
  • Dark creatures in Harry Potter , like trolls and dragons, are incredibly powerful and dangerous, often leading to fatal consequences.
  • Spells used to defeat these creatures require a high level of skill, as they are complex and complicated.
  • Creatures like werewolves and Dementors are not inherently evil, but their conditions and abilities make them dangers to others and require caution.

In the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, dark creatures are considered dangerous by the Ministry of Magic. These creatures are taught at Hogwarts for knowledge, but one is used in the Triwizard tournament, as well as to search for Azkaban escapees. No matter the precaution, these creatures are not to be messed with, as the repercussions can be highly deadly and fatal.

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The Harry Potter movies celebrate the holiday season with some great memorable moments, filled with festive cheer.

In Harry Potter, some of these creatures might be defeated with spells and escaping skills, but more often than not, they are undefeatable, leading to someone’s demise. Also, the use of spells to defeat such creatures needs a high level of skill, as the magic needed is truly complex and complicated.

7 Troll

Deadly Empty-Headed Creatures

An image of Harry Potter: troll

Nothing is scarier than a creature that does not understand his surroundings other than to inflict pain on others. Having an appetite for human flesh, trolls are strong, yet they lack intelligence. This is a dangerous combination as they do not have any understanding of remorse or strategies, they will destroy anything within their reach.

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This creature is first introduced in the Harry Potter universe in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, where Professor Quirell casts a spell and releases the troll that later will attack the golden trio in the girls' toilet. Fortunately for them, they defeated the troll, although they were just first-year students.

6 Dragon

Beware Of Their Fiery Breath

An image of Harry Potter: Dragons

In many cultures around the globe, dragons seem to have cemented their popularity and reputation as powerful magical creatures, including in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Many wizards and witches are fond of dragons, namely Rubeus Hagrid and Charlie Weasley.

They regarded dragons as widely “misunderstood” creatures, as some chose to still work with them, albeit highly risky. Dragons can breathe fire, with large wings and scales, sharing similar features with reptiles. Wizards and witches who are trained to care for and work with dragons are called dragonologists, with Romania as the center of this reserve. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, one of the tasks for the participants is stealing a golden egg that is kept by a dragon.

5 Inferi

Magical Zombies At Wizards Command

An image of Harry Potter: Inferi

Inferi is another vile creature that is not to be messed with. This dark creature is created from dead bodies, awakened by necromancy spells. The wizard or witch who did this spell usually had an ill intention, as can be seen from Voldemort in the First Wizarding War.

It is known that he created an army of Inferi to fight alongside him, defeating any enemy's insight. Inferi is described as a pale corpse-like creature, with violent tendencies and a lack of intelligence. The magic used to create it is highly complex, and by far only Voldemort has successfully created such an army, placed to guard the locket of Salazar Slytherin.

4 Werewolf

Dangerous But Heart-Shattering

An image of Harry Potter: Werewolf

A werewolf is considered as a dark creature that can shapeshift into a wolf-like creature on a full moon. Although dangerous, many wizards who are suffering from Lycanthropy, like Remus Lupin, did not have any intention of harming people. The condition made him forget his human qualities once he transformed, as the condition changed his brain chemistry.

Harry Potter: What Is The Difference Between An Animagus And A Werewolf?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban sheds light on the differences between an Animagus and a Werewolf in the wake of Lupin's arrival at Hogwarts.

In the franchise, the werewolf sickness is untreatable. However, the symptoms can be reduced with wolfsbane potion. One who consumes said potion will still transform into a werewolf on the full moon, but can still keep their human minds. J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, canonically said that lycanthropy is a metaphor for HIV/Aids, as the people who suffer from the illness face discrimination in their daily lives.

3 Acromantula

The King Of Spiders

An image of Harry Potter: Acromantula

Those who are scared of spiders, just like Ron Weasley, might want to skip this one, as Acromantula is one horrifying creature. Having an appetite for human flesh, Acromantula is classified as a magical beast, and breeding it is considered illegal. It is said that Acromantula originated from Southeast Asia, specifically in Borneo rainforests.

Acromantula is described as having similar features to wolf spiders, but only 10 times bigger. Although beastly, Rubeus Hagrid befriended one Acromantula that pledged its loyalty to him until the day the creature passed away. This creature is capable of speaking the human language and has cannibalistic tendencies. The venom is also highly valuable and has beneficial properties.

2 Basilisk

Classic Favorite For Dark Wizards

An image of Harry Potter: Basilisk

If snakes are already scary enough for many people, the Basilisk is on another level. This creature is a giant serpent with dangerous killing abilities. One who stares at the beast in its yellow glowing eyes will fall to their demise instantly, as can be seen from Moaning Myrtle’s death. Those who do not directly stare at the beast will be petrified, and can only be revived with potions made of mandrake juice.

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These pets may not get as much screen time as they deserve, but the domestic animals of the Wizarding World deserve all the praise.

Breeding of the deadly creature is illegal, although to breed one is quite simple. Basilisk is hatched from chicken eggs beneath a toad and is usually bred by Dark wizards. Salazar Slytherin brought the egg and placed it in the Chamber of Secrets, and it was later used by his descendant, Tom Riddle. He targeted muggle-born witches and wizards, rooting from his hatred towards them.

1 Dementor

The Foulest Dark Creatures

An image of Harry Potter: Dementors

Dementor is a violent creature that feeds on humans' happiness and souls and can lead to one’s demise. They are depicted as soaring creatures with shabby torn-apart cloaks and invisible faces. It is said that Dementors were born from human despair and degradation, and they can easily multiply if such conditions are maintained.

They are among the most intelligent and vilest creatures, and they do not hold any loyalty towards anyone. It seems that they only have allegiance with those who can feed them the most, making it highly dangerous and unpredictable. Dementors were used by the Ministry of Magic to guard the Prison of Azkaban but later dismissed after the Second Wizarding War. It is canon that Dementors are a metaphor for depression, as J.K. Rowling was going through depressive episodes while working on Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

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