a heavy tank by reloading with the explosive ammo box.

9 Veteran Machine Gunner

Hell Let Loose Machinegunner Firing on Window
  • Faction: Germany
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

This loadout hands the player the intimidating MG42, loaded with 250 rounds per magazine and an incredible fire rate of 1800 RPM. Almost every player will recognize the distinctive sound of the MG42, and the destructive power that comes with it.

The Veteran Machine Gunner can suppress or even kill entire enemy squads, potentially capable of single-handedly stopping a major enemy offensive. This loadout is slow and clunky on the move, but devastating once properly set up.

8 Panzergrenadier Rifleman

Hell Let Loose Soldier Standing
  • Faction: Germany
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 6

The Panzergrenadier is a well-deserved reward for players that put in time as the Rifleman role. The primary weapon is the reliable semi-automatic Gewehr 43, a clear upgrade over the accurate but inflexible bolt-action Karabiner 98k.

With the Panzergrenadier’s extra firepower, the German rifleman is finally on an equal footing with its American counterpart. Additionally, the loadout also comes with a handy explosive ammo box to supply Anti-Tank teammates.

7 Raider Assault

Hell Let Loose soldiers running in a trench
  • Faction: Germany
  • Role Level Unlocked At: 9

Though it takes a lot of time to obtain, the Raider Assault loadout is well worth the effort. With the Raider, players are given the fully automatic StG 44, a versatile rifle accurate enough at long range while also perfectly capable as a short-range weapon.

The Raider also comes with a decent set of utility, equipped with grenades and a satchel. Keep in mind that the satchel has a massive explosion radius, able to blow away fortifications and even destroy heavy tanks with a single explosion if placed correctly.

6 Veteran Sniper

hell let loose sniper and spotter roles
  • Faction: Germany
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

Given that each team is limited to two snipers, and the powerful scoped weaponry that comes with the role, it’s no surprise that they’re highly sought after. The German Veteran Sniper, however, is even more deadly. This loadout gives players a scoped FG-42, one of just two semi-automatic scoped weapons in the game. The FG-42 is extremely easy to use, with pinpoint accuracy and very little bullet drop.

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A good sniper is already hard to counter, but with the FG-42 and its anti-personnel mine, this loadout can terrorize enemy infantry and artillery crews.

5 Veteran Assault

Hell Let Loose Soviet Soldier with PPSH
  • Faction: Soviet Union
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

The Soviet Veteran Assault is probably the single most effective close-quarters combat role in the game. This loadout upgrades the already formidable 1000 RPM fire rate PPSH-41, giving it a drum magazine loaded with 71 rounds.

Admittedly, the submachine gun is tricky to use when further away, but when a player manages get up close, the Veteran Assault allows them to blow away enemies with ease. If necessary, make sure to use short, controlled bursts to hit targets at longer ranges.

4 Junior Sergeant Officer

Hell Let Loose Soviet soldier with SVT rifle
  • Faction: Soviet Union
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

The Officer is a vital part of any coordinated team. Officers must lead their unit, place down spawn points, and cooperate with other Officers and the Commander. The role is best for experienced players, and is also surprisingly capable in combat.

The Soviet Junior Sergeant loadout gives players the semi-automatic SVT-40, one of the best rifles in the game. The SVT-40 is extremely accurate and remarkably easy to use, surpassed only by snipers at longer ranges and still capable at close range. The SVT is a great all-rounder weapon, and it makes the Officer role on the Soviet side even more fun to play.

3 Gun Crew Anti-Tank

Hell Let Loose American Anti-Tank Gun
  • Faction: All
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

The Gun Crew loadout is a more complex, but potentially very powerful variation on the Anti-Tank role, available to all three factions. Rather than a typical handheld AT weapon, the Gun Crew is able to build a large static anti-tank emplacement gun if provided with 50 supplies. This requires some teamwork, but if set-up in a good spot the Gun Crew can devastate enemy vehicles.

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Taking on heavy tanks is fairly difficult (they take somewhere around six frontal shots to kill), but it is still useful, albeit somewhat inflexible.

2 Corpsman Medic

Hell Let Loose Medic Reviving teammate
  • Faction: All
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

The Corpsman Medic is unique in that the loadout has no primary weapon – players must rely solely on a sidearm. This is because the Corpsman comes with 20 bandages, 4 smoke grenades, a box of medical supplies, and crucially is able to revive teammates.

As a support role in a shooter, the Corpsman is often too niche to be useful. However, in desperate situations where a team is struggling to take an objective, this loadout could be the difference-maker, especially on brutal maps like Omaha and Utah beach.

1 Scout Spotter

Hell Let Loose Recon Team on a hill
  • Faction: All
  • Unlocked at Role Level: 3

Not only is the Spotter vital as one part of the Recon squads that sneakily disrupt enemy infantry, they’re also extremely useful for gathering information. The Scout loadout allows players to utilize the Flare Gun to spot enemies and automatically mark them on the map for the entire team. This can give teammates a massive advantage, especially on night maps.

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