Rubeus Hagrid is one of the most beloved characters in the Harry Potter universe. He is the Keeper of Keys while also looking after the Grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hagrid has captivated the hearts of millions of fans worldwide with his boisterous personality and heart of gold. However, there is more to Hagrid than meets the eye.

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From his mysterious family background to his early wizarding days, these secrets of Hagrid’s life are a fascinating glimpse at the character and the events that shaped him into the loving giant fans know and love.

8 Hagrid’s Parents

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Hagrid's unusual background can be traced back to his parents. While his father, Mr. Hagrid, was a little man, his mother, Fridwulfa, was a giantess. However, when Hagrid was only three years old, his mother left him and his father to rejoin her massive colony, forcing Mr. Hagrid to cater to his son unaided.

With his mother's departure, Hagrid has great recollections of his father and limited experiences of his giantess mother. At the age of six, Hagrid had outgrown his father in size and would playfully hold him up and toss him on the dresser when he felt irritated.

7 Hagrid Was A Gryffindor


Hagrid’s father was thrilled when he was accepted at Hogwarts. He was sorted into the House of Gryffindor in 1960, and he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His father passed away sometime after he joined Hogwarts which left him to make his own way ever since that day.

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Hagrid being a Gryffindor is intriguing as he is loyal, fair-minded, and gentle, much more like a Hufflepuff. The character's kind heart and multiple skills do sound a lot like someone from Gryffindor though.

6 Dumbledore Brought Hagrid Back After He Was Expelled

Robbie Coltrane as Rubeus Hagrid

Hagrid's capacity to utilize magic was taken away after his expulsion from Hogwarts and the destruction of his wand, following the false claims that he had opened the Chamber of Secrets. Despite the claims, Dumbledore, the Transfiguration teacher at the time, was convinced of Hagrid's innocence. To secure Hagrid's safety, Dumbledore persuaded the Headmaster, Armando Dippet, to appoint him as Gamekeeper and enable him to live on the school grounds.

Despite the fact that he lacked a proper wand, Hagrid was known to practice magic with a pink umbrella. Some suggest that his broken wand fragments were embedded within, or that Dumbledore may have assisted him with the use of his own Elder Wand.

5 Hagrid Became Part Of The Original Order Of Phoenix

Harry Potter Hagrid drives Sirius's bike

Following his expulsion from Hogwarts, Hagrid joined the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization created by Albus Dumbledore to battle Lord Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters. Dumbledore founded the Order during Voldemort's attempt to take over the Ministry of Magic, motivated by his desire to persecute Muggles and Muggle-borns.

The Order of Phoenix fought diligently against Voldemort and his followers the first time, after which Sirius Black, Mad-eye Moody, Remus Lupin, and many others joined the ranks of the second Order of Phoenix as it gained prominence.

4 Hagrid Casts Non-Verbal Spells

Hagrid casting a non-verbal spell on Dudley in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Hagrid was a skilled wizard even if he was expelled from Hogwarts way back in his second year. He used non-verbal magic with his umbrella multiple times. His wand was broken off when he was expelled from the school.

In the movie as well as the book, fans know how he lit a fire as well as transfigured a pigtail on Dudley. This means Hagrid had a powerful hold over magic even if he did not complete his education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

3 Hagrid Is Resistant to Spells

Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with a stone in hand

Hagrid was half-giant which led him to be resistant to stunning spells. His giant blood also gave him protection over curses including Dark Magic. This was an advantage for him, especially during battle.


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However, it might not be entirely impossible to stun a giant as per Hermione in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix; it is hard to stun a giant but not impossible. Hagrid has the upper hand in battles because of his giant blood which is why he was chosen to bring Harry with him on various occasions.

2 Hagrid’s Skills In Crafting

Hagrid in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with a flower on his overcoat

Building and creating things has been a part of Hagrid’s hands-on-style lifestyle. Hagrid has a unique skill of crafting and building things, be it his coat or the cabin. Fans got a glimpse of this when Hagrid gifted Harry a flute made out of wood, for his first Christmas at Hogwarts.

When played, the flute would make the sound of an owl, which shows Hagrid’s thoughts and skills behind it. Other than that, the common moleskin coat that Hagrid wears is probably made by him. The overcoat has multiple pockets and compartments, showcasing Hagrid’s ability to be resourceful.

1 Hagrid’s Physical Strength


Hagrid was a fierce warrior with amazing physical power, not just a gentle giant. When Hagrid had to defend himself against Dolores Umbridge and a team of Aurors who had come to arrest him, his abilities were put to the test. Despite being outnumbered, Hagrid effortlessly overpowered the troop of Aurors, allowing him to escape Umbridge's clutches.

His fighting skills were so amazing that other Aurors were scared to approach him. He proved his skills once more during the Battle of Hogwarts by hurling Walden Macnair across the Great Hall. Hagrid may have had a good heart, but he wasn't to be underestimated in battle.


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