The Wizarding World is a vast one, and Hogwarts Legacy does its very best to try and pack it all into one magical RPG. When it comes to spells, Hogwarts Legacy has plenty, ranging from simple utility spells like Alohomora to stunning spells like Stupefy to Unforgivable Curses like Avada Kedavra. Locations-wise, Hogwarts Legacy has much more than fans were expecting, with the entire castle and grounds, Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest, and the surrounding valleys all being fully explorable. And when it comes to magical creatures, Hogwarts Legacy certainly doesn't disappoint, letting players care for a plethora of beasts, from Hippogriffs to Nifflers to unicorns to Fwoopers. But there's always room for a little more.

While Hogwarts Legacy may have an impressive collection of spells, beasts, and locales, there are definitely at least a handful of iconic examples that the game failed to include. Of course, there's more than enough content for Harry Potter fans to sink their teeth into already, but it would be great to see just a few more magical creatures, spells, and iconic locations from the Wizarding World show up in the game in the future.

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Iconic Wizarding World Spells Missing from Hogwarts Legacy

harry potter hogwarts mystery teasing patronus charm

Hogwarts Legacy features just over 30 spells. And while this may not be quite as much as other RPGs like Elden Ring or Skyrim, Hogwarts Legacy does a great job of making each spell feel truly unique. That being said, just a few more spells wouldn't have gone amiss. One of the most iconic spells that fans were hoping to see in Hogwarts Legacy was Expecto Patronum, the extremely powerful defensive charm used to fend off Dementors. While Hufflepuff players get to see an Auror use this spell very briefly in Azkaban, players never get to wield it themselves.

There are quite a few spells from the larger Harry Potter universe that could have been used to great affect in Hogwarts Legacy's puzzles. One of these is Aguamenti, a spell that produces a stream of water from the end of a wand. While Glacius can be used to extinguish fires in Hogwarts Legacy, Aguamenti might have made more sense. Engorgio is another well-known spell that could be used well in puzzles, with it allowing the user to enlarge an object. This could have been used to enlarge blocks to make bridges or platforms across a chasm. Reducto would have been another great spell to use in puzzles, essentially doing the opposite of Engorgio, and shrinking an item down, which could have been used to open up hidden tunnels.

Although most of Hogwarts Legacy's spells can be used during combat, there's still room for a few more to join the roster. Impendimentus or Immodbulus could have been very handy in a combat encounter, with the former slowing down a target, and the latter stopping them completely. While players can use Petrificus Totalus on enemies to freeze them in their tracks, they can only do this during stealth, and Arresto Momentum doesn't work quite as well as it should. Reparifors would have been another very useful spell for combat, healing the user from minor injuries. As it stands, players can only heal in battle by using a Wiggenweld potion, and once they run out, there are no other on-the-fly options. Confundo would have been another fun spell to include, though Hogwarts Legacy's upgraded version of Stupefy is very similar. And the same can be said for Ascendio, which is a pretty popular Harry Potter spell, but one a little too close to Levioso.

RELATED: A Future Wizarding World Game Doesn't Have to Be Confined to Hogwarts Castle

Iconic Wizarding World Creatures Missing from Hogwarts Legacy

Cornish Pixie Harry Potter

Hogwarts Legacy truly goes above and beyond when it comes to magical beasts. Not only can players encounter these creatures in the wild, but they can also rescue them from poachers and take them back to the Room of Requirement, where they can feed and care for them in order to earn resources for gear upgrades. There are a total of 13 beasts in Hogwarts Legacy that the player can rescue and look after, and that's more than enough, but when it comes to combat, Hogwarts Legacy is certainly lacking some beastly encounters.

In Hogwarts Legacy, players can only really encounter trolls, Dugbogs, and many, many spiders. The game could use at least a few more beastly enemies. Grindylows are some of the most iconic Harry Potter creatures, residing within the lakes surrounding Hogwarts. While players will rarely spend any time in the water, it would be great to see a pack of Grindylows popping up from the lake from time to time as the player flies past on a broom. Along similar lines, it would also be great to see Merpeople in Hogwarts Legacy. One side quest has players exploring a cave in search of Merpeople, but they never find any.

It would also be great if players could actually fight a dragon. A dragon plays a fairly large role in one of Hogwarts Legacy's Companion Quests, but players never get to fight one during the game, and there's a ton of potential here. The Harry Potter universe has a slew of different dragon species, from the Chinese Fireball to the Swedish Short-Snout to the infamous Hungarian Horntail, and while the Horntail name is directly referenced in Hogwarts Legacy, players will never encounter one.

When it comes to common enemies players should have been able to encounter in the wild, Cornish Pixies are an obvious pick. The little pesky blue pixies are one of the most iconic creatures from the Harry Potter movies, and the original games, and they would make the perfect small enemy type for Hogwarts Legacy's overworld. Salamanders are another old Harry Potter game classic that should have made their way to Hogwarts Legacy. It would also be great to see werewolves in the game, acting in a similar way to the Poacher Animagus enemy type that can transform into a dog mid-battle.

Iconic Wizarding World Locations Missing from Hogwarts Legacy

hogwarts legacy ministry of magic

Hogwarts Legacy already has a much larger map than many fans were expecting, and it does already cover pretty much all the iconic Hogwarts-associated locations from the Harry Potter movies and books. That being said, there are a few locations that it would have been nice to see in the game. The Ministry of Magic is one such location. Well and truly established by the time of Hogwarts Legacy, not seeing an older version of the Ministry of Magic is a real missed opportunity for the game. Fans might also notice that the iconic Whomping Willow tree, and its connecting building, the Shrieking Shack, are also not in Hogwarts Legacy, though this makes sense as neither one would have been present during the 1800s.

Hogwarts Legacy is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. PS4 and Xbox One ports are scheduled to release on April 4, and the Nintendo Switch version arrives July 25, 2023.

MORE: Hogwarts Legacy: The Story Reason Why There’s No Quidditch in the Game