Muggles are the non-magical folk of the Harry Potter franchise. A lot of them live out their normal human lives oblivious to the fact that Wizards and magical beasts co-exist with them. Even though the two worlds are connected, the two groups tend to ignore each other. Most Wizards have a hard time interacting in the Muggle world, and Arthur Weasley is the perfect example of this problem. In both the Harry Potter books and movies, Arthur struggles to understand Muggle's currency, fashion, and how to use the Tube, and must ask for Harry's help.

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Arthur may be fascinated with Muggles, their culture, and their weird trinkets (like rubber ducks), yet he still remains ignorant about a lot of things. In fact, Arthur isn't the only one who fails at understanding these people, but many fans share his struggle. There are quite a few things that don't make sense about Muggles and their world.

5 They Don't Find It Strange That Pictures Moves

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Scene Where Harry Reads Daily Prophet

As seen in the Harry Potter movies, people in pictures tend to move. Whether it's a family photo or a snapshot in the Daily Prophet, the pictures are always animated. In the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince movie, Harry is sitting at a restaurant reading the Daily Prophet in plain sight, where anyone can notice the magic linked to it. A Muggle waitress approaches him and swears that she saw one of the pictures move on his Newspaper a couple of days ago.

Harry brushes it off, but if this Muggle noticed that, it would mean that other Muggles could have seen it as well, especially when they have ample time to observe whatever Harry is recklessly reading from a distance. Muggles could easily start investigating the strange events that are happening around them and piecing the facts together, but they don't. It doesn't make much sense.

4 They Never See Magical Creatures

Niffler Magical Creature from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them

Muggles coexist with Wizards and their magical creatures. As seen through the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts movies, there are a lot of creatures out there roaming the shared world. From dragons to mountain trolls, griffins, nifflers, mooncalves, etc., it would seem almost impossible for Muggles to avoid running into them at least once in their lives. Plus, many Muggles out there have an adventurous spirit and love to explore different countries. It would be perfectly possible for them to encounter a dragon or other magical creature on their journey or while camping in some woods.

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In Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them, Newt Scamander carries a suitcase full of magical beasts to New York City. While traveling, his niffler escapes and roamed around a bank filled with Muggles. The niffler steals items and even captures a dog's attention at some point, but Muggles never catch sight of it.

3 They Never Seem To Notice Wizards Disappearing

Collage of Harry Potter Toilet Scene in Deathly Hallows

Wizards and witches can use secret entrances to their world or use various methods of teleportation. They can apparate, use Floo Powder, use magical phone booths, or even flush themselves down toilets, as seen in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallow Part One. While Harry and Ron, disguised as Ministry of Magic employees, enter a bathroom and wait in line to access a stall, there are probably Muggles waiting in line behind them.

However, once Harry and Ron enter their stalls, they flush themselves down and are magically transported to the Ministry, which isn't something Muggles are aware of. It would make sense for a Muggle to wait their turn until Harry or Ron leaves, but when it doesn't happen, does the Muggle question it or just goes about their day?

2 They Never Notice Wizards Apparating Out Of Thin Air

Harry Potter Scene in Deathly Hallows in London Harry Hermione and Ron

When wizards and witches reach a certain age, they can learn how to apparate to a chosen location instead of taking the Knight Bus, riding on a broomstick, or using other methods discussed above. Muggles never seem to notice this form of travel, though.

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The perfect example of this situation would be in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. At Bill and Fleur's Wedding reception, Death Eaters attack and forces the guests to run away. Hermione grabs onto her friends, Ron and Harry, right before apparating into the busy streets of London. They almost get hit by a tour bus, but none of the Muggles walking around think it is strange that the trio appeared out of nowhere.

1 They Don't Wonder About Platform 9 ¾

Harry Potter at Train Station With Hedwig and Trolley

In both the novels and the movie adaptations, whenever Hogwarts students must return to school, they pack their trunks, set them on a trolley, and run at a wall to get to the right platform. Students do this in plain sight and in a crowded area. Plus, they must board the train early, probably around rush hour for Muggles leaving for work. However, no Muggles ever seem to notice these random kids running at a wall and disappearing. The only time Muggles do notice is in the second movie, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when Harry and Ron crash against the wall with their trolleys instead of getting to the other side.

Furthermore, Muggles never seem to find it strange that young kids and teens walked around the Train Station with owls. When Harry crashes against the wall in the second film, Hedwig's cage is on his trolley and falls over with the rest of his belongings. However, no Muggle pays attention to how weird the situation is.

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