Harvestella is the perfect combination of JRPG and farming sim along the lines of the Rune Factory series. Players will have to take care with planning more in this game than in the usual farming sim due to several factors, which makes things a bit more challenging. Learning the mechanics of the game can take some time for even the most seasoned player.

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While players develop their farm and build relationships with fellow townspeople in Harvestella, they'll face many challenges. Not least of all is the game's many systems. However, with a few good tips, players will be well on their way to having a successful sim life, defeating threats as they come up.

8 Don't Spend A Lot Of Time Running

protagonist running in Harvestella

While players may feel they are moving slowly across the fields or in caves, it's best not to run. This action eats up stamina, which is costly to refill. At the beginning of the game, there are very few cooking ingredients players will have access to, making stamina replenishment very challenging.

Players also have to consider that time moves slowly everywhere but when they are on the world map, so they don't want to burn up all their stamina and be left with nothing for the rest of the day. Energy is better saved for more important tasks, such as harvesting planting and harvesting crops.

7 Never Leave The House Without A Meal

a cooked meal in Harvestella

Whenever players plan on exploring a dungeon, they must ensure they have food and drinks packed. These items are essential to replenishing stamina and health while in the dungeon. Without them, the exploration will not last very long.

Additionally, food and drinks can be shared with party members at save points, potentially triggering cut scenes with special dialogues. In addition to a meal, repair kits should also be packed.

6 Complete Repairs In Dungeons

a broken bridge in Harvestella

Throughout dungeons, players will find broken ladders and bridges. Because of this, it is essential they bring along repair kits when they plan on exploring. Each broken piece of equipment should be repaired as it is found.

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Repairing bridges and ladders will allow players to traverse the dungeons more easily. It offers a way to get back to the beginning easily when they are ready to leave quickly or simply need to backtrack.

5 Invest Wisely In Crops

the protagonist overlooking the crops in Harvestella

When players first start out, they will be heavily reliant on their crops for Grilla. Choosing the cheaper seeds will be the most cost-effective way to go at first, selecting the primary crop with speedy growth and high-profit margins.

Once enough money is saved up, they can begin investing in more costly seeds. While they are extremely expensive, saplings are an excellent investment. Eventually, they will pay for themselves and continuously turn a profit.

4 Select Jobs As Soon As Possible

the job screen detailing the Fighter job in Harvestella

Once the player begins unlocking jobs, the game starts with mage and fighter jobs before eventually branching out. Players will need to switch out jobs and classes to experiment with jobs to make the most of it. They will also need to investigate the skill boards, as upgrading skills is essential to success.

Players can have three active jobs at once, switching between them as necessary. This helps a lot when considering each skill has a cooldown timer. However, planning when to attack and how to do it will also alleviate the strain of ending up with no special abilities on hand.

3 Talk To Your Neighbors

the protagonist talking to Shrika in Harvestella

An essential part of the game is social interactions with players' fellow townspeople. In addition to getting to know them better, some will offer the player side quests with bountiful rewards. Players can also build relationships with their fellow party members that unlock special combat skills.

With certain characters in the game, social interaction can ultimately lead to love. Several characters can be wooed for players to choose from. For many players, this is what the game is all about.

2 Ensure Everyone Is Ready Before Heading Out

Ein's job screen in Harvestella

With so much going on and the short length of days, players may rush out into an exploration without planning. There are many jobs to choose from and several party members from which to select their team. Carefully thinking out the process is critical.

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They need to ensure their party is correctly equipped to go into a dungeon and then check their own combat jobs to verify they have the right ones active. Not having useful jobs can end up being disastrous in the dungeon.

1 Work On The Farm Every Day

the protagonist completing farm work in Harvestella

While going on adventures can be a lot of fun and take up a significant amount of time, players should not forget to tend their farms. They are the prime moneymaker at the start of the game. The seasonal calendar changes every 30 days, with any remaining crops dying at the end of that time.

A best practice is to tend the farm before heading out for the day. Players should water, plant, and harvest any crops first thing each day so that they are not forgotten. Additionally, the farm is a source of stone and lumber that should not be overlooked.

Harvestella is available now on Nintendo Switch and PC.

MORE:Common Mistakes To Avoid When Playing Harvestella