Undoubtedly, Neville Longbottom’s parents had one of the most tragic stories in the Harry Potter franchise. As many Harry Potter fans will know, Frank and Alice Longbottom were both captured by Death Eaters when Neville was just an infant. Led by Bellatrix Lestrange, the couple faced incessant torture at the hands of Voldemort’s followers. As a result of this unforgivable crime, Neville was forced to grow up without his parents.

The tragedy deepens when Dumbledore reveals that Frank and Alice’s horrifying fate occurred after the first Wizarding War had been won – when people finally thought they were safe. If Voldemort’s downfall had already occurred, why did the Death Eaters commit such a heinous act, and why did they target Frank and Alice?

RELATED: Harry Potter: Why Did Snape Mistreat Neville?

Who Were Neville’s Parents?

Harry Potter Harry and Neville

Frank and Alice Longbottom were both from well-respected Pure-Blooded families. After graduating from Hogwarts, the pair earned a reputation as powerful Aurors. Although the pair are often overlooked by Harry Potter fans, they were known for their strength and magical abilities. Upon the onset of the first Wizarding War, Frank and Alice became members of the Order of the Phoenix. They bravely fought against the Death Eaters, risking their lives to ensure the safety of others.

Audiences first see Frank and Alice in an old photograph. The photograph revealed the original members of the Order of the Phoenix, smiling and laughing with one another. Alongside Frank and Alice were Lily and James Potter, as well as Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore. Upon looking at the photograph, Harry recognized the similarities between Neville and his parents’ appearances, as seen in the following passage from The Order of the Phoenix:

“Harry’s stomach, already uncomfortable, clenched as he looked at Alice Longbottom; he knew her round, friendly face very well, even though he had never met her, because she was the image of her son, Neville”.

Throughout the franchise, Harry is often compared to his mother. As told by Snape in the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Harry famously had his mother’s eyes. Here, it’s revealed that Neville also resembled his own mother’s appearance – one of the countless similarities between the two boys.

In the 2007 Order of the Phoenix film, viewers can see how Neville and Harry are bonded together by their grief. One scene shows Neville staring sadly at his parents’ images. Harry immediately understands the boy’s pain, and comforts Neville by telling him that they're going to make his parents proud. Harry then turns to look at his own parents in the same photograph, connecting Neville and Harry’s stories. Although Frank and Alice are rarely seen or mentioned in the films, it’s abundantly clear how Neville has been impacted by their tragic fate.

Why Were Neville’s Parents Tortured?

Voldemort at a table with Death Eaters in Harry Potter

As previously mentioned, Frank and Alice were both highly respected Aurors. It’s likely that the Death Eaters targeted the pair because of their professional status, believing them to be valuable sources of information.

Although the Wizarding War had ended, the Death Eaters believed that Voldemort was still alive. This conspiracy was largely spread by Bellatrix Lestrange, who struggled to accept the Dark Lord’s downfall. Bellatrix preached to the fellow Death Eaters that the Order of the Phoenix was holding Voldemort prisoner – despite the falsity of this claim. Because of this theory, the Death Eaters subjected Frank and Alice to appalling methods of torture. They tortured the couple using the Cruciatus Curse – one of the Unforgivable Curses. The pain would have been unimaginable, but Frank and Alice refused to give the Death Eaters any information about the Order of the Phoenix – a clear indication of the pair’s bravery and loyalty. As Neville tells Harry, his parents were tortured for information, “but they never gave in.”

It's also important to consider that Frank and Alice would've been regarded as 'Blood Traitors.' Although they both came from Pure-Blood families, the couple refused to follow the Dark Lord's prejudiced ideology concerning blood status. This would have been perceived as a mark of disrespect, and could be a motive for the Death Eaters' cruel actions.

What Happened To Neville’s Parents?


The Goblet of Fire reveals the consequences of the Death Eaters’ villainous crime. After Harry learns of Frank and Alice’s tragic story, he asks Dumbledore whether they are dead. Shockingly, Dumbledore reveals that Neville’s parents are still alive, in St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Dumbledore explains:

“I believe Neville visits them, with his grandmother, during the holidays. They do not recognise him.”

The Death Eaters’ merciless torturing had destroyed Frank and Alice's minds. Because of the horrific pain inflicted upon the couple, Neville’s parents suffered psychological breakdowns, causing them to lose their memories. In Order of the Phoenix, Mad-Eye Moody dubs this a fate worse than death.

Although the films never show Frank and Alice in the hospital, the Order of the Phoenix book contains one of the most heart-breaking scenes in the franchise. While visiting Mr Weasley at St Mungo’s, Harry, Ron, and Hermione stumble across Neville, who is there with his Grandmother to visit his parents. The following passage is from when Harry spots Alice Longbottom:

"She no longer had the plump, happy-looking face Harry had seen in Moody’s old photograph of the original Order of the Phoenix. Her face was thin and worn now, her eyes seemed overlarge and her hair, which had turned white, was wispy and dead-looking. She did not seem to want to speak, or perhaps she was not able to, but she made timid motions towards Neville, holding something in her outstretched hand”.

It's revealed that Alice was trying to hand Neville a Droobles Best Blowing Gum wrapper. Although she can no longer recognize her own son, this interaction proves that a part of Alice still wanted to care for Neville. Despite losing her memory, she never lost the love she had for her son. This exchange is widely recognized as one of the most devastating scenes in the Harry Potter franchise.

Frank and Alice’s story is regarded as one of the most horrendous and unforgivable acts committed by the Death Eaters. Their refusal to surrender any information to the Dark Lord’s servants is an indication of their bravery – something which is passed on to Neville. Despite his initial insecurities, Neville proves himself to be a courageous fighter in The Deathly Hallows. Thankfully, Neville gains retribution for the Death Eaters’ torture of Alice and Frank, honoring the memory of his courageous parents.

MORE: Harry Potter: Where did Neville's Sword Come From?