The action-oriented roguelike, Have a Nice Death, from the French independent game studio Magic Design Studios is soon to be available in a final form on both Steam and Nintendo Switch. The game has been available to those that have entered Early Access on Steam since early last year. Now, the company is preparing to finalize the release of the game and is preparing a video series to walk fans through Death Inc.

The game features an intriguing Tim Burton-like visual feel wrapped in a thoughtful storyline with quirky characters. The developer studio has spent countless hours designing a game with deep lore, which isn't always the case with roguelikes. The cast of Have a Nice Death is led by the boss of the underworld Death itself. However, the rich and complex characters span the whole company structure, be it the Death-adoring intern or havoc-creating Sorrows. Magic Design Studios has also created a video series that will introduce the game, and its expansive lore, to the public in an entertaining way.

Developing a Video Series for Have a Nice Death

The Narrative Designer and Marketing Coordinator for Have a Nice Death Meredith Alfroy calls the video series "Life in the Afterlife, as it goes into the story and the logistics of Have a Nice Death. The animated short series has the same distinctly humorous audiovisual feel to Have a Nice Death and the Early Access trailer, which it uses to bring some of the game's narrative and gameplay aspects to the forefront.

The first episode of the series is focused on the chief of Death Inc., Death. The aptly named trailer "Your First Day as CEO" goes over the destruction and disarray that the Sorrows have enabled in the offices of Death Inc. and how the players must assume the role of Death to seek remedies to the underlying problems. This includes wielding Death's trusty scythe and reaping enemies, which involves taking care of the mini-bosses known as Thanagers and bosses known as Sorrows.

"Being CEO is no easy task, but we think this trailer can at least help make starting the new role a bit easier, since it will show off what players will experience when they don the cloak and pick up the scythe."

After each mission is finished, players have a chance to visit the break room of Death Inc. for some revitalizing coffee and chat with Death's loyal underlings, including the gossiping receptionist Patrick, the dreary tombstone-like Mr. O'Shah from HR, or Harriet, the supremely active business coach. The trailer also makes clear that the game is not easy but worry not, Death isn't going anywhere, which means that there are endless amounts of retries.

Have a Nice Death Video Series Leads up to the Release

magic design studios roguelike

Have a Nice Death is closing in on its full release, as the game has been available on Steam Early Access for nearly a year after it became available last March, and this has always been the strategy. This decision was made after the release of the company's previous title Unruly Heroes. According to Magic Design Studios, this method has allowed them to be more ambitious and get feedback from the players.

"With the series being a three-part series, future episodes (parts) will teach all mortals everything they need to know about Have a Nice Death before they jump into it."

There are still two episodes to be released before the release in March. Alfroy confirmed that after the introduction of the protagonist, the other episodes go into gameplay aspects of Have a Nice Death. The second trailer titled "Tour of Death Inc." will launch on February 15 to guide gamers through the procedurally generated worlds, or departments as they are called within the company. Lastly, just before the launch on March 1, Magic Design Studios will release the third episode called "Tools of the Trade." In this one, players are introduced to the many weapons, cloaks, and spells that are available to the player in Have a Nice Death.

Have a Nice Death is available now on Steam Early Access and launches on March 22 for PC and Nintendo Switch.

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