
  • Albus Potter's sorting into Slytherin is not as surprising as it may seem, considering the traits and values associated with the house.
  • Albus faces pressure and expectations to live up to his father's legacy, but he ultimately embraces his own identity and forges his own path.
  • Albus showcases many Slytherin traits such as ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness, and becomes a great wizard in his own right.

When the Harry Potter saga came to an end with the release of The Deathly Hallows, fans got to see a glimpse of what the future held for the beloved Golden Trio. The series’ epilogue takes place 19 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, and it features Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, back at the Platform 9¾, only this time sending their children off to Hogwarts. Harry, now married to Ginny, comforts his second child, Albus Severus Potter, who is starting his first year at Hogwarts and is scared of being sorted into Slytherin.

Harry assures him that there would be nothing wrong with that, and reminds him that one of the wizards he was named after, Severus Snape, was a Slytherin. After that, Albus, along with his older brother James Sirius, and Ron and Hermione’s eldest child, Rose, board the Hogwarts Express and embark on their adventure, leaving their fate up to interpretation and marking the end of the Harry Potter series. Or so fans thought. In 2016, 9 years after the release of the Deathly Hallows book, J.K. Rowling was joined by John Tiffany and Jack Thorne and released an eighth entry to the beloved saga, the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child begins right after The Deathly Hallows’ epilogue, and follows Albus Potter’s adventures at Hogwarts, along with glimpses into the lives of many of the characters from the original saga as adults. Since Albus’ fate remained uncertain for so many years, his encounter with the Sorting Hat was long awaited. Much to his family and classmates’ surprise, Harry Potter’s second son is sorted into Slytherin. Taking a closer look at the Slytherin traits, Albus’ life and personality, and the overall Potter legacy, this seemingly unexpected sorting feels a lot less surprising than the Potter family and Hogwarts students make it out to be.

The Truth About Albus Potter


In order to understand the Sorting Hat’s decision, it is important to know the defining characteristics of the Slytherin House. Known for their cunning, ambition, resourcefulness, and being achievement-oriented, Slytherins can sometimes be misunderstood as villainous. However, not all evil wizards have been in Slytherin, and many great ones throughout history such as Merlin, and Severus Snape, have. Another defining trait of those sorted into this house is their loyalty to their own, usually referring to their family and lineage. The house values pure-blood heritage, and even though Albus Potter comes from a mixed magical background, his ties to the famous Potter family and the Weasleys make him an heir of an extraordinary legacy.

While it remains unclear who the play’s titular “cursed child” refers to, many fans believe it’s Albus. He is cursed by the pressure and expectations to live up to his father’s name. Being sorted into Slytherin further isolates him, and that, along with his initial struggles with magic, makes him feel overshadowed by both the legacy of his father, and his older brother James, who had been sorted into Gryffindor like Harry and is popular among his peers.

During Albus’ first couple of years at Hogwarts, Scorpius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy’s son, is his only friend, and they are both constantly teased by their classmates. Mirroring his father’s own journey to his first year at Hogwarts, Albus befriends Scorpius on the Hogwarts Express, just like Harry befriends Ron. Both Ron and Scorpius provide their respective Potter with some insight and guidance through the sorting ceremony. Harry, like Albus, possesses strong Gryffindor and Slytherin traits, but the bond he had made with Ron, who held a strong desire to be sorted into Gryffindor, ultimately contributed to the Sorting Hat’s choice. It is likely that Albus’ bond with Scorpius played the same role in the Sorting Hat’s decision to place him in Slytherin.

Embracing the Potter Legacy


Albus showcases many Slytherin traits, such as a great ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. Out of Harry and Ginny’s three children, Albus is the one most like his father. Both he and Harry were quiet and thoughtful as young children, but later developed strong leadership skills and an ability to work well under pressure. Albus also has a similar temper to his father’s, and becomes mocking and even sometimes insulting when pushed. Harry and Albus have a complex relationship, as they can both have trouble connecting with others. However, they’re both aware that they are complicated people and come to understand the love they feel for each other.

Pride is another key Slytherin trait that Albus has to a great extent. He is proud to have Scorpius as a friend and doesn’t care about the rumors about him, proving that friendship and loyalty are of great importance to him. Sometimes, though, he is blinded by his pride and refuses to take others’ advice, resulting in not-so-ideal outcomes. Throughout The Cursed Child, Albus struggles with being the son of the Chosen One, and often feels the need to prove himself and step away from his father’s shadow, proving in the process that he is more like Harry than he knows. He eventually decides to accept his own identity as a Slytherin and allows himself to follow a different path from the one his father took in Gryffindor. This provides him with an opportunity to break free from the expectations that come with being a Potter.

Albus’ journey becomes one of self-discovery. He challenges stereotypes, and ultimately embraces his family’s legacy while always staying true to his own convictions. Rather than succumbing to the weight of his last name, like a true Slytherin, Albus creates his own destiny and makes decisions based on his values, not merely those of his father. As he grows, he proves himself to be a great wizard and a perfect fit for the Slytherin House.

MORE: Will Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Be A Movie?