ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier should ideally strive to establish its own identity distinct from mega-popular farming simulator Stardew Valley, but it also shouldn't be afraid to take inspiration from its predecessor. After all, there are many elements of Stardew Valley that combined to make the game so enduringly successful. One part of Stardew Valley that Haunted Chocolatier could draw from is its Mines location, which would fit Haunted Chocolatier's creepier aesthetic and greater focus on combat.

Haunted Chocolatier will see the player character taking over the titular establishment, a castle-turned-chocolate-shop inhabited and staffed by adorable ghosts. So far, creator Eric "ConcernedApe" Barone has released only a few pieces of information regarding the game, which he continues to describe as "early in development." Current teasers have revealed that Haunted Chocolatier will include some returning elements from Stardew, such as cooking, combat, and the ability to form bonds - including romantic relationships - with various NPCs. It is definitely likely that Haunted Chocolatier will draw from Stardew's Mines, in particular its dark and creepy imagery, its classic RPG dungeon design, and its extra-tricky combat challenges.

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The Mines Are Full of Supernatural Spooks


Stardew Valley and Pelican Town are generally peaceful places. The Mines are the exception - they are filled to the brim with monsters, most of which are highly aggressive and will attack the player on sight. Denizens of the Mines include slimes, shadow creatures, insects, ghosts, bats, crabs, and more. The Skull Cavern and Volcano Dungeon, the two other later-game combat-focused areas, add even more beings to the roster: flying snakes, skeletons, mummies, and living flames.

With Haunted Chocolatier already focusing more heavily on supernatural beings and the ghosts inhabiting the protagonist's home, the creatures introduced in Stardew's Mines would make a great fit for the world of ConcernedApe's second game. The shadow creatures would be especially interesting, as they come in multiple types and have a unique society and culture. Shadow creatures were represented in Stardew via the character Krobus, who became quite popular with fans to the point where he was added as a roommate option for the player in a later update. Other Mine dwellers that would fit well in Haunted Chocolatier include the armored skeletons and multicolored bats.

Stardew's Mines Provide the Classic Dungeon Experience

Combat Section - Stardew Valley MInes Tips

Eric Barone recently stated that he wants combat to be a larger focus in Haunted Chocolatier compared to Stardew Valley. Previously, he also revealed that the game will feature boss battles, showing off footage of a battle against a large bee. While the greater combat focus likely means that there will be more monster-inhabited areas to explore - and perhaps that monsters might even appear in the overworld or around the player's home - the game should also feature dungeons like the Mines. The Mines' treasure system, in which players encountered a treasure chest every ten floors, would also be beneficial in a game with a major focus on item gathering.

Another aspect of the Mines that should return in Haunted Chocolatier is the tricky combat challenges it provides to players looking for a bit of extra difficulty. The Mines are a multi-floor dungeon, with each floor remaining unlocked once encountered. However, its more difficult counterpart, the Skull Cavern, does not save progress and requires players to start from Floor 1 each time they visit. After the addition of the 1.5 update to Stardew Valley, players could change the Mines to a harder difficulty, reset floor progress back to the beginning, and take on a challenge where they temporarily could not eat food in dungeons. These tricky dungeon challenges added even more hours of content to the already jam-packed Stardew, and they could do the same for Haunted Chocolatier.

Although Haunted Chocolatier will be a very different experience than Barone's first game, it should definitely seek inspiration from the Mines and other elements of Stardew Valley that players particularly enjoyed. A Mines-like creepy aesthetic would suit the game's tone well, and dedicated combat areas and challenges make a nice counterbalance to the more laid-back item gathering and crafting-based gameplay. As ConcernedApe has so far shared minimal information regarding Haunted Chocolatier, it is definitely possible that Mines-inspired creatures or a Mines-like dungeon will be shown off in the future.

Haunted Chocolatier is currently in development. No release date has been announced.

MORE: A 'Haunted House' Mechanic Could Work Well in Haunted Chocolatier