
  • Dolores Umbridge's vile behavior showcases the deep-rooted bigotry and prejudice within the Wizarding World, as she spreads hatred and lies to further her own agenda.
  • Umbridge's disregard for the safety and well-being of children is evident in her willingness to abuse and manipulate them, even going so far as to send deadly creatures to harm them.
  • As a power-hungry opportunist, Umbridge imposes restrictive rules and discriminates against various groups, including werewolves, non-human beings, and muggle-born wizards, highlighting her narcissism and disdain for anyone she deems inferior.

Dolores Umbridge’s vicious, vile, and disturbing behavior is a representation of what is wrong with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. A pure-blood maniac, bigoted, and prejudiced character whose head is filled with hatred for those she looks down upon. As a half-blood herself, she would rather lie and manipulate the people around her to bring herself up, while projecting her insecurity on others.

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As a self-proclaimed children-hater, she is not afraid of abusing them, although she worked as a substitute headmaster in Hogwarts who deals with underaged students daily. She makes sure to not let anyone or anything stand in her way, including purposefully sending one of the deadliest creatures to a muggle-populated area, fulfilling her desire to tarnish Harry Potter’s image, which could lead him to legal proceedings.

7 The Little Whinging Attack

The Brain Behind Attacking Minors With Dementors

An image of Harry Potter: Little Whinging Attack

In Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix, Harry almost loses his life at the hands of dementors that someone purposely sent to Privet Drive. He, who was an underaged wizard at that time, had to conjure the Patronus Charm to save himself from the deadly Dementor’s Kiss, which people described as worse than death.

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Dudley unexpectedly gets a sliver of redemption in the Harry Potter series after an unfortunate encounter with the dark side of the wizarding world.

Apparently, the figure behind this attack is the ever-vile Dolores Umbridge, to tarnish Harry Potter’s image, who was adamant about the fact that Voldemort had returned. Not only that, Dursley, who is a muggle, also almost loses his life in the event, proving how she does not have any empathy towards others, especially muggles.

6 Manipulative Propagandist

Disrespecting Those Who Are Seen As Threats

An image of Harry Potter: Umbridge speech

The Ministry of Magic, after the return of Voldemort during the Triwizard Tournament’s final, accused Dumbledore and Harry Potter of spreading false information regarding the Dark Lord’s return. Dolores Umbridge, who’s in full support of mind-like figures such as Cornelius Fudge, began to spread false rumors against Dumbledore and Harry Potter, with the help of the Daily Prophet.

She then was tasked to infiltrate Hogwarts, to take an “appropriate measure” of “conspiracy” against the ministry. Not only did she humiliate Dumbledore in the newspapers, but she also rudely interrupted Dumbledore’s speech during her first day at Hogwarts, making aggravating fake coughs while doing so.

5 Nonsensical School Rules

Severe Restriction Against Academic Activities

An image of Harry Potter: Umbridge rules

Dolores Umbridge admits that she can’t stand children, and even worse, despises them. She makes sure that this trait of hers is shown during her time in Hogwarts. She micromanaged everything and everyone, restricting students' activities and even the teachers. Not only did she try to get Professor Trelawney fired from her teaching position, but she also banned any after-school activity that she deemed suspicious, including the Order of The Phoenix that the Golden Trio started.

Harry Potter: Was Dolores Umbridge a Death Eater?

The infamous Hogwarts teacher and Ministry employee was certainly despicable, but was she in cahoots with Lord Voldemort?

This academic restriction is only getting worse, as the students were supposed to learn how to defend themselves against the Dark Arts, as Lord Voldemort is rising to power. Of course, she doesn’t care about this, as all she cares is that she has all the power she desires while taking control of Hogwarts.

4 Power-Hungry Opportunist

Creating A Law Against Werewolves

An image of Harry Potter: Dolores Umbridge anti werewolf

During her journey to climb up the ministry’s ladder, Dolores Umbridge proposes a lot of condescending and discriminating laws against those she deems unworthy, especially werewolves. At one point in her career, she created a law that prevents or makes it impossible for any wizards and witches who are suffering from Lycanthropy to get any job or to be treated normally by society.

In 1993, unfortunately, this law was proposed and this has impacted the lives of many, including Remus Lupin. In her words, the Lycanthropy survivors are half-breeds that cannot be treated equally like human beings. Honestly, disappointed, but not surprising, considering she has zero respect towards muggle-born wizards and witches who are human beings, just like her.

3 Narcissistic Bigot

Ludicrous Hatred Towards Half-Breeds And Non-Human Beings

An image of Harry Potter: Centaurs

Dolores Umbridge treated Non-Human Beings and Half-Blood unequally due to her superiority complex. It is seen when she was facing a colony of centaurs in the Forbidden Forest, she used foul and offensive language while conversing with them. In her words, they are “filthy half-breeds”, who do not have an equal position with humans.

Sadly, this notion of inequality of non-human beings or hybrids is widely popular among wizards and witches, especially those who believe in pure-blood supremacy. These narcissistic tendencies are deep-rooted from generations back, as the Wizarding World is fundamentally an exclusive community. People like Umbridge then use this opportunity to her advantage, mistreating half-breeds and non-human beings to flaunt her power.

2 The Head of Severe Discrimination

Persecuting Muggle-Born Wizards

dolores umbridge at the ministry of magic

Not only does she think lowly of non-human beings, but she also mistreats muggle-born wizards and witches. During the reign of Voldemort, which he controlled from the shadow, Dolores Umbridge was made the Head of the Muggle-Born Registration Commission. She had the control to persecute muggle-born wizards, stripping them of wand-ownership, and even further discriminating them from the Wizarding World.

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She went as far as accusing the muggle-born of wand thievery and lying about their magical ability, no matter if it’s not the truth. Even worse, she accused them of stealing magic from real witches and wizards and sending them to Azkaban, which is heavily guarded by Dementors. Not only that, but she was also the author who wrote Mudbloods and the Dangers They Pose to a Peaceful Pure-Blood Society, a propaganda booklet against muggle-borns.

1 Child Abuser

Inflicting Harm On Minors Without Hesitations

An image of Harry Potter: I must not tell lies

If one thought that Umbridge’s behavior could not get worse than her discriminating against muggle-borns, they couldn’t be more wrong. Even towards pure-blood students at Hogwarts, she did the horrible crime of using corporal punishment towards them. Her hatred towards children, especially those who do not comply with her ridiculous rules during her time at Hogwarts, such as the Weasley Twins, Harry Potter, and others is very apparent.

To punish these children, she forced the students to use the Black or Blood Quill, a torture device that will make the user’s writing show up in their hands, carved painfully just like an extremely painful tattoo needle. Not only that, she also attempted to use Veritaserum, the truth potion to Harry Potter, to gain information about Dumbledore. To be noted, the use of Veritaserum is highly restricted by the ministry, and when she failed to use this on Harry, she also attempted to put Harry under the Cruciatus Curse.

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