As players can expect in a farming/life simulation game like Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos, there are many resources and materials that players will need. There are many different crops to grow, fish to catch, animals to raise, and even ore to mine. Having to gather materials is often a crucial part of the story and any side quests that players take on.

Naturally, some resources are rarer than others. While this is hardly a surprise, it can make story progression difficult if rare materials are required. Early on after the tutorial ends, players are tasked with finding Silver Ore so that they can repair their barn. While this may sound easy it is not, and it may take player some time to get Silver Ore.

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How to Get Silver Ore


Just like with other ore and gem resources that players can gather in Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos, Silver Ore can only be found in the mine. Unfortunately, Silver Ore is fairly rare. It doesn't show up until at least the 10th floor, and that is a problem in and of itself for the following reasons.

  • Days are alarmingly short in this game, so players do not have long before they need to go back up to sleep.
  • It can take the better part of a day just to reach the 10th floor.
  • Since players need to douse and search for the entrance to the next floor, stamina can quickly become an issue.

With that in mind, players hoping to get Silver Ore will need to spend a day or two just preparing for the expedition. Whether it is cooking food or gathering a bunch of fruits and vegetables to eat, players will need to make sure they have plenty of stamina restoring items. Even then, they will also need to make sure they have enough space in their inventory for any materials that they hope to acquire in the mines.

Even when reaching the 10th floor, it can be tricky to identity deposits of Silver Ore. The lighting in the mines can make Iron and Silver Ore veins look exactly the same. Even then, it is completely random whether there will be any Silver Ore on a floor. That said, it is much more likely to encounter Silver Ore the further down that players go. While exploring, players should use the dousing mechanic to search for circles that are smaller than others. These spots are much more likely to have Silver Ore when players dig there.

What is Silver Ore Used For?


Silver Ore is used for making Silver. Silver is required for the story quest where players have their barn fixed. Fortunately, this story request only requires two Silver Ore. Other than that, Silver will periodically show up for other things that can be crafted like a food dish.

Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos is available now on Steam, Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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