Despite being compared to Hollow Knight, Have a Nice Death is a unique roguelike with an engaging backtracking system. And it encourages players to beat the game multiple times, which adds to the overall playtime. But regardless, everyone wants to know how long it takes to beat Have a Nice Death in different styles. Is the campaign as extensive as the games it’s being compared with? Or is it another short roguelike that is not worth the price?

RELATED: Have a Nice Death Review

How Long Does It Take to Beat Have a Nice Death?

image explaining how long it takes to beat have a nice death video game.

On average, it takes 6.5 hours to beat Have a Nice Death. But rushing through the main story events can decrease the playtime to 4 hours. And a slow-paced, leisure walkthrough would increase it to 10 hours.

In Have a Nice Death, each section has five floors, with the first and third always randomized. So, the average campaign length is somewhat affected by the game’s RNG, Random Number Generator.

How Long To 100% The Game?

Have a Nice Death has 37 achievements and countless side quests, which take up to 42 hours to complete on 100%. But the fastest completionists could beat the game in 26 hours.

What’s the Speedrun Record for Beating Have a Nice Death?

Currently, the speedrun world record for Have a Nice Death is 14 minutes and 50 seconds. But the record is set for an older game version (V0. Speedruns for newer editions, such as V0.4, are 71% slower—and land around 24 minutes.

Does the Fast Food Update Add to the Campaign Length?

magic design studios roguelike

Since the Fast Food update adds a new biome, The Toxic Food Processing Department, and three new boss fights, Candice, P. Gorske, and Waldo, it does stretch the campaign for at least half an hour. But since the update was released before the game’s alpha launch, it doesn’t change the overall playtime of the final version.

Is ‘Have a Nice Death’ a Long Roguelike?

Compared to Hollow Knight, the game that has seemingly inspired Magic Design Studios, Have a Nice Death is not a long roguelike. It comes with a maximum of 50-hour gameplay, whereas Hollow Knight takes at least 61 hours to complete.

But one could argue that Have a Nice Death’s playtime is average because most modern indie roguelikes like Eyes in the Dark offer as little as 2–3 hours of gameplay—which is way shorter.

Have a Nice Death is available now for PC and Nintendo Switch.

MORE:Have a Nice Death Has Some Great Hollow Knight Vibes