Although many Harry Potter book lovers are horrified by the changes and omissions the movies made to the fan-favorite franchise, others are willing to accept that certain dramatic adaptations work better in the long run. Some literary oversights have led to unanswered questions or glaring plot holes, some of which no longer pose an issue to the Harry Potter Lore when the films are considered.

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The following article will solely focus on the original Harry Potter series (the first seven novels and eight films), and ignore the inconsistencies introduced with the Fantastic Beasts spin-off movies. Melding those two franchises is another issue on its own!

10 Hedwig's Heroic Death

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Hedwig Death

Losing a beloved companion is simply heartbreaking for anyone, but knowing Hedwig's death is merely a freak accident, one that occurs while she is trapped in a cage certainly adds salt to the wounds. The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, however, depicts the scene much differently and shines a heroic light on the iconic owl, who sacrifices her life to save Harry from the Death Eaters.

Not only does Hedwig streak past Harry to attack the assailant who is closing in (believed to be Selwyn) before circling back around again, just in time to shield Hagrid's flying motorcycle from the incoming Killing Curse. Taking the full brunt of the spell, Hedwig falls from the sky, allowing Harry to chance to escape the Death Eaters.

9 Harry's Resolve

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Harry Posessed by Voldemort

Both sources depict the epic engagement between Harry and Voldemort in a similar manner; however, The Order of the Phoenix film makes some adjustments to emphasize Harry's courage. During the duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore, the Dark Lord attempts to use Harry as bait by possessing him and urges the admirable Headmaster to slaughter his student.

Through all these years of suffering, Harry has maintained a rather positive and persistent attitude, made all the better thanks to his loved ones. However, the literary work depicts an unexpected suicidal streak, whereby Harry welcomes death as a means of reconnecting with Sirius (and his parents.) While this sacrifice may be honorable, it is very much out of character; even Regulus's locket doesn't push him as far over the edge. Changing the narrative to a more uplifting tale where Harry gains strength from the Power of Love might be cliché; however, it is also the whole reason he is The Boy Who Lived in the first place.

8 Bypassing the Blast-Ended Skrewts

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Hagrid

While not technically a plot hole, these absurdly explosive creatures get a great deal of attention in The Goblet of Fire literature, and for no apparent reason. These Manticore-Fire Crab hybrids torment the children with their explosive exploits and arguably make Hagrid's life a living hell, who is still adjusting to the whole Care of Magical Creatures profession.

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Hagrid already has a lot to deal with during this particular school year, what with Madame Maxime and Rita Skeeter sniffing around, and the antagonistic light that the Blast-Ended Skrewts shine on the scene doesn't improve matters. This whole sub-plot makes Hagrid look like a bit of a blundering fool; a tone which is thankfully not translated into the movie.

7 Professor McGonagall's Informative Lecture

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Professor McGonagall

Professor Binns is a rather insignificant and unreliable character, so why should he be trusted with the responsibility of informing the class (and audience) about The Chamber of Secrets? The ancient History of Magic Professor is barely aware of his students' existence and arguably never talks to them directly, save for spilling the tea about the Four Founding Fathers.

Professor McGonagall, on the other hand, is known for engaging with her class and is therefore a more suitable candidate to divulge these "secrets." Minerva also takes a more motherly approach when delivering the details in the films than Binns' nonchalant attitude, emphasizing her many admirable virtues in the process.

6 Voldemort's Definitive Demise

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Voldemort Death

Generally, when the supernatural realm is concerned, corpses can often be reanimated if certain safeguards aren't met (from headshots to cremations and more.) David Yates likely took this into account when making alterations to The Deathly Hallows storyline, deciding to end the Dark Lord's life with a more finite tone whereby he completely disintegrates into nothingness. A strong contrast to:

his body feeble and shrunken, the white hands empty, the snake-like face vacant and unknowing.

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There is little doubt in moviegoers' minds that this is the end of the line for Voldemort, whereas the novel leaves room for skepticism; the Darl Lord has arguably come back from worse. Maybe some tiny Horcrux fragment survived and is contributing to the Dark Lord's reawakening at this very moment.

