One unexpected way that Haunted Chocolatier could stand apart from its predecessor would be by adding some extra elements of randomness. A game like Haunted Chocolatier, similar to Stardew Valley, will probably call for a lot of planning on the player's part, between running their chocolate shop and meeting people around town. However, no matter how much the player plans, there will always be some element beyond their control. Haunted Chocolatier could do well to embrace the unexpected and make it a gameplay feature. Some additional random events in the game could be a bigger boon than they sound.

While Haunted Chocolatier is still in development, ConcernedApe's hints have given fans at least a decent idea of what they can expect. The game will be trading out Stardew Valley's farming for chocolate making, but it looks like a lot of the same core concepts are still intact. There are still townspeople to forge relationships with, and there will be monsters to fight. At the same time, the supernatural theme of the game more or less promises some elements that wouldn't have been possible in the last game. Stardew Valley fans will almost certainly find something to like in Haunted Chocolatier.

One Stardew Valley Quest Type Seems Like a No-Brainer for Haunted Chocolatier

Haunted Chocolatier will likely share a good bit of DNA with Stardew Valley, and this ought to apply to one group of activities in particular.

Haunted Chocolatier Can Spice Up its Gameplay With a Plethora of Random Events

Stardew Valley Had a Handful of Random Events

Players can encounter some random events in Stardew Valley, which take place after the farmer has gone to bed. These events consist of:

  • The Crop Fairy instantly grows some crops
  • The Witch enchants either the coop or slime hutch
  • A meteorite falls somewhere on the farm
  • A Strange Capsule appears somewhere on the farm
  • A Stone Owl appears somewhere on the farm
  • Player's spouse asks about having children
  • A farm animal gives birth
  • Wild animals attack the farm

There are a decent handful of random events that can be found in-game. However, all of them are directly associated with the player or their farm.

Haunted Chocolatier's World Can Go All In on Random Factors and Events

Random events could be an excellent mechanic to expand in Haunted Chocolatier. There are a lot of ways that a random event could completely change a day in-game. Some effects could be minor, such as a patch of high-quality forageables appearing or special weather conditions that affect certain activities. There could also be events with greater impact, such as a rare monster with valuable drops appearing or a special ghost appearing with a unique request. There's a world of unexpected possibilities that players could encounter, and if Haunted Chocolatier embraces that, it could end up with a lot of interesting content to find.

More Randomness Would Give Haunted Chocolatier More Replayability

Random events could also provide Haunted Chocolatier with an additional major benefit. Haunted Chocolatier's replay value will partially rely on how many different ways the game can unfold. Stardew Valley's many farm types helped to accomplish this. For Haunted Chocolatier, increasing the number of random events would make sure that no two playthroughs are similar. In addition, seeing all of the random events would give players another reason to stay with the game for a long time. Haunted Chocolatier can inspire players to keep playing through not only great gameplay, but with a lot of secrets to find as well.

Stardew Valley laid down a great foundation for Haunted Chocolatier to follow. However, random events are one area where Haunted Chocolatier can take its own path and do so brilliantly. With the game's setting being more obviously supernatural, there are a lot of reasons why players should perhaps expect the unexpected. While it will obviously still needs a clear structure, mixing things up with random events would do plenty to keep things interesting. Haunted Chocolatier has an interesting premise, and it's one that could easily be elevated with the help of random events.

Haunted Chocolatier

Haunted Chocolatier is an upcoming adventure game from Stardew Valley creator ConcernedApe (Eric Barone). The game is currently set to feature a lush explorable world, chocolate making and cooking, a spooky theme, and more. There is currently no release date or time period for the game.