To date, Hearthstone has 10 classes available to play as. All of these classes have a set of cards entirely unique to them, and these cards bring with them effects and mechanics unlike anything else the other classes have access to. The possibilities with each class are huge, with so many different deck possibilities possible, each coming with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

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For this list, we'll be taking a gander at the Hunter class. What it excels at, what it's not so good at, and some cards that are going to help any Hunter class players along your way.


At the center of just about every single Hunter deck are beasts. There is a staggering amount of different beast minions in the game, some specific to the Hunter class, and some available for every class.

The Hunter class has the unique ability to buff and/or otherwise make use of these beasts in a way that no other class can, and figuring out how best to do this is going to go a long way in securing that victory.


Another thing that the Hunter is better at than just about any other class is their ability to inflict damage on the opponent, and quickly.

The Hunter's Hero Power is certainly a help in that, but three are a ton of cards that deal damage for a pretty cheap cost, as well as a lot of minions that are able to charge directly into an opponent on the same turn that they were summoned.


The Hunter's Hero Power is one of the best in the game; it deals 2 unblockable damage to an opponent's health. On its own, this could end the opponent in fifteen turns, provided they didn't heal or apply any armor in the meantime.

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When it gets down to the late-game and the opponent doesn't have much health left, this extra 2 damage per turn that can be dealt is going to apply a lot of pressure.


Hunters also have access to a ton of different Secrets, with most, if not all of them, being pretty strong.

These Secrets range from dealing damage to all enemies when a Hero is attacked, sending a minion right back into an opponent's hand (and costing 2 extra Mana to summon) when they attack, dealing damage to a minion the moment it's summoned, and so forth.


One of the best card combos in the game is Unleash The Hounds (or Swarm Of Locusts) and Scavenging Hyena.

Unleash The Hounds is a 3-cost spell that summons a 1/1 Hound with Charge for each enemy minion, and Scavenging Hyena is a 2-cost, 2/2 minion that gains +2/+1 whenever a friendly beast dies. Summon the Hyena and the Unleash The Hounds and throw those hands into the open arms of enemy minions to quickly create a super-powerful Hyena, all for the cost of 5-Mana.


Unleash The Beast is another pretty powerful card that creates a beast.

This is a 6-cost spell that summons a 5/5 Wyvern with Rush; this is also a Twinspell, meaning it can essentially be activated twice. This is going to be in just about every single Hunter's deck, and it's for good reason.


One card that can be prohibitively expensive but is usually worth the cost is Nagrand Slam. This is a 10-cost spell that summons four 3/5 Clefthooves that attack random enemies.

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This is useful in a situation where an opponent has some serious board control, because it can tilt things a little bit back in a player's favor, but it's also pretty great even if the opponent doesn't really have anything on the board, too.


Toxic Reinforcements is a 1-cost Sidequest that, once a player has used their Hero Power three times, summons three 1/1 Leper Gnomes.

These Gnomes deal 2 damage to the enemy hero whenever they die, so this is a great fit for a deck that's meant to deal crippling damage to an opponent with some serious swiftness.


A great fit in a deck full of Secrets, the Phase Stalker is a 2-cost 2/3 minion that, after the player uses their Hero Power, casts a random Secret from the deck. This is a great way to basically get 2 free Mana every turn; players can look at it like theyr're getting free use of Hero Power or free use of a Secret.

Either way, it's going to be of massive benefit and fits well in a deck that revolves around constant use of that Hero Power.


Dragonbane is another fantastic minion that is going to be a perfect fit in a deck that's all about that Hero Power. This is a 4-cost, 3/5 minion that deals 5 damage to a random enemy every time the player uses their Hero Power.

That damage could go to an enemy minion or the enemy Hero themselves; if the latter is the case, that would be a whopping 7 damage inflicted for just 2 Mana. Get this on the board at the same time as a Phase Stalker, and an opponent is going to be in for a world of hurt.

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