
  • Season 2 of Loki on Disney+ may reveal the true identity of He Who Remains, who could potentially be a different character altogether, not a Kang variant.
  • It is possible that He Who Remains is a Loki variant with powers, given his appearance, demeanor, and behavior that mirror Loki's playful and deceptive nature.
  • Loki's journey towards redemption and his potential to become a hero depends on how he handles his past failures and whether he can resist the temptation to take over the multiverse like He Who Remains did.

Season 2 of Loki premieres on Disney+ on October 6th and could answer the question regarding who exactly He Who Remains is. While the character is portrayed by Jonathan Majors who also portrays Kang the Conqueror, it has not been officially determined that the two characters are one and the same. The series Loki has introduced variants to the MCU multiverse that do not all look alike across universes, evidenced by Sylvie who returns in season 2 with an updated look. Thus, He Who Remains could be a different character altogether.

Presuming that He Who Remains is a Kang variant would seem logical. But the consequences of Sylvie's actions after eliminating He Who Remains indicate that at this potential Kang variant is not the traditional Kang the Conqueror from the comics. Considering Jonathan Major portrays both characters, it is likely that Loki's He Who Remains is not the comics version. Rather, there are hints that He Who Remains could be a Loki variant.

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The conventional Kang is a human with no powers of his own. But the comics have introduced several versions of Kang, some of which do have powers. However, these Kang variants, possibly more powerful than Thanos, are notably other heroes or villains. For instance, there is a Kang variant Sue Storm of The Fantastic Four in the comics. That is to say that there is a possibility that He Who Remains could be a Kang variant with powers. The ability to pull off the ending of Loki season 1 with the TVA in disarray and suffering from memory loss could only be done by someone who is beyond human.

Why He Who Remains Could Be A Loki


Judging He Who Remains based on his appearance and demeanor, he's rather playful in his purple and green, regal attire fit for a king, or another god of mischief destined to be alone, of the multiverse. Such an incautious yet controlled personality displayed when faced with two vengeful people intent on murdering him is telling of both his villainy and confidence. It is the same behavior Loki often displayed when he was seemingly threatened by Thor only to reveal the illusion that secured his victory or escape. He Who Remains is as flamboyant, snarky, and playful as the god of mischief, Loki.

What further supports this theory of He Who Remains being a Loki variant is both the ending of season 1, and the trail of lies and deception of the TVA that Loki unmasked. Persistently plotting against the Lokis is telling of the antagonist's identity. Pruning them all to be sent to the Void with He Who Remains' greatest enemy, Alioth, implicates a threatening connection to Loki. With Loki's mind being unaffected by the unraveled illusion at the end of season 1, it's possible that He Who Remains could not alter the Loki variants' memories, which may be the reason why they were pruned and destined to fail repeatedly to keep them as far as possible from ascertaining the truth. Loki possesses the powers of magic, illusion, and telepathy to the extent of altering memories. But whether a Loki can tamper with what another god of mischief thinks has not yet been seen. In the end, He Who Remains may not simply be a Loki variant, but an even more dangerous and powerful Kang-variant Loki whose ability to maintain control over the multiverse hinges on his ability to vanquish the greatest threat to his throne--Loki.

How Loki Can Change His Fate of Failure

Loki Season 2 Confirms Sylvie's Return With Updated Look

If He Who Remains is a Loki variant, then it's highly possible that his death at the hands of Sylvie was an illusion of some sort. After all, Lokis are survivors, evidenced by the numerous times Loki died and returned in the MCU films. Despite the major character development for the god of mischief, Loki may have to choose to either remain true to his old villainous self and take over the multiverse by controlling the TVA, or abandon his ambition to rule in order to be the hero that defeats He Who Remains permanently.

The series has done well to showcase the wide-scale power of Loki in the same way WandaVision illustrated how powerful Wanda had become as the Scarlet Witch, a big change for the character. Whether this series is meant to set up Loki as a potential Avenger to replace Wanda or atone for his crimes, the protagonist Loki variant is on a humanizing journey to redefine himself. His feelings for Sylvie reveal his longing for love. His time with the TVA agents may prove to be meaningful friendships he's willing to protect. With someone to love and people to protect, Loki looks more and more like a hero.

How Loki decides to move forward from his past pain and failures will determine whether he resolves to be a hero, possibly the Avengers' new leader, or the next He Who Remains. Sylvie, however, reminded viewers how her haunting past can steer one down a path of all-consuming vengeance. These common Loki-threads coupled with a shared ambition to rule over people ties the two traditional villains, Loki and Kang, together, for better or worse. Unable to cast blame onto He Who Remains, who once orchestrated his fate, Loki finally gets to imagineer what it means to be a Loki.

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