5 The Triwizard Tournament

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed The First Task Triwizard Tournament Hungarian Horntail

Not all the cinematic changes to the Triwizard Tournament are beneficial to the storyline (Ludo Bagman's absence or the simplified Third Task, for instance); however, some alterations make a lot more sense. Allowing the powerful Hungarian Horntail to break free and rampage across the Hogwarts grounds is a testament to how dangerous this really dragon is (particularly in comparison to the others) and adds even more suspense to the First Task.

Harry discovers a way to survive the Second Task at the very last minute, thanks to some nifty Gillyweed. The Goblet of Fire novel gives Dobby the role of savior after the elf gets manipulated by Barty Crouch Jr. to steal the slimy plant from Professor Snape. Dobby has broken rules to save Harry in the past, but stealing seems like a bit of a reach, while Snape surely terries the house elf as much as Lucius does. Having Neville deliver the Gillyweed to Harry feels more natural, especially considering his pre-existing passion for Herbology.

4 Harry Confronts Snape

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Snape, Harry and McGonagall

While attempting to deter the Hogwarts students from aiding Harry in any way, Snape commandeers the Great Hall with his sinister, melancholic aura; quite fitting for current circumstances. Harry emerges out of nowhere and boldly confronts his foe with the iconic line: “How dare you stand where he stood?” before McGonagall and Snape begin dueling. Admitting defeat, Snape theatrically flees Hogwarts while everyone stares on in awe; leaving a more noteworthy exit scene for the formidable "traitor."

Things happen a lot more discretely in The Deathly Hallows literature, allowing Snape to sneak off the premises without calling any attention to himself, while his absence is only discovered much later. Permitting such a prominent figure to essentially fade into the background at this crucial stage is rather lackluster while gifting Harry his moment to vent at the tyrannous Snape is quite rewarding in its own right.

3 The Elder Wand Controversy

Harry Potter holds the elder wand outside of Hogwarts

Similarly to Vodemort's death scene, the book's vague conclusion regarding the Elder Wand's fate in doesn't sit well with all fans, who deem it to be rather open-ended. Burying the powerful wand with its rightful owner is both symbolic and likely offers closure around Dumbledore's death; however, there is still the possibility that someone might dig it up again one day. The Elder Wand is supposed to become powerless after Harry's passing, but is that a risk everyone is willing to take?

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Harry snapping the Wand in two during the The Deathly Hallows Part 2 causes some confusion regarding the miraculous repair work done on Harry's original wand; however, events happen off-screen all the time! At least this storyline ties up the Elder Wand's loose ends more conclusively, with a bit more dramatic flair to boot.

2 The Time-Turner

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed The Time Turner

Many book enthusiasts are caught completely off guard when the Time-Turner is revealed, having received no forewarning about Hermione's exploits beforehand. However, The Prisoner of Azkaban film drops multiple hints for viewers to assess relatively early on, including her iconic frizzy hair suddenly popping up out of nowhere as Hermione crams her class schedule into an impossible time frame.

Hermione also assists matters along by intervening on a few occasions, such as tossing ammonites fossils towards Hargrid's hut as a warning about the incoming visitors and channeling her inner werewolf by howling at the full moon, distracting Lupin enough for Padfoot to escape unscathed. Hermione also chooses her timing more carefully when punching Draco, making her time-traveling ventures significantly easier in the process.

1 Slughorn and Harry's Connection

Harry Potter Plot Holes That The Movies Fixed Slughorn's memory

Professor Slughorn is a rather unlikeable character with undeniably selfish intentions, so it comes as a complete surprise when he willingly hands over the cherished memory to Harry in The Half-Blood Prince. Although alcohol and Felix Felicis have a large part to play in Slughorn's cooperation, it's his bond with Harry that solidifies the deal, all thanks to the stellar impression Lily left on the Professor.

While the novel touches on the history between Harry's mother and teacher, the film goes into much more detail, heart-wrenchingly delivered by Slughorn himself as he fondly remembers the magic fish that Lily gifted him all those years ago. To admit that he helped Voldermort ascend to greatness is a secret Slughorn wished to take to his grave, and giving it up would not have come as easily as it did in the books.

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