With the ever-popular Wizarding World expanding its lore and exploring new narratives, new and more terrifying creatures are beginning to make their mark. Franchises such as Fantastic Beasts and the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy are sure to introduce more exciting and iconic creatures to fans of Harry Potter.

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Although Potterheads may be familiar with some of the creatures surrounding Hogwarts and Newt Scamander’s collection of magical creatures, many beasts have been overlooked that are sure to inspire terror and dread. Both familiar and equally eldritch and bizarre, these creatures are not for the faint of heart and can spell certain doom for any wizard unprepared to face them.

5 Quintaped

Quintaped creature from Harry Potter

Strange, hairy, and extremely aggressive, the Quintaped or ‘Hairy MacBoon’ is a 5-legged creature native to the Isle of Drear, an island off the northernmost tip of Scotland. Covered in thick, red-brown hair, the Quintaped is extremely aggressive towards humans and has a fondness for human flesh.

The creature itself falls under the category of magical creatures that are known to be wizard killers. The Quintaped are also quite resistant to magic, making them difficult to subdue. Hence, this is why the Isle of Drear is made unplottable on most maps to minimize the chances of people encountering these creatures.

According to legend, the Quintaped are the result of a tragic magical family feud that resulted in 1 family (the MacBoons) becoming these hapless and violent creatures. Only 1 known Quintaped is said to have become domesticated and is said to have made its way to Hogwarts, thanks to Hagrid’s efforts and care.

4 Boggart

boggart from Harry Potter

Whilst not a danger in itself, Boggarts are essentially shape-shifting noncorporeal beings that took on a person’s worst fear. Classified as a ‘non-being’ these creatures could be found almost everywhere and were ‘amortal’ (unkillable). No one knows the Boggart’s true form as it very quickly assumes the look of someone’s primal fear.

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As seen in the Prisoner of Azkaban, Boggarts could easily be thwarted by confusing them with juxtaposing images. Similarly, another person nearby could project their consciousness towards the creature, also confusing and distorting the Boggart into something non-threatening or equally hilarious. Still, the thought of witnessing one’s worst nightmare suddenly materialize is enough to scare anyone’s boots off.

3 The Nundu

nundu from Harry Potter

Similar to a leopard in its appearance, the Nundu is a magical beast native to East Africa. The Nundu is considered to be one of the most dangerous creatures in existence because of its ability to move silently and because its breath was so toxic that entire villages would perish as it exhaled.

What makes this creature even more terrifying is the fact that these creatures are extremely hard to subdue. According to the lore, it typically took over 100 qualified wizards to subdue such a creature. Compared to dragons which could be stunned into submission by around 10 wizards, the Nundu are significantly more dangerous to deal with.

However, perhaps reports about this creature have been exaggerated as Newt Scamander is known to have 1 in his suitcase. The fact that other creatures can coexist and live in harmony with the Nundu suggests that its breath isn’t as deadly as many imagine. Still, one wouldn’t want to trust their fate in the hands of such a beast.

2 Blast-Ended Skrewt

blast-ended-skrewts from Harry Potter

A magical hybrid beast concocted by the legendary Hagrid himself, the Blast-Ended Skrewt is a cross-breed between Fire Crabs and Manticores. How those 2 can mate is left to the imagination. A native species of Hogwarts, the creature is something close to a living death machine with a covered carapace, stingers, and a rear-end that shoots fire. Females also had suckers along their bodies to suck blood.

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At birth, these creatures are quite harmless but upon reaching 2-6 months, they become lethal. An adult Blast-Ended Skrewt resembles a scorpion with the ability to propel themselves at foes with their blasts and an armored body that can deflect most spells. Their only vulnerability would be their underside. Hagrid was able to breed these creatures very quickly but fortunately, due to their aggressive nature, they most likely killed themselves off. It is unknown what became of the Skrewts and they may be now extinct.

1 The Lethifold (Living Shroud)

lethifold from Harry Potter

Imagine a Dementor but on steroids and you have a Lethifold. The creature is a carnivorous and exceptionally dangerous magical beast native to tropical regions. Extremely violent and aggressive, Lethifolds resemble a dark cloak and are known to have a taste for human flesh. Though rare, Lethifolds are devastating and an encounter most likely means death. They are known to hunt at night as their prey sleep (be it muggles or wizards), suffocating them before digesting their remains.

The only known survivor of a Lethifold attack was a wizard by the name of Flavius Belby who chanced upon one during a holiday in Papua New Guinea back in 1782. Fortunately, Flavius was not entirely asleep at the time and was able to wake up in time before he was Lethifold food. After several failed attempts to repel the Lethifold, Flavius managed to conjure a Patronus which drove off the creature. The Lethifold is likely related to the Dementor as both share similar movements and are vulnerable to the Patronus charm.

However, they are classed differently as Dementors are classified as non-beings whilst Lethifolds are considered to be beasts. Interestingly, Dementors are known to consume souls and aren’t found in the tropics whilst Lethifolds devour their victims but are only exclusive to tropical areas of the world. Having claimed countless victims, both wizards and muggles alike, the Lethifold remains one of the most dangerous magical creatures in existence.

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