
  • Draco Malfoy's actions throughout the Harry Potter movies come with comical karma, like being turned into a ferret and facing embarrassing losses.
  • Despite his idolization of Lord Voldemort, Draco is set up for failure by being given an impossible task, showcasing the consequences of his upbringing.
  • Draco's role as a bully and tattletale leads to amusing events, such as his own punishment for breaking the rules and his fear of the Forbidden Forest.

Draco Malfoy is easy to dislike in Harry Potter, given his nature as the school bully who often gets instant karma for almost every bad deed he does. When he first met Harry when they were both just enrolling at Hogwarts, Draco made sure that everyone knew he was above anyone, as he comes from a respected ancient wizard family.

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There are countless Harry Potter fan theories in circulation, but these are arguably the best ones.

He's a racist and a bully, and he is proud of it. However, it doesn't mean that his actions did not come with repercussions throughout the Harry Potter movies. It's like the universe itself wants to humble this blond-haired pure-blood wizard, to the point where the karma he got is truly comical.

1 Turned Into A Ferret

"Technically, It’s a Ferret"

An Image of Harry Potter: Draco ferret
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry, who's competing in the tournament, has been having a rough time with everyone. Not only does Ron accuse him of putting his name in the goblet, but Draco also spreads a handmade sticker for everyone to use, with "Potter Stinks" written on it. And in the usual Draco shenanigans, he provokes Harry nonstop about his incompetence.

Harry Potter: Best Draco Malfoy Quotes

Harry Potter's longtime nemesis has delivered some memorable jabs and insults over the years.

Then, he's turned into a literal ferret by Barty Crouch Jr, in the disguise of Professor Alastor Moody. One might think he'll stop his bullying behavior afterward, but of course, he continues. Even worse, he provokes and taunts Harry about the death of Cedric Diggory. There's still a long way to go for Mr. Malfoy to learn his lessons.

2 Mission Impossible

Voldemort Sets Him Up For Failure

An Image of Harry Potter: Mission Impossible
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Trying to harm Dumbledore feels like a truly difficult thing for any great wizard or witch. Moreover, asking a 17-year-old boy to kill him seems to be a paramount task. Although Draco always thinks highly of Lord Voldemort, it is safe to say that the Dark Lord does not think much of him, thus sending him on an impossible mission.

Growing up as a bully, after being taught in a household that teaches hatred and intolerance towards those whom pure-blood families deem unworthy, really comes for Draco later in life. The man whom Draco idolizes ends up being the one who wants to see him suffer.

3 Midnight Detention

A Convincing Depiction Of A Tattletale

An Image of Harry Potter: Midnight Detention
  • Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

Draco's “hobby” of tattling on his classmates, especially Harry Potter and the gang, has been brewing ever since his first introduction in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. He goes as far as following Harry and Ron to Hagrid's hut at night, breaking the dorm's curfew, and ratting them out to Professor McGonagall, just to also be punished for the same reason.

At first, he dared to question McGonagall's decision to punish him, but everybody knew he just had a taste of his own medicine. This is truly an amusing event, as he's also a major scaredy-cat who's afraid of the Forbidden Forest.

4 Quidditch Karma

All That Bragging Just To Lose

An Image of Harry Potter: Draco Quidditch
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

It is an open secret that Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, basically bribed Slytherin's Quidditch team with new sets of the latest models of broomstick, just to let Draco join the team.

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He either wants to join, or he’s just utterly jealous of Harry, as he got to join the team a year prior. As expected, although he has good flying skills, he would rather taunt Harry during the game instead of focusing on catching the snitch. He bragged too much about winning the game and then had to face an embarrassing loss. Better luck next time, Draco!

5 Shrieking Shack Ghost

More Karma For The Scaredy Cat

An Image of Harry Potter: Shrieking Shack
  • Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

At this point, Draco's fear of scary things is nothing new. Other than being scared of the Forbidden Forest, he's also apparently scared of ghosts, although Hogwarts is full of them. In Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, Draco and his classmates, except Harry, are visiting Hogsmeade village.

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The Harry Potter movies celebrate the holiday season with some great memorable moments, filled with festive cheer.

As the resident bully, Draco does his usual duty of taunting and mocking Hermione and Ron in front of the Shrieking Shack. Unbeknownst to him, Harry pulls a prank on him under his invisibility cloak, successfully tormenting Draco and his pals, who run like there's no tomorrow.

6 Buckbeak Attack

Even Animals Had Enough Of Him

An Image of Harry Potter: Draco Buckbeak
  • Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban is filled with instant karma for Mr. Malfoy. Not only was he pranked by Harry using the invisibility cloak, but he also had to taste his own medicine for mistreating a hippogriff named Buckbeak. It is Hagrid's first day of teaching, and he wants to make sure that the students treat the magical creature with kindness and respect.

However, Draco being Draco, chooses to ignore Hagrid and is injured after provoking Buckbeak. His injuries are easily healed, but of course, his injuries are exaggerated.

7 Punched By Hermione

Taking Him Down, The Muggle Way

An Image of Harry Potter: Draco Punched
  • Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

In another golden moment from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Draco once again has to face the consequences of his actions. It is well-known that Draco despises any half-blood, pure-blood traitors, and muggle-borns. Hermione Granger, although a brilliant witch, is always tormented by Draco as she is often called by the degrading nickname of "mudblood," as she was a witch born into a muggle family.

Hermione was at her maximum capacity and went as far as holding Draco at wand point. After Ron calmed her down, she withdrew her wand before punching him in the face until he ran away crying.

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