Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is one of the most popular entries in the Harvest Moon franchise, and Story of Seasons developer Marvelous announced that a Switch remake of the classic game is in the works. Given that Animal Crossing: New Horizons has been delayed to 2020, the Switch remake of Friends of Mineral Town will serve as the perfect alternative for players looking for a relaxing and peaceful game to play.

The upcoming Switch version of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town will combine the original game with the features of Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town, which introduced a female protagonist, all in one game. In a press release by Marvelous, the remake will launch in Japan and the rest of Asia first on October 17, 2019, and will eventually roll out to Europe and the United States on an unspecified date. As of the moment, the localized title for the game is still yet to be announced, but it is likely that the game will be released under the name Story of Seasons:Friends of Mineral Town.

The Switch version of the classic Harvest Moon game will allow players to revisit the quaint and peaceful village of Mineral Town, together with all of the iconic characters and the popular bachelors and bachelorettes for players to pursue a romantic relationship with. The remake of the game will offer the classic Harvest Moon experience that veteran players of the franchise loved while also introducing its charming and nostalgic gameplay to newcomers.

Marvelous has already released the spin-off title Doraemon Story of Seasons in Japan last month, which will launch worldwide sometime this year. However, the remake of Friends of Mineral Town will serve as Marvelous' first entry in the mainline Story of Seasons franchise to be released on the Switch. Given the massive success of Stardew Valley (which was heavily inspired by Harvest Moon) on Nintendo's hybrid platform, it is likely that the Switch version of Friends of Mineral Town will reach the same level of success, if not more, given the nostalgic experience it offers.

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Remake is set to release in Japan and the rest of Asia on October 17, 2019, for the Nintendo Switch, with a worldwide launch to follow on an unspecified date.

Source: Marvelous